lib/calabash-cucumber/keyboard_helpers.rb in calabash-cucumber-0.19.2 vs lib/calabash-cucumber/keyboard_helpers.rb in calabash-cucumber-0.20.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,109 +1,47 @@
-require 'calabash-cucumber/core'
-require 'calabash-cucumber/tests_helpers'
-require 'calabash-cucumber/environment_helpers'
module Calabash
module Cucumber
- # Raised when there is a problem involving a keyboard mode. There are
- # three keyboard modes: docked, split, and undocked.
- #
- # All iPads support these keyboard modes, but the user can disable them
- # in
- #
- # The iPhone 6+ family also supports keyboard modes, but Calabash does
- # support keyboard modes on these devices.
- class KeyboardModeError < StandardError; ; end
# Collection of methods for interacting with the keyboard.
# We've gone to great lengths to provide the fastest keyboard entry possible.
- #
- # If you are having trouble with skipped or are receiving JSON octet
- # errors when typing, you might be able to resolve the problems by slowing
- # down the rate of typing.
- #
- # Example: Use keyboard_enter_char + :wait_after_char.
- #
- # ```
- # str.each_char do |char|
- # # defaults to 0.05 seconds
- # keyboard_enter_char(char, `{wait_after_char:0.5}`)
- # end
- # ```
- #
- # Example: Use keyboard_enter_char + POST_ENTER_KEYBOARD
- #
- # ```
- # $ POST_ENTER_KEYBOARD=0.1 bundle exec cucumber
- # str.each_char do |char|
- # # defaults to 0.05 seconds
- # keyboard_enter_char(char)
- # end
- # ```
- #
- # @note
- # We have an exhaustive set of keyboard related test.s The API is reasonably
- # stable. We are fighting against known bugs in Apple's UIAutomation. You
- # should only need to fall back to the examples below in unusual situations.
module KeyboardHelpers
- include Calabash::Cucumber::TestsHelpers
+ # This module is expected to be included in Calabash::Cucumber::Core.
+ # Core includes necessary methods from:
+ #
+ # StatusBarHelpers
+ # EnvironmentHelpers
+ # WaitHelpers
+ # FailureHelpers
+ # UIA
- # @!visibility private
- :small_letters => 'small-letters',
- :capital_letters => 'capital-letters',
- :numbers_and_punctuation => 'numbers-and-punctuation',
- :first_alternate => 'first-alternate',
- :numbers_and_punctuation_alternate => 'numbers-and-punctuation-alternate'
- }
+ require "calabash-cucumber/map"
- # @!visibility private
- # noinspection RubyStringKeysInHashInspection
- 'Delete' => '\b',
- 'Return' => '\n'
- # these are not supported yet and I am pretty sure that they
- # cannot be touched by passing an escaped character and instead
- # the must be found using UIAutomation calls. -jmoody
- #'Dictation' => nil,
- #'Shift' => nil,
- #'International' => nil,
- #'More' => nil,
- }
- # @!visibility private
- # Returns a query string for detecting a keyboard.
- def _qstr_for_keyboard
- "view:'UIKBKeyplaneView'"
- end
# Returns true if a docked keyboard is visible.
# A docked keyboard is pinned to the bottom of the view.
# Keyboards on the iPhone and iPod are docked.
# @return [Boolean] if a keyboard is visible and docked.
def docked_keyboard_visible?
- res = query(_qstr_for_keyboard).first
+ keyboard = _query_for_keyboard
- return false if res.nil?
+ return false if keyboard.nil?
return true if device_family_iphone?
- orientation = status_bar_orientation.to_sym
- keyboard_height = res['rect']['height']
- keyboard_y = res['rect']['y']
- scale = screen_dimensions[:scale]
+ keyboard_height = keyboard['rect']['height']
+ keyboard_y = keyboard['rect']['y']
+ dimensions = screen_dimensions
+ scale = dimensions[:scale]
- if orientation == :left || orientation == :right
- screen_height = screen_dimensions[:width]/scale
+ if landscape?
