lib/candy/crunch.rb in candy-0.2.9 vs lib/candy/crunch.rb in candy-0.2.10
- old
+ new
@@ -94,10 +94,12 @@
# All of the hard crunchy bits that connect us to a collection within a Mongo database.
module Crunch
+ autoload :Document, 'candy/crunch/document'
module ClassMethods
# Returns the connection you gave, or uses the application-level Candy collection.
def connection
@connection ||= Candy.connection
@@ -225,62 +227,9 @@
# can override it on a per-object basis if you need to.
def collection=(val)
@__candy_collection = val
- # Returns the listed fields of the document. If no fields are given, returns the whole document.
- def retrieve(*fields)
- options = (fields.empty? ? {} : {fields: fields})
- from_candy(collection.find_one({'_id' => id}, options)) if id
- end
- # A generic updater that performs the atomic operation specified on a value nested arbitrarily deeply.
- # Operates in "unsafe" mode, meaning that no document errors will be returned and results are not
- # guaranteed. The benefit is that it's very, very fast. Always returns true.
- def operate!(operator, fields)
- operate operator, fields, {safe: false} and true
- end
- # A generic updater that performs the atomic operation specified on a value nested arbitrarily deeply.
- #
- def operate(operator, fields, options={safe: true})
- if @__candy_parent
- @__candy_parent.operate operator, embedded(fields), options
- else
- @__candy_id = collection.insert({}) unless id # Ensure we have something to update
- collection.update({'_id' => id}, {"$#{operator}" => Wrapper.wrap(fields)}, options)
- end
- end
- # Given a hash of property/value pairs, sets those values in Mongo using the atomic $set if
- # we have a document ID. Otherwise inserts them and sets the object's ID. Operates in
- # 'unsafe' mode, so database exceptions are not reported but updates are very fast.
- def set!(fields)
- operate! :set, fields
- end
- # Given a hash of property/value pairs, sets those values in Mongo using the atomic $set if
- # we have a document ID. Otherwise inserts them and sets the object's ID. Returns the
- # values passed to it.
- def set(fields)
- operate :set, fields
- fields
- end
- # Increments the specified field by the specified amount (defaults to 1). Does not return the
- # new value or any document errors.
- def inc!(field, value=1)
- operate! :inc, field: value
- end
- # Increments the specified field by the specified amount (defaults to 1) and returns the
- # new value.
- def inc(field, value=1)
- operate :inc, field => value
- retrieve(field)[field]
- end
def self.included(receiver)
receiver.extend ClassMethods
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