docs/recipes/mysql.txt in capitate-0.2.3 vs docs/recipes/mysql.txt in capitate-0.2.5

- old
+ new

@@ -4,36 +4,20 @@ h2. Namespaces * "mysql:centos":mysql-centos.html (1) +* "mysql:monit":mysql-monit.html (1) h2. Tasks -* "mysql:install_monit":#mysql:install_monit * "mysql:setup":#mysql:setup h2. Task documentation -h3(#mysql:install_monit). mysql:install_monit - -Install mysql monit hooks. - -*db_port*: Mysql port. _Defaults to 3306_ - -*mysql_pid_path*: Path to mysql pid file. _Defaults to /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid_ - -@set :mysql_pid_path, "/var/run/mysqld/"@ - -*monit_conf_dir*: Destination for monitrc. _Defaults to "/etc/monit"_ - -@set :monit_conf_dir, "/etc/monit"@ - - - h3(#mysql:setup). mysql:setup Create database, database user, and set grant permissions. *db_name*: Database name (application). @@ -42,14 +26,14 @@ *db_pass*: Database password (application). *mysql_grant_locations*: Grant locations. _Defaults to localhost_ -@set :grant_locations, [ "localhost", "" ]@ +@set :mysql_grant_locations, [ "localhost", "" ]@ *mysql_grant_priv_type*: Grant privilege types. _Defaults to ALL_ -@set :grant_priv_type, "ALL"@ +@set :mysql_grant_priv_type, "ALL"@ *mysql_admin_password*: Mysql admin password (to use to connect). Defaults to password prompt. @set :mysql_admin_password, prompt.password('Mysql admin password: '))@