+ screen_height = dimensions[:width]/scale
- screen_height = screen_dimensions[:height]/scale
+ screen_height = dimensions[:height]/scale
screen_height - keyboard_height == keyboard_y
@@ -114,14 +52,14 @@
# @return [Boolean] Returns false if the device is not an iPad; all
# keyboards on the iPhone and iPod are docked.
def undocked_keyboard_visible?
return false if device_family_iphone?
- res = query(_qstr_for_keyboard).first
- return false if res.nil?
+ keyboard = _query_for_keyboard
+ return false if keyboard.nil?
- not docked_keyboard_visible?
+ !docked_keyboard_visible?
# Returns true if a split keyboard is visible.
# A split keyboard is floats in the middle of the view and is split to
@@ -129,631 +67,81 @@
# @return [Boolean] Returns false if the device is not an iPad; all
# keyboards on the Phone and iPod are docked and not split.
def split_keyboard_visible?
return false if device_family_iphone?
- query("view:'UIKBKeyView'").count > 0 and
- element_does_not_exist(_qstr_for_keyboard)
+ _query_for_split_keyboard && !_query_for_keyboard
# Returns true if there is a visible keyboard.
# @return [Boolean] Returns true if there is a visible keyboard.
def keyboard_visible?
- docked_keyboard_visible? or undocked_keyboard_visible? or split_keyboard_visible?
+ # Order matters!
+ docked_keyboard_visible? ||
+ undocked_keyboard_visible? ||
+ split_keyboard_visible?
+ # @!visibility private
+ # Raises an error ir the keyboard is not visible.
+ def expect_keyboard_visible!
+ if !keyboard_visible?
+ screenshot_and_raise "Keyboard is not visible"
+ end
+ true
+ end
# Waits for a keyboard to appear and once it does appear waits for
# `:post_timeout` seconds.
# @see Calabash::Cucumber::WaitHelpers#wait_for for other options this
# method can handle.
- # @param [Hash] opts controls the `wait_for` behavior
+ # @param [Hash] options controls the `wait_for` behavior
# @option opts [String] :timeout_message ('keyboard did not appear')
# Controls the message that appears in the error.
# @option opts [Number] :post_timeout (0.3) Controls how long to wait
# _after_ the keyboard has appeared.
# @raise [Calabash::Cucumber::WaitHelpers::WaitError] if no keyboard appears
- def wait_for_keyboard(opts={})
- default_opts = {:timeout_message => 'keyboard did not appear',
- :post_timeout => 0.3}
- opts = default_opts.merge(opts)
- wait_for(opts) do
+ def wait_for_keyboard(options={})
+ default_opts = {
+ :timeout_message => "Keyboard did not appear",
+ :post_timeout => 0.3
+ }
+ merged_opts = default_opts.merge(options)
+ wait_for(merged_opts) do
+ true
- # @!visibility private
- # returns an array of possible ipad keyboard modes
- def _ipad_keyboard_modes
- [:docked, :undocked, :split]
- end
- # Returns the keyboard mode.
+ # Waits for a keyboard to disappear.
- # @example How to use in a wait_* function.
- # wait_for do
- # ipad_keyboard_mode({:raise_on_no_visible_keyboard => false}) == :split
- # end
+ # @see Calabash::Cucumber::WaitHelpers#wait_for for other options this
+ # method can handle.
- # ```
- # keyboard is pinned to bottom of the view #=> :docked
- # keyboard is floating in the middle of the view #=> :undocked
- # keyboard is floating and split #=> :split
- # no keyboard and :raise_on_no_visible_keyboard == false #=> :unknown
- # ```
+ # @param [Hash] options controls the `wait_for` behavior
+ # @option opts [String] :timeout_message ('keyboard did not appear')
+ # Controls the message that appears in the error.
- # @raise [RuntimeError] if the device under test is not an iPad.
- #
- # @raise [RuntimeError] if `:raise_on_no_visible_keyboard` is truthy and
- # no keyboard is visible.
- # @param [Hash] opts controls the runtime behavior.
- # @option opts [Boolean] :raise_on_no_visible_keyboard (true) set to false
- # if you don't want to raise an error.
