lib/capistrano-kyan/capistrano_integration.rb in capistrano-kyan-0.2.11 vs lib/capistrano-kyan/capistrano_integration.rb in capistrano-kyan-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -4,11 +4,10 @@
module CapistranoKyan
class CapistranoIntegration
- 'kyan:db:setup',
@@ -140,42 +139,9 @@
# database.yml cap tasks
namespace :db do
- desc <<-DESC
- Creates a database.yml file in the apps shared path.
- task :setup, :except => { :no_release => true } do
- require 'digest/sha1'
- app = appize(application, fetch(:stage))
- database = fetch(:db_database, app)
- username = fetch(:db_username, app)
- password = Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask("DB password for #{database} (empty for default): ")
- password = password.empty? ? Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(database) : password
- default_template = <<-EOF
- base: &base
- encoding: utf8
- adapter: postgresql
- pool: <%= fetch(:db_pool, 5) %>
- host: <%= fetch(:db_host, 'localhost') %>
- <%= fetch(:stage) %>:
- database: <%= database %>
- username: <%= username %>
- password: <%= password %>
- <<: *base
- location = fetch(:template_dir, "config/deploy") + '/database.yml.erb'
- template = File.file?(location) ? : default_template
- config =, nil , '-')
- run "mkdir -p #{shared_path}/config"
- put config.result(binding), "#{shared_path}/config/database.yml"
- end
# Updates the symlink for database.yml file to the just deployed release.
task :symlink, :except => { :no_release => true } do
path_to_appl_database_yml = "#{release_path}/config/database.yml"