History.txt in capitate-0.2.5 vs History.txt in capitate-0.2.6

- old
+ new

@@ -1,4 +1,11 @@ +== 0.2.6 2008-02-29 + +* Fix SSH connect debug when connecting to more than 1 server. +* Added monit restart (hup) recipe. +* Mysql setup task, showing sql. Setting to :db role only. +* Capistrano patch: execute_on_servers_without_capitate(options, &block) to rescue Capistrano::NoMatchingServersError, and ignore as non-fatal + == 0.2.5 2008-02-28 * Adding application configuration for mongrel cluster monit setup. * Renaming recipes, using consistent names for namespaces. * Capistrano patch: if missing role, ignore the task instead of throwing error. \ No newline at end of file