lib/capistrano/tasks/wp.cap in capistrano-cul-0.0.17 vs lib/capistrano/tasks/wp.cap in capistrano-cul-0.0.18
- old
+ new
@@ -1,253 +1,64 @@
-CUL_ALLOWED_UPLOAD_TYPES_PLUGIN_NAME = 'cul-allowed-upload-types'
+set :cul_allowed_upload_types_version, 'v0.5.0' # can be overridden by an app's deploy.rb file
+set :cul_allowed_upload_types_plugin_name, 'cul-allowed-upload-types'
+set :cul_allowed_upload_types_downloaded_plugin_path, ->{current_path.join(fetch(:cul_allowed_upload_types_plugin_name))} # can be overridden by an app's deploy.rb file
-# Set cul_allowed_uplaod_types_version here so it can be overridden by env config
-set :cul_allowed_uplaod_types_version, 'v0.5.0'
namespace :cul do
namespace :wp do
- before 'deploy:starting', 'cul:wp:display_maintenance_mode_warning'
- after 'deploy:starting', 'cul:wp:enable_maintenance_mode'
- after 'deploy:starting', 'cul:wp:update_cul_allowed_upload_types_plugin'
- after :deploy, 'cul:wp:symlink_custom_plugins_and_themes'
- after :deploy, 'cul:wp:disable_maintenance_mode'
- desc "Displays a message to the deploying user about how to disable maintenance mode"
- task :display_maintenance_mode_warning do
- puts color_text("WARNING: Starting a deployment will set WordPress to maintenance mode. If you cancel deployment mid-way through, you'll need to manually disable maintenance mode by running: cap [env] cul:wp:disable_maintenance_mode")
- end
+ set :maintenance_file_path, ->{
+ require_cap_variables!([:wp_docroot])
+ File.join(fetch(:wp_docroot), '.maintenance')
+ }
desc "Enables maintenance mode for the WordPress site in the deploy environment"
task :enable_maintenance_mode do
- path_to_maintenance_file = maintenance_file_path # save path to local variable because we can't call method inside `on roles(:web)`
on roles(:web) do
within fetch(:wp_docroot) do
# Set maintenance $upgrading value to current time.
# Note that WordPress will ignore maintenance mode file
# after 10 minutes have passed after the maintenance time
# we set in the file.
- execute :echo, "'<?php $upgrading = #{};'", '>', path_to_maintenance_file
+ execute :echo, "'<?php $upgrading = #{};'", '>', fetch(:maintenance_file_path)
puts color_text("Maintenance mode enabled!")
desc "Disable maintenance mode for the WordPress site in the deploy environment"
task :disable_maintenance_mode do
- path_to_maintenance_file = maintenance_file_path # save path to local variable because we can't call method inside `on roles(:web)`
on roles(:web) do
within fetch(:wp_docroot) do
- if test("[ -f #{path_to_maintenance_file} ]")
- execute :rm, path_to_maintenance_file
+ if test("[ -f #{fetch(:maintenance_file_path)} ]")
+ execute :rm, fetch(:maintenance_file_path)
puts "No maintenance file found, so there's nothing to delete."
puts color_text("Maintenance mode disabled!")
- desc "Creates symlinks for custom plugins and themes as part of a WordPress deployment. Generally run as an `after :deploy` hook."
- task :symlink_custom_plugins_and_themes do
- symlink_custom_plugins_and_themes
- end
+ desc "Runs a search and replace operation on the tables in a WordPress installation"
+ task :searchreplace do
- # Runs normal deploy task, downloads new copy of WP, sets up docroot, runs
- # deploy command, sets up symlinks. Does not run WP install and does not
- # create any wp users.
- desc "Sets up a WordPress docroot and runs deployment; does not install wordpress and does not create any users"
- task :setup do
- puts "Deploying repo branch: #{fetch(:branch)}"
+ set :search_string, ask("search string")
+ set :replacement_string, ask("replacement string")
- set :wp_version, ask('WordPress version to download:', 'latest')
- # Printing out wp_version here because the `set` command above only runs
- # the first time its associated symbol is referenced, and we want to
- # capture version before running any other commands.
- puts "Setting up wp_version: #{fetch(:wp_version)}"
- require_cap_params!([:branch, :wp_version, :wp_docroot, :wp_content_path])
- on roles(:web) do
- wp_docroot_wp_config_file_path = File.join(fetch(:wp_docroot), 'wp-config.php')
- wp_docroot_robots_txt_file_path = File.join(fetch(:wp_docroot), 'robots.txt')
- wp_docroot_wp_content_path = File.join(fetch(:wp_docroot), 'wp-content')
- shared_wp_config_file_path = shared_path.join('wp-config.php')
- shared_robots_txt_file_path = shared_path.join('robots.txt')
- wp_content_path = fetch(:wp_content_path)
- # Create nginx logs directory if it doesn't already exist
- execute :mkdir, '-p', deploy_path.join('logs')
- # Make full path to wp_docroot directory if not exist
- execute :mkdir, '-p', fetch(:wp_docroot)
- # Make full path to wp_content_path if not exist
- execute :mkdir, '-p', wp_content_path
- invoke 'deploy' # Deploy before doing setup
- # If wp_docroot/wp-includes does not exist, do wordpress download
- unless test("[ -d #{File.join(fetch(:wp_docroot), 'wp-includes')} ]")
- # Download and unpack new WP instance to wp_docroot
- execute :wp, 'core', ['download', "--version=#{fetch(:wp_version)}", "--path=#{fetch(:wp_docroot)}"]
- end
- # Check for wp-config.php file in shared. Create if it doesn't exist.