- # @return [Symbol] Returns one of `{:docked | :undocked | :split | :unknown}`
- def ipad_keyboard_mode(opts = {})
- raise 'the keyboard mode does not exist on the iphone or ipod' if device_family_iphone?
+ # @raise [Calabash::Cucumber::WaitHelpers::WaitError] If keyboard does
+ # not disappear.
+ def wait_for_no_keyboard(options={})
+ default_opts = {
+ :timeout_message => "Keyboard is visible",
+ }
- default_opts = {:raise_on_no_visible_keyboard => true}
- merged_opts = default_opts.merge(opts)
- if merged_opts[:raise_on_no_visible_keyboard]
- screenshot_and_raise 'there is no visible keyboard' unless keyboard_visible?
- return :docked if docked_keyboard_visible?
- return :undocked if undocked_keyboard_visible?
- :split
- else
- return :docked if docked_keyboard_visible?
- return :undocked if undocked_keyboard_visible?
- return :split if split_keyboard_visible?
- :unknown
+ merged_opts = default_opts.merge(options)
+ wait_for(merged_opts) do
+ !keyboard_visible?
+ true
- # @!visibility private
- # Ensures that there is a keyboard to enter text.
- #
- # @note
- # *IMPORTANT* will always raise an error when the keyboard is split and
- # there is no `run_loop`; i.e. UIAutomation is not available.
- #
- # @param [Hash] opts controls screenshot-ing and error raising conditions
- # @option opts [Boolean] :screenshot (true) raise with a screenshot if
- # a keyboard cannot be ensured
- # @option opts [Boolean] :skip (false) skip any checking (a nop) - used
- # when iterating over keyplanes for keys
- def _ensure_can_enter_text(opts={})
- default_opts = {:screenshot => true,
- :skip => false}
- opts = default_opts.merge(opts)
- return if opts[:skip]
- screenshot = opts[:screenshot]
- if !keyboard_visible?
- msg = "No visible keyboard."
- if screenshot
- screenshot_and_raise msg
- else
- raise msg
- end
- end
- end
- # Use keyboard to enter a character.
- #
- # @note
- # IMPORTANT: Use the `POST_ENTER_KEYBOARD` environmental variable
- # to slow down the typing; adds a wait after each character is touched.
- # this can fix problems where the typing is too fast and characters are
- # skipped.
- #
- # @note
- # There are several special 'characters', some of which do not appear on
- # all keyboards; e.g. `Delete`, `Return`.
- #
- # @note
- # Since 0.9.163, this method accepts a Hash as the second parameter. The
- # previous second parameter was a Boolean that controlled whether or not
- # to screenshot on errors.
- #
- # @see #keyboard_enter_text
- #
- # @note
- # You should prefer to call `keyboard_enter_text`.
- #
- # @raise [RuntimeError] if there is no visible keyboard
- # @raise [RuntimeError] if the keyboard (layout) is not supported
- #
- # @param [String] chr the character to type
- # @param [Hash] opts options to control the behavior of the method
- # @option opts [Boolean] :should_screenshot (true) whether or not to
- # screenshot on errors
- # @option opts [Float] :wait_after_char ('POST_ENTER_KEYBOARD' or 0.05)
- # how long to wait after a character is typed.
- def keyboard_enter_char(chr, opts={})
- default_opts = {:should_screenshot => true,
- # introduce a small wait to avoid skipping characters
- # keep this as short as possible
- :wait_after_char => (ENV['POST_ENTER_KEYBOARD'] || 0.05).to_f}
- opts = default_opts.merge(opts)
- should_screenshot = opts[:should_screenshot]
- _ensure_can_enter_text({:screenshot => should_screenshot,
- :skip => (not should_screenshot)})
- if chr.length == 1
- uia_type_string_raw chr
- else
- unless code
- raise "typing character '#{chr}' is not yet supported when running with Instruments"
- end
- # on iOS 6, the Delete char code is _not_ \b
- # on iOS 7, the Delete char code is \b on non-numeric keyboards
- # on numeric keyboards, it is actually a button on the
- # keyboard and not a key
- if code.eql?(UIA_SUPPORTED_CHARS['Delete'])
- js_tap_delete = "(function() {"\
- "var deleteElement = uia.keyboard().elements().firstWithName('Delete');"\
- "deleteElement = deleteElement.isValid() ? deleteElement : uia.keyboard().elements().firstWithName('delete');"\
- "deleteElement.tap();"\
- "})();"
- uia(js_tap_delete)
- else
- uia_type_string_raw(code)
- end
- end
- # noinspection RubyStringKeysInHashInspection
- res = {'results' => []}
- if w > 0
- sleep(w)
- end
- end
- pause = opts[:wait_after_char]
- sleep(pause) if pause > 0
- res['results']
- end
- # Uses the keyboard to enter text.
