bin/calabash-android-build.rb in calabash-android-0.2.22 vs bin/calabash-android-build.rb in calabash-android-0.3.0.pre1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,49 +1,26 @@
def calabash_build(app)
keystore = read_keystore_info()
- test_server_template_dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'test-server')
+ test_server_file_name = test_server_path(app)
+ unsigned_test_apk = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib/calabash-android/lib/TestServer.apk')
+ android_platform = Dir["#{ENV["ANDROID_HOME"]}/platforms/android-*"].last
Dir.mktmpdir do |workspace_dir|
- @test_server_dir = File.join(workspace_dir, 'test-server')
- FileUtils.cp_r(test_server_template_dir, workspace_dir)
- ant_executable = (is_windows? ? "ant.bat" : "ant")
- args = [
- ant_executable,
- "clean",
- "package",
- "-Dtested.package_name=#{package_name(app)}",
- "-Dtested.main_activity=#{main_activity(app)}",
- "-Dtested.project.apk=\"#{app}\"",
- "-Dandroid.api.level=#{api_level}",
- "\"#{File.expand_path keystore["keystore_location"]}\"",
- "{keystore["keystore_password"]}",
- "-Dkey.alias=#{keystore["keystore_alias"]}",
- "-Dkey.alias.password=#{keystore["keystore_alias_password"]}",
- ]
- Dir.chdir(@test_server_dir) {
- STDOUT.sync = true
- IO.popen(args.join(" ")) do |io|
- io.each { |s| print s }
- end
- if $?.exitstatus != 0
- puts "Could not build the test server. Please see the output above."
- exit $?.exitstatus
- end
- }
+ Dir.chdir(workspace_dir) do
+ FileUtils.cp(unsigned_test_apk, "TestServer.apk")
+ FileUtils.cp(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'test-server/AndroidManifest.xml'), "AndroidManifest.xml")
- FileUtils.mkdir_p "test_servers" unless File.exist? "test_servers"
- test_apk = File.join(@test_server_dir, "bin", "Test.apk")
- test_server_file_name = test_server_path(app)
- FileUtils.cp(test_apk, test_server_file_name)
- puts "Done building the test server. Moved it to #{test_server_file_name}"
+ system %Q{ruby -pi.bak -e "gsub(/#targetPackage#/, '#{package_name(app)}')" AndroidManifest.xml}
+ system("aapt package -M AndroidManifest.xml -I #{android_platform}/android.jar -F dummy.apk")
+ system("unzip -o dummy.apk AndroidManifest.xml")
+ system("zip TestServer.apk AndroidManifest.xml")
+ end
+ cmd = "jarsigner -sigalg MD5withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -signedjar #{test_server_file_name} -storepass #{keystore["keystore_password"]} -keystore \"#{File.expand_path keystore["keystore_location"]}\" #{workspace_dir}/TestServer.apk #{keystore["keystore_alias"]}"
+ system(cmd)
+ puts "Done signing the test server. Moved it to #{test_server_file_name}"
def read_keystore_info
if File.exist? ".calabash_settings"
\ No newline at end of file