lib/ash/magento.rb in capistrano-ash-1.1.17 vs lib/ash/magento.rb in capistrano-ash-1.1.18
- old
+ new
@@ -121,7 +121,36 @@
puts "#{channel[:host]}: #{data}"
break if stream == :err
+ # --------------------------------------------
+ # Override the base.rb backup tasks
+ # --------------------------------------------
+ namespace :backup do
+ desc "Perform a backup of ONLY database SQL files"
+ task :default do
+ deploy.setup_backup
+ db
+ cleanup
+ end
+ desc "Perform a backup of database files"
+ task :db, :roles => :db do
+ if previous_release
+ puts "Backing up the database now and putting dump file in the #{stage}/backups directory"
+ # define the filename (dump the SQL file directly to the backups directory)
+ filename = "#{backups_path}/#{dbname}_dump-#{ /, "_")}.sql.gz"
+ # dump the database for the proper environment
+ run "#{mysqldump} #{dump_options} -u #{dbuser} -p #{dbname} | gzip -c --best > #{filename}" do |ch, stream, out|
+ ch.send_data "#{dbpass}\n" if out =~ /^Enter password:/
+ end
+ else
+ logger.important "no previous release to backup to; backup of database skipped"
+ end
+ end
+ end