- #
- # @param [String] text the text to type.
- # @raise [RuntimeError] if the text cannot be typed.
- def keyboard_enter_text(text)
- _ensure_can_enter_text
- text_before = _text_from_first_responder()
- text_before = text_before.gsub("\n","\\n") if text_before
- uia_type_string(text, text_before)
- end
- # @!visibility private
- #
- # Enters text into view identified by a query
- #
- # @note
- # *IMPORTANT* enter_text defaults to calling 'setValue' in UIAutomation
- # on the text field. This is fast, but in some cases might result in slightly
- # different behaviour than using `keyboard_enter_text`.
- # To force use of `keyboard_enter_text` in `enter_text` use
- # option :use_keyboard
- #
- # @param [String] uiquery the element to enter text into
- # @param [String] text the text to enter
- # @param [Hash] options controls details of text entry
- # @option options [Boolean] :use_keyboard (false) use the iOS keyboard
- # to enter each character separately
- # @option options [Boolean] :wait (true) call wait_for_element_exists with uiquery
- # @option options [Hash] :wait_options ({}) if :wait pass this as options to wait_for_element_exists
- def enter_text(uiquery, text, options = {})
- default_opts = {:use_keyboard => false, :wait => true, :wait_options => {}}
- options = default_opts.merge(options)
- wait_for_element_exists(uiquery, options[:wait_options]) if options[:wait]
- touch(uiquery, options)
- wait_for_keyboard
- if options[:use_keyboard]
- keyboard_enter_text(text)
- else
- fast_enter_text(text)
- end
- end
- # @!visibility private
- #
- # Enters text into current text input field
- #
- # @note
- # *IMPORTANT* fast_enter_text defaults to calling 'setValue' in UIAutomation
- # on the text field. This is fast, but in some cases might result in slightly
- # different behaviour than using `keyboard_enter_text`.
- # @param [String] text the text to enter
- def fast_enter_text(text)
- _ensure_can_enter_text
- uia_set_responder_value(text)
- end
- # Touches the keyboard action key.
- #
- # The action key depends on the keyboard. Some examples include:
- #
- # * Return
- # * Next
- # * Go
- # * Join
- # * Search
- #
- # @note
- # Not all keyboards have an action key. For example, numeric keyboards
- # do not have an action key.
- #
- # @raise [RuntimeError] if the text cannot be typed.
- def tap_keyboard_action_key
- keyboard_enter_char 'Return'
- end
- # @!visibility private
- # Returns the current keyplane.
- def _current_keyplane
- kp_arr = _do_keyplane(
- lambda { query("view:'UIKBKeyplaneView'", 'keyplane', 'componentName') },
- lambda { query("view:'UIKBKeyplaneView'", 'keyplane', 'name') })
- kp_arr.first.downcase
- end
- # @!visibility private
- # Searches the available keyplanes for chr and if it is found, types it.
- #
- # This is a recursive function.
- #
- # @note
- # Use the `KEYPLANE_SEARCH_STEP_PAUSE` variable to control how quickly
- # the next keyplane is searched. Increase this value if you encounter
- # problems with missed keystrokes.
- #
- # @note
- # When running under instruments, this method is not called.
