lib/capistrano/foreman.rb in capistrano-foreman-1.0.0 vs lib/capistrano/foreman.rb in capistrano-foreman-1.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,44 +2 @@
-Capistrano::Configuration.instance(:must_exist).load do |configuration|
- _cset :foreman_sudo, "sudo"
- _cset :foreman_upstart_path, "/etc/init/sites"
- _cset :foreman_options, {}
- _cset :foreman_use_binstubs, false
- namespace :foreman do
- desc "Export the Procfile to Ubuntu's upstart scripts"
- task :export, roles: :app do
- cmd = foreman_use_binstubs ? 'bin/foreman' : 'bundle exec foreman'
- run "if [[ -d #{foreman_upstart_path} ]]; then #{foreman_sudo} mkdir -p #{foreman_upstart_path}; fi"
- run "cd #{release_path} && #{foreman_sudo} #{cmd} export upstart #{foreman_upstart_path} #{format(options)}"
- end
- desc "Start the application services"
- task :start, roles: :app do
- sudo "service #{options[:app]} start"
- end
- desc "Stop the application services"
- task :stop, roles: :app do
- sudo "service #{options[:app]} stop"
- end
- desc "Restart the application services"
- task :restart, roles: :app do
- run "sudo service #{options[:app]} start || sudo service #{options[:app]} restart"
- end
- def options
- {
- app: application,
- log: "#{shared_path}/log",
- user: user
- }.merge foreman_options
- end
- def format opts
- { |opt, value| "--#{opt}='#{value}'" }.join " "
- end
- end
+load File.expand_path('../tasks/foreman.rb', __FILE__)