in capistrano-rbenv-0.0.7 vs in capistrano-rbenv-0.0.8
- old
+ new
@@ -30,10 +30,9 @@
* `:rbenv_branch` - the git branch to install `rbenv` from. use `master` by default.
* `:rbenv_bundler_gem` - package name of `bundler`.
* `:rbenv_bundler_version` - version for `bundler` package.
* `:rbenv_cmd` - the `rbenv` command.
* `:rbenv_path` - the path where `rbenv` will be installed. use `$HOME/.rbenv` by default.
- * `:rbenv_plugins_options` - install options for rbenv plugins.
* `:rbenv_plugins` - rbenv plugins to install. install `ruby-build` by default.
* `:rbenv_repository` - repository URL of rbenv.
* `:rbenv_ruby_dependencies` - dependency packages.
* `:rbenv_ruby_version` - the ruby version to install. install `1.9.3-p194` by default.
* `:rbenv_use_bundler` - controls whether installing bundler or not. `true` by default.