- #
- # @raise [RuntimeError] if the char cannot be found
- def _search_keyplanes_and_enter_char(chr,
- cur_kp = _current_keyplane
- begin
- keyboard_enter_char(chr, {:should_screenshot => false})
- return true #found
- rescue
- pause = (ENV['KEYPLANE_SEARCH_STEP_PAUSE'] || 0.2).to_f
- sleep (pause) if pause > 0
- visited.add(cur_kp)
- #figure out keyplane alternates
- props = _do_keyplane(
- lambda { query("view:'UIKBKeyplaneView'", 'keyplane', 'properties') },
- lambda { query("view:'UIKBKeyplaneView'", 'keyplane', 'attributes', 'dict') }
- ).first
- known = KEYPLANE_NAMES.values
- found = false
- keyplane_selection_keys = ['shift', 'more']
- keyplane_selection_keys.each do |key|
- sleep (pause) if pause > 0
- plane = props["#{key}-alternate"]
- if known.member?(plane) and (not visited.member?(plane))
- keyboard_enter_char(key.capitalize, {:should_screenshot => false})
- found = _search_keyplanes_and_enter_char(chr, visited)
- return true if found
- #not found => try with other keyplane selection key
- keyplane_selection_keys.delete(key)
- other_key = keyplane_selection_keys.last
- keyboard_enter_char(other_key.capitalize, {:should_screenshot => false})
- found = _search_keyplanes_and_enter_char(chr, visited)
- return true if found
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- end
- # @!visibility private
- # Process a keyplane.
- #
- # @raise [RuntimeError] if there is no visible keyplane
- def _do_keyplane(kbtree_proc, keyplane_proc)
- desc = query("view:'UIKBKeyplaneView'", 'keyplane')
- fail('No keyplane (UIKBKeyplaneView keyplane)') if desc.empty?
- fail('Several keyplanes (UIKBKeyplaneView keyplane)') if desc.count > 1
- kp_desc = desc.first
- if /^<UIKBTree/.match(kp_desc)
- #ios5+
- elsif /^<UIKBKeyplane/.match(kp_desc)
- #ios4
- end
- end
- # @!visibility private
- # Returns a query string for finding the iPad 'Hide keyboard' button.
- def _query_uia_hide_keyboard_button
- "uia.keyboard().buttons()['Hide keyboard']"
- end
- # Dismisses a iPad keyboard by touching the 'Hide keyboard' button and waits
- # for the keyboard to disappear.
- #
- # @note
- # the dismiss keyboard key does not exist on the iPhone or iPod
- #
- # @raise [RuntimeError] if the device is not an iPad
- def dismiss_ipad_keyboard
- screenshot_and_raise "Cannot dismiss keyboard on iPhone" if device_family_iphone?
- send_uia_command({:command => "#{_query_uia_hide_keyboard_button}.tap()"})
- opts = {:timeout_message => 'keyboard did not disappear'}
- wait_for(opts) do
- not keyboard_visible?
- end
- end
- # @!visibility private
- # Returns the activation point of the iPad keyboard mode key.
- #
- # The mode key is also known as the 'Hide keyboard' key.
- #
- # @note
- # This is only available when running under instruments.
- #
- # @raise [RuntimeError] when the device is not an iPad
- # @raise [RuntimeError] the app was not launched with instruments
- def _point_for_ipad_keyboard_mode_key
- raise "The keyboard mode does not exist on the on the iphone" if device_family_iphone?
- res = send_uia_command({:command => "#{_query_uia_hide_keyboard_button}.rect()"})
- origin = res['value']['origin']
- {:x => origin['x'], :y => origin['y']}
- end
- # @!visibility private
- # Touches the bottom option on the popup dialog that is presented when the
- # the iPad keyboard `mode` key is touched and held.
- #
- # The `mode` key is also know as the 'Hide keyboard' key.
- #
- # The `mode` key allows the user to undock, dock, or split the keyboard.
- def _touch_bottom_keyboard_mode_row
- start_pt = _point_for_ipad_keyboard_mode_key
- # there are 10 pt btw the key and the popup and the row is 50 pt
- y_offset = 10 + 25
- end_pt = {:x => (start_pt[:x] - 40), :y => (start_pt[:y] - y_offset)}
- uia_pan_offset(start_pt, end_pt, {})
- sleep(1.0)
- end
- # Touches the top option on the popup dialog that is presented when the
- # the iPad keyboard mode key is touched and held.