- unless test("[ -f #{shared_wp_config_file_path} ]")
- # If no wp-config.php file is found in the 'shared' directory, copy WordPress built-in wp-config-sample.php to there
- execute :cp, File.join(fetch(:wp_docroot), 'wp-config-sample.php'), shared_wp_config_file_path
- end
- # Delete original wp-sample-config.php
- execute :rm, '-f', File.join(fetch(:wp_docroot), 'wp-config-sample.php')
- # Create symlink for wp_document_root wp-config.php to 'shared' version.
- execute :ln, '-sf', shared_wp_config_file_path, wp_docroot_wp_config_file_path
- # Check for robots.txt file in shared. Create if it doesn't exist.
- unless test("[ -f #{shared_robots_txt_file_path} ]")
- execute "echo -e \"User-agent: *\nDisallow: /\" > #{shared_robots_txt_file_path}"
- end
- # Create symlink for wp_document_root robots.txt to 'shared' version.
- execute :ln, '-sf', shared_robots_txt_file_path, wp_docroot_robots_txt_file_path
- # Check for actual wp-content directory at wp_content_path. Create if it doesn't exist.
- unless test("[ -d #{wp_content_path} ]")
- # If no wp-config.php file is found in the 'shared' directory, copy WordPress built-in wp-config-sample.php to there
- execute :cp, '-r', wp_docroot_wp_content_path, wp_content_path
- end
- # Delete original wp-content directory
- execute :rm, '-rf', wp_docroot_wp_content_path
- # Create symlink for wp_document_root wp-content to wp_content_path
- execute :ln, '-sf', wp_content_path, wp_docroot_wp_content_path
+ unless enter_y_to_continue(color_text("This will replace all occurrences of \"#{fetch(:search_string)}\" with \"#{fetch(:replacement_string)}\"."))
+ puts 'Search and replace cancelled because "y" was not entered.'
+ next
- symlink_custom_plugins_and_themes
- end
- desc "Runs a WordPress installation for a newly set up instance and creates a new admin user"
- task :install do
- puts "Please provide administrative credentials:"
- ask(:admin_user, "Admin username:")
- ask(:admin_password, "Admin password:", echo: false)
- ask(:admin_email, "Admin email:")
- require_cap_params!([:url, :title, :admin_user, :admin_password, :admin_email])
on roles(:web) do
within fetch(:wp_docroot) do
- execute :wp, 'core', fetch(:multisite) ? 'multisite-install' : 'install',
- "--url='#{fetch(:url)}'",
- "--title='#{fetch(:title)}'",
- "--admin_user='#{fetch(:admin_user)}'",
- "--admin_password='#{fetch(:admin_password)}'",
- "--admin_email='#{fetch(:admin_email)}'"
- end
- end
- end
- def self.require_cap_params!(vars)
- validate vars do |key, value|
- if value.nil? || value.empty?
- raise Capistrano::ValidationError, "Missing required parameter #{key}"
- end
- end
- end
- def self.symlink_custom_plugins_and_themes
- on roles(:web) do
- wp_content_path = fetch(:wp_content_path)
- wp_content_plugin_path = File.join(wp_content_path, 'plugins')
- wp_content_mu_plugin_path = File.join(wp_content_path, 'mu-plugins')
- wp_content_themes_path = File.join(wp_content_path, 'themes')
- if test("[ -d #{wp_content_path} ]")
- ### Create necessary directories
- execute :mkdir, '-p', wp_content_plugin_path
- execute :mkdir, '-p', wp_content_mu_plugin_path
- execute :mkdir, '-p', wp_content_themes_path
- ### Remove old symlinks
- [wp_content_plugin_path, wp_content_mu_plugin_path, wp_content_themes_path].each do |dir|
- execute :find, dir, '-maxdepth 1', '-type l', '-exec rm {} \;'
- end
- ### Add latest symlinks
- fetch(:wp_custom_plugins, {}).each do |plugin, repo_relative_path|
- execute :ln, '-sf', File.join(current_path, repo_relative_path), File.join(wp_content_plugin_path, plugin)
- end
- fetch(:wp_custom_mu_plugins, {}).each do |mu_plugin, repo_relative_path|
- execute :ln, '-sf', File.join(current_path, repo_relative_path), File.join(wp_content_mu_plugin_path, mu_plugin)
- end
- fetch(:wp_custom_themes, {}).each do |theme, repo_relative_path|
- execute :ln, '-sf', File.join(current_path, repo_relative_path), File.join(wp_content_themes_path, theme)
- end
- ### Also symlink to cul-allowed-upload-types plugin files
- within deploy_path do
- cul_allowed_upload_types_plugin_top_level_files_and_dirs = capture(:find, CUL_ALLOWED_UPLOAD_TYPES_PLUGIN_NAME, '-mindepth', '2', '-maxdepth', '2').split("\n")
