bin/calabash-ios-setup.rb in calabash-cucumber-0.21.5 vs bin/calabash-ios-setup.rb in calabash-cucumber-0.21.6
- old
+ new
@@ -1,42 +1,17 @@
require "calabash-cucumber/version"
require 'rexml/rexml'
require "rexml/document"
-def detect_accessibility_support
- dirs = Dir.glob(File.join(File.expand_path("~/Library"),"Application Support","iPhone Simulator","*.*","Library","Preferences"))
- dirs.each do |sim_pref_dir|
- fp = File.expand_path("#{sim_pref_dir}/")
- out = `defaults read "#{fp}" AXInspectorEnabled`
- ax_inspector = out.split("\n")[0]=="0"
- out = `defaults read "#{fp}" ApplicationAccessibilityEnabled`
- app_acc = out.split("\n")[0]=="0"
- if not(File.exists?(fp)) || ax_inspector == "0" || app_acc == "0"
- msg("Warn") do
- puts "Accessibility is not enabled for simulator: #{sim_pref_dir}"
- puts "Enabled accessibility as described here:"
- puts ""
- puts "Alternatively run command:"
- puts "calabash-ios sim acc"
- end
- end
- end
def calabash_setup(args)
puts "Checking if Xcode is running..."
res = `ps x -o pid,command | grep -v grep | grep Contents/MacOS/Xcode`
unless res==""
puts "Detected running Xcode. You may need to restart Xcode after setup."
project_name, project_path, xpath = find_project_files(args)
setup_project(project_name, project_path, xpath)
- calabash_sim_accessibility
- detect_accessibility_support
msg("Setup done") do
puts "Please validate by running the -cal target"
puts "from Xcode."