app/controllers/plugins/ecommerce/front/checkout_controller.rb in camaleon_ecommerce-0.0.4 vs app/controllers/plugins/ecommerce/front/checkout_controller.rb in camaleon_ecommerce-1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -5,162 +5,214 @@
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the GNU Affero General Public License (GPLv3) for more details.
class Plugins::Ecommerce::Front::CheckoutController < Plugins::Ecommerce::FrontController
+ before_action :commerce_authenticate
before_action :set_cart
+ before_action :set_payment, only: [:pay_by_stripe, :pay_by_bank_transfer, :pay_by_credit_card, :pay_by_authorize_net, :pay_by_paypal]
def index
- if @cart.products.size > 0
- @products = @cart.products
- else
- flash[:notice] = "Not found products."
- redirect_to action: :cart_index
+ unless @cart.product_items.count > 0
+ flash[:notice] = t('plugins.ecommerce.messages.cart_no_products', default: 'Not exist products in your cart')
+ return redirect_to action: :cart_index
- @ecommerce_bredcrumb << ["Checkout"]
+ @ecommerce_bredcrumb << [t('plugins.ecommerce.messages.checkout', default: 'Checkout')]
- def processing
+ def step_address
+ @cart.set_meta("billing_address", params[:order][:billing_address])
+ @cart.set_meta("shipping_address", params[:order][:shipping_address])
+ render nothing: true
+ end
+ def step_shipping
+ @cart.update_column(:shipping_method_id, params[:shipping_method])
+ if params[:next_step].present?
+ render partial: plugin_view('partials/checkout/payments'), layout: false
+ else
+ render partial: plugin_view('partials/checkout/products_detail'), layout: false
+ end
+ end
- @products = @cart.products
- total_weight = 0
- tax_total = 0
- sub_total = 0
- pay_status = 'unpaid'
- @products.each do |product|
- product = product.decorate
- product_options = @cart.get_option("product_#{}")
- price = product_options[:price].to_f
- qty = product_options[:qty].to_f
- qty_real = product.get_field_value('ecommerce_qty').to_f
- if qty_real < 1
- @cart.delete_option("product_#{}") if qty < 1
+ # free carts
+ def complete_free_order
+ if @cart.free_cart?
+ errors = ecommerce_verify_cart_errors(@cart)
+ if errors.present?
+ flash[:error] = errors.join('<br>')
+ redirect_to :back
- qty = qty_real if qty > qty_real
- tax_product = product_options[:tax].to_f
- tax_total += tax_product * qty
- total_weight += product_options[:weight].to_f * product_options[:qty].to_f
- sub_total += price * qty
- product.update_field_value('ecommerce_qty', (qty_real - qty).to_i)
+ @cart.set_meta('free_order', true)
+ mark_order_like_received(@cart)
+ redirect_to plugins_ecommerce_orders_path
- end
- shipping_method = current_site.shipping_methods.find(params[:order][:payment][:shipping_method])
- weight_price = shipping_method.get_price_from_weight(total_weight)
- total = sub_total + tax_total + weight_price
- payment_amount = total
- coupon_total = ''
- coupon_amount = 0
- if params[:order][:payment][:coupon_code].present?
- coupon =[:order][:payment][:coupon_code])
- if coupon.present?
- coupon = coupon.decorate
- coupon_total = coupon.the_amount
- opts = coupon.options
- case opts[:discount_type]
- when 'free_ship'
- pay_status = 'received'
- coupon_amount = payment_amount
- when 'percent'
- coupon_amount = sub_total * opts[:amount].to_f / 100
- when 'money'
- coupon_amount = opts[:amount].to_f
- end
- payment_amount = payment_amount - coupon_amount
- end
- end
- payment_amount = 0 if payment_amount < 0
- order_id =
- @order = current_site.orders.set_user(current_user).create(name: "Order #{order_id}", slug: order_id, status: pay_status)
- details = params[:order][:details]
- details[:received_at] =
- @order.create_details(details)
- @order.set_meta("products", @cart.options)
- @order.set_meta("details", params[:order][:details])
- @order.set_meta("billing_address", params[:order][:billing_address])
- @order.set_meta("shipping_address", params[:order][:shipping_address])
- total = sub_total + tax_total + weight_price
- @order.set_meta("payment", params[:order][:payment].merge({
- amount: payment_amount,
- currency_code: current_site.currency_code,
- total: total,
- sub_total: sub_total,
- tax_total: tax_total,
- weight_price: weight_price,
- coupon: coupon_total,
- coupon_amount: coupon_amount
- }))
- @cart.destroy
- if payment_amount > 0
- redirect_to plugins_ecommerce_order_select_payment_path(order: @order.slug)
- flash[:notice] = "Saved Orders."