- # Symlink all plugin files and directories
- cul_allowed_upload_types_plugin_top_level_files_and_dirs.each do |plugin_file_or_directory_path|
- #puts 'Run: ' + [:ln, '-sf', File.join(deploy_path, plugin_file_or_directory_path), File.join(wp_content_mu_plugin_path, File.basename(plugin_file_or_directory_path))].join(' ')
- execute :ln, '-sf', File.join(deploy_path, plugin_file_or_directory_path), File.join(wp_content_mu_plugin_path, File.basename(plugin_file_or_directory_path))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- desc "Downloads the latest version of the cul-allowed-upload-types plugin"
- task :update_cul_allowed_upload_types_plugin do
- # Download plugin to deploy_path
- on roles(:web) do
- within deploy_path do
- # Clear out old plugin directory if it exists
- # Re-create plugin directory and temp dir inside of it
- allowed_upload_types_tempdir = File.join(CUL_ALLOWED_UPLOAD_TYPES_PLUGIN_NAME, 'tmp')
- execute :mkdir, '-p', allowed_upload_types_tempdir
- # Download and unzip plugin
- allowed_upload_types_temp_zipfile = File.join(allowed_upload_types_tempdir, '')
- zip_file_name = "#{fetch(:cul_allowed_uplaod_types_version)}.zip"
- execute :curl, '-L', '--silent', '-o', allowed_upload_types_temp_zipfile, "#{CUL_ALLOWED_UPLOAD_TYPES_REPO_URL}/archive/#{zip_file_name}"
- execute :unzip, allowed_upload_types_temp_zipfile, '-d', CUL_ALLOWED_UPLOAD_TYPES_PLUGIN_NAME
- # Delete temp dir after unzip
- execute :rm, '-rf', allowed_upload_types_tempdir
- # Remove .gitignore file from plugin directory so we don't symlink to it later
- execute :find, CUL_ALLOWED_UPLOAD_TYPES_PLUGIN_NAME, '-name', '.gitignore', '-delete'
- end
- end
- end
- desc "Runs a search and replace operation on the tables in a WordPress installation"
- task :searchreplace do
- on roles(:web) do
- within fetch(:wp_docroot) do
- set :search_string, ask("search string")
- set :replacement_string, ask("replacement string")
- puts "Are you sure you want to replace all occurrences of \"#{fetch(:search_string)}\" with \"#{fetch(:replacement_string)}\"?"
- set :confirm, ask('"y" or "yes" to continue')
- unless ['y', 'yes'].include?(fetch(:confirm))
- puts 'Search and replace operation has been cancelled because neither "y" nor "yes" were entered.'
- next
- end
puts 'Running search and replace. This may take a while for large databases...'
start_time =
if fetch(:multisite, false)
- puts "Since this is a multisite, you'll need to specify the source multisite instance domain to continue:"
- set :multisite_url, ask('source multisite instance domain (e.g.')
+ puts "Since this is a multisite, you'll need to specify the original multisite instance domain to continue:"
+ set :multisite_url, ask('original multisite instance domain (e.g.')
execute :wp, "--url=#{fetch(:multisite_url)}", 'search-replace', "'#{fetch(:search_string)}'", "'#{fetch(:replacement_string)}'", '--all-tables', '--skip-columns=guid'
execute :wp, 'search-replace', "'#{fetch(:search_string)}'", "'#{fetch(:replacement_string)}'", '--skip-columns=guid'
@@ -255,21 +66,23 @@
puts "Search and replace complete (took #{( - start_time).to_s} seconds)"
- def self.cul_allowed_upload_types_plugin_path
+ def self.require_dest_wp_domain_if_multisite!
+ if(fetch(:multisite))
+ puts "Since this is a multisite, you'll need to specify the DESTINATION instance domain to continue:"
+ set :dest_multisite_domain, ask('destination multisite instance domain (e.g.')
+ require_cap_variables!([:dest_multisite_domain])
+ end
- def self.maintenance_file_path
- File.join(fetch(:wp_docroot), '.maintenance')
- end
- def self.color_text(message, color_number=35)
- text_color = "\e[#{color_number}m"
- default_color = "\e[0m"
- text_color + message + default_color
+ def self.require_src_wp_domain_if_multisite!
+ if(fetch(:multisite))
+ puts "Since this is a multisite, you'll need to specify the SOURCE instance domain to continue:"
+ set :src_multisite_domain, ask('source multisite instance domain (e.g.')
+ require_cap_variables!([:src_multisite_domain])
+ end