- #
- # The `mode` key is also know as the 'Hide keyboard' key.
- #
- # The `mode` key allows the user to undock, dock, or split the keyboard.
- def _touch_top_keyboard_mode_row
- start_pt = _point_for_ipad_keyboard_mode_key
- # there are 10 pt btw the key and the popup and each row is 50 pt
- # NB: no amount of offsetting seems to allow touching the top row
- # when the keyboard is split
- x_offset = 40
- y_offset = 10 + 50 + 25
- end_pt = {:x => (start_pt[:x] - x_offset), :y => (start_pt[:y] - y_offset)}
- uia_pan_offset(start_pt, end_pt, {:duration => 1.0})
- end
- # Ensures that the iPad keyboard is docked.
- #
- # Docked means the keyboard is pinned to bottom of the view.
- #
- # If the device is not an iPad, this is behaves like a call to
- # `wait_for_keyboard`.
- #
- # @raise [RuntimeError] if there is no visible keyboard
- # @raise [RuntimeError] a docked keyboard was not achieved
- def ensure_docked_keyboard
- wait_for_keyboard
- return if device_family_iphone?
- mode = ipad_keyboard_mode
- return if mode == :docked
- if ios9?
- raise KeyboardModeError,
- 'Changing keyboard modes is not supported on iOS 9'
- else
- case mode
- when :split then
- _touch_bottom_keyboard_mode_row
- when :undocked then
- _touch_top_keyboard_mode_row
- when :docked then
- # already docked
- else
- screenshot_and_raise "expected '#{mode}' to be one of #{_ipad_keyboard_modes}"
- end
- end
- begin
- wait_for({:post_timeout => 1.0}) do
- docked_keyboard_visible?
- end
- rescue
- mode = ipad_keyboard_mode
- o = status_bar_orientation
- screenshot_and_raise "expected keyboard to be ':docked' but found '#{mode}' in orientation '#{o}'"
- end
- end
- # Ensures that the iPad keyboard is undocked.
- #
- # Undocked means the keyboard is floating in the middle of the view.
- #
- # If the device is not an iPad, this is behaves like a call to
- # `wait_for_keyboard`.
- #
- # If the device is not an iPad, this is behaves like a call to
- # `wait_for_keyboard`.
- #
- # @raise [RuntimeError] if there is no visible keyboard
- # @raise [RuntimeError] an undocked keyboard was not achieved
- def ensure_undocked_keyboard
- wait_for_keyboard
- return if device_family_iphone?
- mode = ipad_keyboard_mode
- return if mode == :undocked
- if ios9?
- raise KeyboardModeError,
- 'Changing keyboard modes is not supported on iOS 9'
- else
- case mode
- when :split then
- # keep these condition separate because even though they do the same
- # thing, the else condition is a hack
- if ios5?
- # iOS 5 has no 'Merge' feature in split keyboard, so dock first then
- # undock from docked mode
- _touch_bottom_keyboard_mode_row
- _wait_for_keyboard_in_mode(:docked)
- else
- # in iOS > 5, it seems to be impossible consistently touch the
- # the top keyboard mode popup button, so we punt
- _touch_bottom_keyboard_mode_row
- _wait_for_keyboard_in_mode(:docked)
- end
- _touch_top_keyboard_mode_row
- when :undocked then
- # already undocked
- when :docked then
- _touch_top_keyboard_mode_row
- else
- screenshot_and_raise "expected '#{mode}' to be one of #{_ipad_keyboard_modes}"
- end
- end
- _wait_for_keyboard_in_mode(:undocked)
- end
- # Ensures that the iPad keyboard is split.
- #
- # Split means the keyboard is floating in the middle of the view and is
- # split into two sections to enable faster thumb typing.
- #
- # If the device is not an iPad, this is behaves like a call to
- # `wait_for_keyboard`.
- #
- # If the device is not an iPad, this is behaves like a call to
- # `wait_for_keyboard`.
- #
- # @raise [RuntimeError] if there is no visible keyboard
- # @raise [RuntimeError] a split keyboard was not achieved
- def ensure_split_keyboard
- wait_for_keyboard
- return if device_family_iphone?
