spec/integration/dsl_spec.rb in capistrano-3.3.5 vs spec/integration/dsl_spec.rb in capistrano-3.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
before do
dsl.server 'example1.com', roles: %w{web}, active: true
dsl.server 'example2.com', roles: %w{web}
dsl.server 'example3.com', roles: %w{app web}, active: true
dsl.server 'example4.com', roles: %w{app}, primary: true
- dsl.server 'example5.com', roles: %w{db}, no_release: true
+ dsl.server 'example5.com', roles: %w{db}, no_release: true, active:true
describe 'fetching all servers' do
subject { dsl.roles(:all) }
@@ -239,29 +239,49 @@
dsl.role :app, %w{deployer@example1.com:1234}
dsl.role :app, %w{example1.com:5678}
describe 'fetching all servers' do
- subject { dsl.roles(:all).map { |server| "#{server.user}@#{server.hostname}:#{server.port}" } }
- it 'creates a server instance for each unique user@host:port combination' do
- expect(subject).to eq %w{db@example1.com:1234 root@example1.com:1234 @example1.com:5678 deployer@example1.com:1234}
+ it 'creates one server per hostname, ignoring user and port combinations' do
+ expect(dsl.roles(:all).size).to eq(1)
describe 'fetching servers for a role' do
it 'roles defined using the `server` syntax are included' do
- expect(dsl.roles(:web).size).to eq(2)
+ as = dsl.roles(:web).map { |server| "#{server.user}@#{server.hostname}:#{server.port}" }
+ expect(as.size).to eq(1)
+ expect(as[0]).to eq("deployer@example1.com:5678")
it 'roles defined using the `role` syntax are included' do
- expect(dsl.roles(:app).size).to eq(2)
+ as = dsl.roles(:app).map { |server| "#{server.user}@#{server.hostname}:#{server.port}" }
+ expect(as.size).to eq(1)
+ expect(as[0]).to eq("deployer@example1.com:5678")
+ describe 'when setting user and port' do
+ subject { dsl.roles(:all).map { |server| "#{server.user}@#{server.hostname}:#{server.port}" }.first }
+ describe "using the :user property" do
+ it "takes precedence over in the host string" do
+ dsl.server 'db@example1.com:1234', roles: %w{db}, active: true, user: 'brian'
+ expect(subject).to eq("brian@example1.com:1234")
+ end
+ end
+ describe "using the :port property" do
+ it "takes precedence over in the host string" do
+ dsl.server 'db@example1.com:9090', roles: %w{db}, active: true, port: 1234
+ expect(subject).to eq("db@example1.com:1234")
+ end
+ end
+ end
describe 'setting and fetching variables' do
before do
@@ -413,116 +433,10 @@
expect(backend.ssh_options[:auth_methods]).to eq %w(publickey password)
- describe 'release path' do
- before do
- dsl.set(:deploy_to, '/var/www')
- end
- describe 'fetching release path' do
- subject { dsl.release_path }
- context 'where no release path has been set' do
- before do
- dsl.delete(:release_path)
- end
- it 'returns the `current_path` value' do
- expect(subject.to_s).to eq '/var/www/current'
- end
- end
- context 'where the release path has been set' do
- before do
- dsl.set(:release_path, '/var/www/release_path')
- end
- it 'returns the set `release_path` value' do
- expect(subject.to_s).to eq '/var/www/release_path'
- end
- end
- end
- describe 'setting release path' do
- let(:now) { Time.parse("Oct 21 16:29:00 2015") }
- subject { dsl.release_path }
- context 'without a timestamp' do
- before do
- dsl.env.expects(:timestamp).returns(now)
- dsl.set_release_path
- end
- it 'returns the release path with the current env timestamp' do
- expect(subject.to_s).to eq '/var/www/releases/20151021162900'
- end
- end
- context 'with a timestamp' do
- before do
- dsl.set_release_path('timestamp')
- end
- it 'returns the release path with the timestamp' do
