History.txt in capitate-0.2.8 vs History.txt in capitate-0.2.11
- old
+ new
@@ -1,4 +1,22 @@
+== 0.2.11 2008-03-25
+* Backgroundrb recipes and templates
+* Memcached yml template and recipe
+* Rails update code task
+== 0.2.9 <never>
+* SSH keygen and authorize key recipes
+* Updated rails:setup recipe to include option for specifying path to database yml template
+* Logrotate recipes
+* Plugin adds/changes:
+** utils.install_template
+** utils.append_to
+** utils.egrep
+** utils.exist?
== 0.2.8 2008-03-13
* Recipe, mysql:centos:install, doing restart incase already run
* Added sshd monit recipe. In case using non-standard sshd port
* Updated example deployment install script (centos 5.1 x86_64)