- redirect_to plugins_ecommerce_orders_path
+ flash[:error] = "Invalid complete payment"
+ redirect_to :back
def cart_index
- @products = @cart.products
- @ecommerce_bredcrumb << ["Shopping Cart"]
+ @products = @cart.product_items.decorate
+ @ecommerce_bredcrumb << [t('plugins.ecommerce.messages.shopping_cart', default: 'Shopping cart')]
+ def res_coupon
+ code = params[:code].to_s.downcase
+ res = @cart.discount_for(code)
+ if res[:error].present?
+ render inline: commerce_coupon_error_message(res[:error], res[:coupon]), status: 500
+ else
+ @cart.update_column(:coupon, code)
+ render partial: plugin_view('partials/checkout/products_detail'), layout: false
+ end
+ end
# params[cart]: product_id, qty
def cart_add
data = params[:cart]
- product_id = data[:product_id]
- @cart.add_product(product_id)
- @cart.set_option("product_#{product_id}", e_add_data_product(data, product_id))
- flash[:notice] = t('plugin.ecommerce.msg.added_product_in_cart')
+ qty = data[:qty].to_f rescue 0
+ product = current_site.products.find(data[:product_id]).decorate
+ unless product.can_added?(qty)
+ flash[:error] = t('plugins.ecommerce.messages.not_enough_product_qty', product: product.the_title, qty: product.the_qty_real, default: 'There is not enough products "%{product}" (%{qty})')
+ return redirect_to :back
+ end
+ @cart.add_product(product, qty)
+ flash[:notice] = t('plugins.ecommerce.messages.added_product_in_cart', default: 'Product added into cart')
redirect_to action: :cart_index
def cart_update
+ errors = []
params[:products].each do |data|
- product_id = data[:product_id]
- @cart.set_option("product_#{product_id}", e_add_data_product(data, product_id))
+ product = @cart.products.find(data[:product_id]).decorate
+ qty = data[:qty].to_f
+ if product.can_added?(qty)
+ @cart.add_product(product, qty)
+ else
+ errors << t('plugins.ecommerce.messages.not_enough_product_qty', product: product.the_title, qty: product.the_qty_real, default: 'There is not enough products "%{product}" (%{qty})')
+ end
- flash[:notice] = "Updated product in Cart."
+ flash[:error] = errors.join('<br>') if errors.present?
+ flash[:notice] = t('plugins.ecommerce.messages.cart_updated', default: 'Shopping cart updated') unless errors.present?
redirect_to action: :cart_index
def cart_remove
- @cart.delete_option("product_#{params[:product_id]}")
- flash[:notice] = "Deleted product from the Cart."
+ flash[:notice] = t('plugins.ecommerce.messages.cart_deleted', default: 'Product removed from your shopping cart')
redirect_to action: :cart_index
- def orders
- render json: current_site.orders.set_user(current_user)
+ def cancel_order
+ # @cart = current_site.orders.find_by_slug(params[:order])
+ @cart.update({status: 'canceled', kind: 'order', closed_at:})
+ flash[:notice] = t('plugins.ecommerce.messages.canceled_order', default: "Canceled Order")
+ redirect_to plugins_ecommerce_orders_url
- private
- def set_cart
- if signin?