- expect(subject.to_s).to eq '/var/www/releases/timestamp'
- end
- end
- end
- describe 'setting deploy configuration path' do
- subject { dsl.deploy_config_path.to_s }
- context 'where no config path is set' do
- before do
- dsl.delete(:deploy_config_path)
- end
- it 'returns "config/deploy.rb"' do
- expect(subject).to eq 'config/deploy.rb'
- end
- end
- context 'where a custom path is set' do
- before do
- dsl.set(:deploy_config_path, 'my/custom/path.rb')
- end
- it 'returns the custom path' do
- expect(subject).to eq 'my/custom/path.rb'
- end
- end
- end
- describe 'setting stage configuration path' do
- subject { dsl.stage_config_path.to_s }
- context 'where no config path is set' do
- before do
- dsl.delete(:stage_config_path)
- end
- it 'returns "config/deploy"' do
- expect(subject).to eq 'config/deploy'
- end
- end
- context 'where a custom path is set' do
- before do
- dsl.set(:stage_config_path, 'my/custom/path')
- end
- it 'returns the custom path' do
- expect(subject).to eq 'my/custom/path'
- end
- end
- end
- end
describe 'local_user' do
before do
dsl.set :local_user, -> { Etc.getlogin }
@@ -603,8 +517,67 @@
ENV['HOSTS'] = 'example5.com'
ENV['ROLES'] = 'web'
+ end
+ describe 'role_properties()' do
+ before do
+ dsl.role :redis, %w[example1.com example2.com], redis: { port: 6379, type: :slave }
+ dsl.server 'example1.com', roles: %w{web}, active: true, web: { port: 80 }
+ dsl.server 'example2.com', roles: %w{web redis}, web: { port: 81 }, redis: { type: :master }
+ dsl.server 'example3.com', roles: %w{app}, primary: true
+ end
+ it 'retrieves properties for a single role as a set' do
+ rps = dsl.role_properties(:app)
+ expect(rps).to eq(Set[{ hostname: 'example3.com', role: :app}])
+ end
+ it 'retrieves properties for multiple roles as a set' do
+ rps = dsl.role_properties(:app, :web)
+ expect(rps).to eq(Set[{ hostname: 'example3.com', role: :app},{ hostname: 'example1.com', role: :web, port: 80},{ hostname: 'example2.com', role: :web, port: 81}])
+ end
+ it 'yields the properties for a single role' do
+ recipient = mock('recipient')
+ recipient.expects(:doit).with('example1.com', :redis, { port: 6379, type: :slave})
+ recipient.expects(:doit).with('example2.com', :redis, { port: 6379, type: :master})
+ dsl.role_properties(:redis) do |host, role, props|
+ recipient.doit(host, role, props)
+ end
+ end
+ it 'yields the properties for multiple roles' do
+ recipient = mock('recipient')
+ recipient.expects(:doit).with('example1.com', :redis, { port: 6379, type: :slave})
+ recipient.expects(:doit).with('example2.com', :redis, { port: 6379, type: :master})
+ recipient.expects(:doit).with('example3.com', :app, nil)
+ dsl.role_properties(:redis, :app) do |host, role, props|
+ recipient.doit(host, role, props)
+ end
+ end
+ it 'yields the merged properties for multiple roles' do
+ recipient = mock('recipient')
+ recipient.expects(:doit).with('example1.com', :redis, { port: 6379, type: :slave})
+ recipient.expects(:doit).with('example2.com', :redis, { port: 6379, type: :master})
+ recipient.expects(:doit).with('example1.com', :web, { port: 80 })
+ recipient.expects(:doit).with('example2.com', :web, { port: 81 })
+ dsl.role_properties(:redis, :web) do |host, role, props|
+ recipient.doit(host, role, props)
+ end
+ end
+ it 'honours a property filter before yielding' do
+ recipient = mock('recipient')
+ recipient.expects(:doit).with('example1.com', :redis, { port: 6379, type: :slave})
+ recipient.expects(:doit).with('example1.com', :web, { port: 80 })
+ dsl.role_properties(:redis, :web, select: :active) do |host, role, props|
+ recipient.doit(host, role, props)
+ end
+ end