Rakefile in capistrano-pumaio-0.0.18 vs Rakefile in capistrano-pumaio-3.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -4,34 +4,36 @@
require 'bundler'
Bundler.setup(:default, :development)
rescue Bundler::BundlerError => e
$stderr.puts e.message
- $stderr.puts "Run `bundle install` to install missing gems"
+ $stderr.puts 'Run `bundle install` to install missing gems'
exit e.status_code
require 'rake'
require 'jeweler'
Jeweler::Tasks.new do |gem|
# gem is a Gem::Specification... see http://docs.rubygems.org/read/chapter/20 for more options
- gem.name = "capistrano-pumaio"
- gem.homepage = "https://github.com/leifcr/capistrano-puma"
- gem.license = "MIT"
- gem.summary = %Q{Capistrano recipes for puma using runit and monit}
- gem.description = %Q{Capistrano recipes for puma using runit and monit.}
- gem.email = "leifcr@gmail.com"
- gem.authors = ["Leif Ringstad"]
- gem.files.exclude ".ruby-*"
+ gem.name = 'capistrano-pumaio'
+ gem.homepage = 'https://github.com/leifcr/capistrano-puma'
+ gem.license = 'MIT'
+ gem.summary = 'Capistrano recipes for puma using runit and monit'
+ gem.description = 'Capistrano recipes for puma using runit and monit. Includes nginx recipes for the app server.'
+ gem.email = 'leifcr@gmail.com'
+ gem.authors = ['Leif Ringstad']
+ gem.files.exclude '.ruby-*'
+ gem.files.exclude '*.sublime-project'
+ gem.files.exclude '.rubocop.yml'
# dependencies defined in Gemfile
# require 'rdoc/task'
# Rake::RDocTask.new do |rdoc|
-# version = File.exist?('VERSION') ? File.read('VERSION') : ""
+# version = File.exist?('VERSION') ? File.read('VERSION') : ''
# rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'rdoc'
-# rdoc.title = "capistrano-empty #{version}"
+# rdoc.title = 'capistrano-empty #{version}'
# rdoc.rdoc_files.include('README*')
# rdoc.rdoc_files.include('lib/**/*.rb')
# end
\ No newline at end of file