- @cart = current_site.carts.set_user(current_user).first_or_create(name: "Cart by #{}")
+ # pay by stripe
+ def pay_by_stripe
+ require 'stripe'
+ Stripe.api_key = @payment.options[:stripe_id]
+ customer = Stripe::Customer.create(:email => params[:stripeEmail], :source => params[:stripeToken])
+ begin
+ charge = Stripe::Charge.create(
+ :customer =>,
+ :amount => commerce_to_cents(@cart.total_amount),
+ :description => "Payment Products: #{@cart.products_title}",
+ :currency => commerce_current_currency
+ )
+ @cart.set_meta("payment_data", params)
+ mark_order_like_received(@cart)
+ redirect_to plugins_ecommerce_orders_url
+ rescue Stripe::CardError => e
+ flash[:error] = e.message
+ flash[:payment_error] = true
+ redirect_to :back
+ rescue => e
+ flash[:error] = e.message
+ redirect_to :back
+ end
+ end
+ def pay_by_bank_transfer
+ @cart.set_meta("payment_data", params[:details])
+ mark_order_like_received(@cart, 'bank_pending')
+ redirect_to plugins_ecommerce_orders_url
+ end
+ def pay_by_authorize_net
+ res = payment_pay_by_credit_card_authorize_net(@cart, @payment)
+ if res[:error].present?
+ flash[:error] = res[:error]
+ flash[:payment_error] = true
+ redirect_to :back
- cookies[:return_to] = request.referer
- redirect_to cama_admin_login_path
+ mark_order_like_received(@cart)
+ redirect_to plugins_ecommerce_orders_url
+ def success_paypal
+ # @cart = current_site.carts.find_by_slug(params[:order])
+ @cart.set_meta('payment_data', {token: params[:token], PayerID: params[:PayerID]})
+ mark_order_like_received(@cart)
+ redirect_to plugins_ecommerce_orders_url
+ end
- def process_pay(data = {})
+ def cancel_paypal
+ # @cart = current_site.orders.find_by_slug(params[:order])
+ redirect_to plugins_ecommerce_orders_url
+ end
+ def pay_by_paypal
+ billing_address = @cart.get_meta("billing_address")
+ ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.mode = @payment.options[:paypal_sandbox].to_s.to_bool ? :test : :production
+ paypal_options = {
+ :login => @payment.options[:paypal_login],
+ :password => @payment.options[:paypal_password],
+ :signature => @payment.options[:paypal_signature]
+ }
+ @gateway =
+ @options = {
+ brand_name:,
+ items: [{number: @cart.slug, name: "Buy Products from #{current_site.the_title}: #{@cart.products_title}", amount: commerce_to_cents(@cart.total_amount)}],
+ :order_id => @cart.slug,
+ :currency => current_site.currency_code,
+ :email =>,
+ :billing_address => {:name => "#{billing_address[:first_name]} #{billing_address[:last_name]}",
+ :address1 => billing_address[:address1],
+ :address2 => billing_address[:address2],
+ :city => billing_address[:city],
+ :state => billing_address[:state],
+ :country => billing_address[:country],
+ :zip => billing_address[:zip]
+ },
+ :description => "Buy Products from #{current_site.the_title}: #{@cart.total_amount}",
+ :ip => request.remote_ip,
+ :return_url => plugins_ecommerce_checkout_success_paypal_url(order: @cart.slug),
+ :cancel_return_url => plugins_ecommerce_checkout_cancel_paypal_url(order: @cart.slug)
+ }
+ response = @gateway.setup_purchase(commerce_to_cents(@cart.total_amount), @options)
+ redirect_to @gateway.redirect_url_for(response.token)
+ end
+ private
+ def set_cart
+ @cart = current_site.carts.set_user(current_user).first_or_create(name: "Cart by #{}").decorate
+ def commerce_to_cents(money)
+ (money*100).round
+ end
+ def set_bread
+ @ecommerce_bredcrumb << [t('plugins.ecommerce.messages.checkout', default: 'Checkout'), url_for(action: :cart_index)]
+ end
+ def set_payment
+ @payment = current_site.payment_methods.actives.where(id: params[:payment][:payment_id]).first
+ @cart.update_column(:payment_method_id,
+ end