- mode = ipad_keyboard_mode
- return if mode == :split
- if ios9?
- raise KeyboardModeError,
- 'Changing keyboard modes is not supported on iOS 9'
- else
- case mode
- when :split then
- # already split
- when :undocked then
- _touch_bottom_keyboard_mode_row
- when :docked then
- _touch_bottom_keyboard_mode_row
- else
- screenshot_and_raise "expected '#{mode}' to be one of #{_ipad_keyboard_modes}"
- end
- end
- _wait_for_keyboard_in_mode(:split)
- end
- # @!visibility private
- def _wait_for_keyboard_in_mode(mode, opts={})
- default_opts = {:post_timeout => 1.0}
- opts = default_opts.merge(opts)
- begin
- wait_for(opts) do
- case mode
- when :split then
- split_keyboard_visible?
- when :undocked
- undocked_keyboard_visible?
- when :docked
- docked_keyboard_visible?
- else
- screenshot_and_raise "expected '#{mode}' to be one of #{_ipad_keyboard_modes}"
- end
- end
- rescue
- actual = ipad_keyboard_mode
- o = status_bar_orientation
- screenshot_and_raise "expected keyboard to be '#{mode}' but found '#{actual}' in orientation '#{o}'"
- end
- end
- # Used for detecting keyboards that are not normally visible to calabash;
- # e.g. the keyboard on the `MFMailComposeViewController`
- #
- # @note
- # IMPORTANT this should only be used when the app does not respond to
- # `keyboard_visible?`.
- #
- # @see #keyboard_visible?
- #
- # @raise [RuntimeError] if the app was not launched with instruments
- def uia_keyboard_visible?
- res = uia_query_windows(:keyboard)
- not res.eql?(':nil')
- end
- # Waits for a keyboard that is not normally visible to calabash;
- # e.g. the keyboard on `MFMailComposeViewController`.
- #
- # @note
- # IMPORTANT this should only be used when the app does not respond to
- # `keyboard_visible?`.
- #
- # @see #keyboard_visible?
- #
- # @raise [RuntimeError] if the app was not launched with instruments
- def uia_wait_for_keyboard(opts={})
- default_opts = {:timeout => 10,
- :retry_frequency => 0.1,
- :post_timeout => 0.5}
- opts = default_opts.merge(opts)
- unless opts[:timeout_message]
- msg = "waited for '#{opts[:timeout]}' for keyboard"
- opts[:timeout_message] = msg
- end
- wait_for(opts) do
- uia_keyboard_visible?
- end
- end
# Waits for a keyboard to appear and returns the localized name of the
# `key_code` signifier
# @param [String] key_code Maps to a specific name in some localization
def lookup_key_name(key_code)
@@ -778,19 +166,49 @@
# Returns empty string if no textField or textView elements are found to be
# the first responder.
# @raise [RuntimeError] if there is no visible keyboard
- def _text_from_first_responder
- raise 'there must be a visible keyboard' unless keyboard_visible?
+ def text_from_first_responder
+ if !keyboard_visible?
+ screenshot_and_raise "There must be a visible keyboard"
+ end
['textField', 'textView'].each do |ui_class|
- res = query("#{ui_class} isFirstResponder:1", :text)
- return res.first unless res.empty?
+ query = "#{ui_class} isFirstResponder:1"
+ result = _query_wrapper(query, :text)
+ if !result.empty?
+ return result.first
+ end
- #noinspection RubyUnnecessaryReturnStatement
- return ''
+ ""
+ # @visibility private
+ # TODO Remove in 0.21.0
+ alias_method :_text_from_first_responder, :text_from_first_responder
+ private
+ # @!visibility private
+ KEYBOARD_QUERY = "view:'UIKBKeyplaneView'"
+ # @!visibility private
+ # @!visibility private
+ def _query_wrapper(query, *args)
+, :query, *args)
+ end
+ # @!visibility private
+ def _query_for_keyboard
+ _query_wrapper(KEYBOARD_QUERY).first
+ end
+ # @!visibility private
+ def _query_for_split_keyboard
+ _query_wrapper(SPLIT_KEYBOARD_QUERY).first
+ end