bin/calabash in calabash-cucumber-0.9.8 vs bin/calabash in calabash-cucumber-0.9.9
- old
+ new
@@ -62,9 +62,12 @@
puts "features will contain all your calabash tests."
puts "Please hit return to confirm that's what you want."
exit 2 unless STDIN.gets.chomp == ''
FileUtils.cp_r( source_dir, features_dir )
+ "#{features_dir}/.irbrc", "."
+ "#{features_dir}/", "."
+ "#{features_dir}/", "."
puts "features subdirectory created. Try starting you app in the iOS simulator "
puts "using the Calabash target (see calabash-ios-server for how to create the target).\n"
puts "Then try executing \n\nSTEP_PAUSE=2 OS=ios5 DEVICE=iphone cucumber"
puts "\n (replace ios5 with ios4 if running iOS 4.x simulator.\nReplace iphone with ipad if running iPad simulator.).\n"