lib/capistrano/templates/sidekiq_monit.conf.erb in capistrano-sidekiq-0.3.7 vs lib/capistrano/templates/sidekiq_monit.conf.erb in capistrano-sidekiq-0.3.8
- old
+ new
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
# Monit configuration for Sidekiq : <%= fetch(:application) %>
<% processes_pids.each_with_index do |pid_file, idx| %>
check process <%= sidekiq_service_name(idx) %>
with pidfile "<%= pid_file %>"
- start program = "/usr/bin/sudo -u <%= @role.user %> /bin/bash -c 'cd <%= current_path %> && <%= SSHKit.config.command_map[:bundle] %> exec sidekiq <% if fetch(:sidekiq_config) %> -C <%= fetch(:sidekiq_config) %> <% end %> -P <%= pid_file %>' -d" with timeout 30 seconds
- stop program = "/usr/bin/sudo -u <%= @role.user %> /bin/bash -c 'cd <%= current_path %> && <%= SSHKit.config.command_map[:bundle] %> exec sidekiqctl stop <%= pid_file %>'" with timeout <%= fetch(:sidekiq_timeout).to_i + 10 %> seconds
+ start program = "/bin/su - <%= @role.user %> -c 'cd <%= current_path %> && <%= SSHKit.config.command_map[:bundle] %> exec sidekiq <%= sidekiq_config %> --index <%= idx %> --pidfile <%= pid_file %> --environment <%= fetch(:sidekiq_env) %> <%= sidekiq_concurrency %> <%= sidekiq_logfile %> <%= sidekiq_queues %>'" with timeout 30 seconds
+ stop program = "/bin/su - <%= @role.user %> -c 'cd <%= current_path %> && <%= SSHKit.config.command_map[:bundle] %> exec sidekiqctl stop <%= pid_file %>'" with timeout <%= fetch(:sidekiq_timeout).to_i + 10 %> seconds
group <%= fetch(:sidekiq_monit_group, fetch(:application)) %>-sidekiq
<% end %>