lib/capistrano/multiconfig/configurations.rb in capistrano-multiconfig-0.0.4 vs lib/capistrano/multiconfig/configurations.rb in capistrano-multiconfig-3.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,90 +1,49 @@
-Capistrano::Configuration.instance(true).load do
- # configurations root directory
- config_root = File.expand_path(fetch(:config_root, "config/deploy"))
+module Capistrano
+ module Multiconfig
+ class Configurations
+ def self.find_names(root_path)
+ new(root_path).find_names
+ end
- # list of configurations files
- config_files = Dir["#{config_root}/**/*.rb"]
+ attr_reader :root_path
- # remove configuration file if it's part of another configuration
- config_files.reject! do |config_file|
- config_dir = config_file.gsub(/\.rb$/, '/')
- config_files.any? { |file| file[0, config_dir.size] == config_dir }
- end
+ def initialize(root_path)
+ @root_path = root_path
+ end
- # build configuration names list
- config_names = do |config_file|
- config_file.sub("#{config_root}/", '').sub(/\.rb$/, '').gsub('/', ':')
- end
- # ensure that configuration segments don't override any method, task or namespace
- config_names.each do |config_name|
- config_name.split(':').each do |segment|
- if all_methods.any? { |m| m == segment }
- raise ArgumentError,
- "Config task #{config_name} name overrides #{segment.inspect} (method|task|namespace)"
+ # find configuration names
+ def find_names
+ files = scan_files
+ files.sort!
+ remove_shared_files!(files)
+ build_names(files)
- end
- end
- # create configuration task for each configuration name
- config_names.each do |config_name|
- segments = config_name.split(':')
- namespace_names = segments[0, segments.size - 1]
- task_name = segments.last
+ private
- # create configuration task block.
- # NOTE: Capistrano 'namespace' DSL invokes instance_eval that
- # that pass evaluable object as argument to block.
- block = lambda do |parent|
- desc "Load #{config_name} configuration"
- task(task_name) do
- # set configuration name as :config_name variable
- top.set(:config_name, config_name)
+ # Scan recursively root path
+ def scan_files
+ Dir["#{root_path}/**/*.rb"]
+ end
- # recursively load configurations
- segments.size.times do |i|
- path = ([config_root] + segments[0..i]).join('/') + '.rb'
- top.load(:file => path) if File.exists?(path)
+ # Remove path when there is the same directory with child.
+ #
+ # app/staging.rb (is shared configuration for 'alpha' and 'beta')
+ # app/staging/alpha.rb
+ # app/staging/beta.rb
+ def remove_shared_files!(files)
+ files.reject! do |file|
+ dir = file.gsub(/\.rb$/, '/')
+ files.any? { |f| f[0, dir.size] == dir }
- end
- # wrap task block into namespace blocks
- #
- # namespace_names = [nsN, ..., ns2, ns1]
- #
- # block = block0 = lambda do |parent|
- # desc "DESC"
- # task(:task_name) { TASK }
- # end
- # block = block1 = lambda { |parent| parent.namespace(:ns1, &block0) }
- # block = block2 = lambda { |parent| parent.namespace(:ns2, &block1) }
- # ...
- # block = blockN = lambda { |parent| parent.namespace(:nsN, &blockN-1) }
- #
- block = namespace_names.reverse.inject(block) do |child, name|
- lambda do |parent|
- parent.namespace(name, &child)
+ # Convert "app/blog/production" to "app:blog:production"
+ def build_names(files)
+ do |file|
+ file.sub("#{root_path}/", '').sub(/\.rb$/, '').gsub('/', ':')
+ end
- # create namespaced configuration task
- #
- # block = lambda do
- # namespace :nsN do
- # ...
- # namespace :ns2 do
- # namespace :ns1 do
- # desc "DESC"
- # task(:task_name) { TASK }
- # end
- # end
- # ...
- # end
- # end
- # set configuration names list
- set(:config_names, config_names)