in capistrano-cable-0.1.0 vs in capistrano-cable-0.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
# Capistrano::Cable
**Capistrano::Cable** helps to deploy standalone ActionCable server with Puma over `systemd`.
+It doesn't use a specific `puma.rb` for Puma configuration, it relies on given options.
## Installation
Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:
@@ -36,31 +37,32 @@
require 'capistrano/cable'
install_plugin Capistrano::Cable
### Config
+Many options are available to customize the cable server configuration. Here are the main ones:
# config/deploy.rb or config/deploy/<stage>.rb
set :cable_role, :web
+set :cable_port, 29292
+# set :cable_ssl_certificate
+# set :cable_ssl_certificate_key
+set :cable_rackup_file, 'cable/'
+set :cable_dir, -> { File.join(release_path, "cable") }
+set :cable_pidfile, -> { File.join(shared_path, "tmp", "pids", "") }
set :cable_env, -> { fetch(:rack_env, fetch(:rails_env, fetch(:stage))) }
-set :cable_access_log, -> { File.join(shared_path, 'log', 'cable.log') }
-set :cable_error_log, -> { File.join(shared_path, 'log', 'cable.log') }
-set :cable_systemctl_bin, -> { fetch(:systemctl_bin, '/bin/systemctl') }
-set :cable_service_unit_name, -> { "#{fetch(:application)}_cable_#{fetch(:stage)}" }
-set :cable_enable_socket_service, false
-# set :cable_bind, ... # Example: ->{ "unix:/path/to/cable.sock" }
+set :cable_access_log, -> { File.join(shared_path, "log", "cable.access.log") }
+set :cable_error_log, -> { File.join(shared_path, "log", "cable.error.log") }
+set :cable_phased_restart, true
set :cable_service_unit_env_files, -> { fetch(:service_unit_env_files, []) }
set :cable_service_unit_env_vars, -> { fetch(:service_unit_env_vars, []) }
-set :cable_systemctl_user, -> { fetch(:systemctl_user, :user) }
-set :cable_enable_lingering, -> { fetch(:cable_systemctl_user) != :system }
-set :cable_lingering_user, -> { fetch(:lingering_user, fetch(:user)) }
-set :cable_service_templates_path, fetch(:service_templates_path, 'config/deploy/templates')
+set :cable_service_templates_path, fetch(:service_templates_path, "config/deploy/templates")
+See Capistrao::Cable::Systemd#set_defaults for more details.
+To enable SSL, set the `cable_ssl_certificate` and `cable_ssl_certificate_key` options.
+The both are required to enable SSL.
## Development
After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake test` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.