.yardoc in cajun-smile-0.2.0 vs .yardoc in cajun-smile-0.2.1

- old
+ new

@@ -168,11 +168,11 @@ end;,@};@o;!F:@attributesIC;{;)IC;{;:IC;{: write@�: read@�:@symbolize_valueT;@T;IC;{;:IC;{;>@�;?@�;@T;@T;@T;[:@instance_mixinsIC;[;,@};$: Base:@superclasso;-;@o: @obj0;$:OpenStruct;'[[@�i:@class_mixinsIC;[;,@}o;/;IC; " ; "; 0;[;[;@;o;;@;{;IC;[o;;IC; " ; "; 0;[;[;@;o;;@;[[" param0[" -value"nil;@;;);T; i ;!F;";#;[;$: convert;&"fdef convert( param, value=nil ) +value"nil;@;;);T; i ;!F;";#;[;$: convert;&"�def convert( param, value=nil ) key = nil case param.to_s.downcase.to_sym when :popular_category key = :popularCategory when :geo_all @@ -210,16 +210,18 @@ key = :ImageID when :image_key key = :ImageKey when :image_count key = :ImageCount + when :nickname, :nick_name + key = :NickName else key = param end [ key, value ] - end;'[["!lib/smile/param_converter.rbi ;("def convert( param, value=nil ) + end;'[["!lib/smile/param_converter.rbi ;("=def convert( param, value=nil ) key = nil case param.to_s.downcase.to_sym when :popular_category key = :popularCategory when :geo_all @@ -257,23 +259,25 @@ key = :ImageID when :image_key key = :ImageKey when :image_count key = :ImageCount + when :nickname, :nick_name + key = :NickName else key = param end [ key, value ] endo;;IC; " ; -"; 0;[;[;@(;o;;@;[["hash_to_clean0;@;;);T; i:;!F;";#;[;$:clean_hash_keys;&"�def clean_hash_keys( hash_to_clean ) +"; 0;[;[;@(;o;;@;[["hash_to_clean0;@;;);T; i<;!F;";#;[;$:clean_hash_keys;&"�def clean_hash_keys( hash_to_clean ) cleaned_hash ={} hash_to_clean.each_pair do |key,value| cleaned_hash[convert( key ).first] = value end cleaned_hash - end;'[[@&i:;("�def clean_hash_keys( hash_to_clean ) + end;'[[@&i<;("�def clean_hash_keys( hash_to_clean ) cleaned_hash ={} hash_to_clean.each_pair do |key,value| cleaned_hash[convert( key ).first] = value end cleaned_hash @@ -579,13 +583,19 @@ end;'[[@_i�;("Vdef album Smile::Album.find( :AlbumID => album_id, :AlbumKey => album_key ) end;,@?;o;-;@g;D@o;$;I;!T;=IC;{;)IC;{;@T;IC;{;@T;@T;[;AIC;[;,@?;$: Photo;Co;- :@orignamespace@&;o;-;@&;D@o;$;I;D@};$;B:@origname"Smile::Base;'[[@_i ;FIC;[;,@?o;;IC; " ; -"; 0;[;[;@2;o;;@;{;IC;[ o;;IC; " ; -"; 0;[;[;@:;o;;@;[[" -email0[" pass0;@2;;);T; i;!F;";#;[;$: auth;&"|def auth( email, pass ) +"; 0;[;[;@2;o;;@;{;IC;[ o;;IC; "4Login to SmugMug using a specific user account. ; +[ "4Login to SmugMug using a specific user account.""L@param [String] email The username ( Nickname ) for the SmugMug account"B@param [String] password The password for the SmugMug account""L@return [Smile::SmugMug.new] An Smug object that has been authenticated; o; ; i;F;i;[;[o;5 +;6"6The username ( Nickname ) for the SmugMug account;7[" String;@:;$" +email;8" +paramo;5 +;6")The password for the SmugMug account;7[" String;@:;$" password;8" +paramo;5 +;6"/An Smug object that has been authenticated;7["Smile::SmugMug.new;@:;$0;8" return;@:;o;;@;[[" +email0[" pass0;@2;;);T; i;!T;";#;[;$: auth;&"|def auth( email, pass ) params = default_params.merge( :method => 'smugmug.login.withPassword', :EmailAddress => email, :Password => pass ) @@ -594,11 +604,11 @@ result = Hash.from_xml( xml )["rsp"]["login"] self.session_id = result["session"]["id"] result rescue NoMethodError => e nil - end;'[["lib/smile/smug.rbi;("Ldef auth( email, pass ) + end;'[["lib/smile/smug.rbi;("Ldef auth( email, pass ) params = default_params.merge( :method => 'smugmug.login.withPassword', :EmailAddress => email, :Password => pass ) @@ -607,133 +617,67 @@ result = Hash.from_xml( xml )["rsp"]["login"] self.session_id = result["session"]["id"] result rescue NoMethodError => e nil -endo;;IC; " ; -"; 0;[;[;@K;o;;@;[;@2;;);T; i ;!F;";#;[;$:auth_anonymously;&">def auth_anonymously +endo;;IC; "{Login to SmugMug using an anonymously account +This will allow you to execute many functions, but no user specific functions ; +[ "2Login to SmugMug using an anonymously account"RThis will allow you to execute many functions, but no user specific functions""L@return [Smile::SmugMug.new] An Smug object that has been authenticated; o; ; i%;F;i(;[;[o;5 +;6"/An Smug object that has been authenticated;7["Smile::SmugMug.new;@c;$0;8" return;@c;o;;@;[;@2;;);T; i);!T;";#;[;$:auth_anonymously;&">def auth_anonymously params = default_params.merge( :method => 'smugmug.login.anonymously' ) xml = RestClient.post( BASE, params ) result = Hash.from_xml( xml )["rsp"]["login"] self.session_id = result["session"]["id"] result rescue NoMethodError => e nil - end;'[[@Ii ;("def auth_anonymously + end;'[[@ai);("def auth_anonymously params = default_params.merge( :method => 'smugmug.login.anonymously' ) xml = RestClient.post( BASE, params ) result = Hash.from_xml( xml )["rsp"]["login"] self.session_id = result["session"]["id"] result rescue NoMethodError => e nil -endo;;IC; " ; -"; 0;[;[;@W;o;;@;[;@2;;);T; i-;!F;";#;[;$: logout;&"�def logout +endo;;IC; "Close the session ; +["Close the session; o; ; i6;F;i6;[;[;@y;o;;@;[;@2;;);T; i7;!T;";#;[;$: logout;&"�def logout params = default_params.merge( :method => 'smugmug.logout' ) RestClient.post( BASE, params ) - end;'[[@Ii-;("{def logout + end;'[[@ai7;("{def logout params = default_params.merge( :method => 'smugmug.logout' ) RestClient.post( BASE, params ) -endo;;IC; "�Retrieves a list of albums for a given user. If you are logged in it will return -your albums. +endo;;IC; "bRetrieves a list of albums for a given user. If you are logged in it will return +your albums. ; +[["URetrieves a list of albums for a given user. If you are logged in it will return"your albums.""M@param [optional,Hash] options The magic options hash all ruby devs love"V@option options [optional, String] :nick_name If no nick name is supplied then..."[@option options [optional, true or false ] :heavy ('true') This will control how much ",information is returned about the album"j@option options [optional, String] :site_password If you have not logged in then you can provide the "1password here to access private information."" Result" STANDARD RESPONSE""array Albums" +Album" integer id" string Key" string Title" struct Category" string id" string Name" struct SubCategory" string id" string Name"" HEAVY RESPONSE" "array Albums" +Album" integer id" string Key" string Title" struct Category" string id" string Name" struct SubCategory" string id" string Name" string Description" string Keywords" boolean Geography (owner)" integer Position" struct Hightlight (owner)" string id" integer ImageCount" string LastUpdated"/ boolean Header (owner, power & pro only)" boolean Clean (owner)" boolean EXIF (owner)" boolean Filenames (owner)" struct Template (owner)" string id" string SortMethod (owner)"$ boolean SortDirection (owner)" string Password (owner)"" string PasswordHint (owner)" boolean Public (owner)"& boolean WorldSearchable (owner)"% boolean SmugSearchable (owner)" boolean External (owner)"2 boolean Protected (owner, power & pro only)"- boolean Watermarking (owner, pro only)") struct Watermark (owner, pro only)" string id" boolean HideOwner (owner)"' boolean Larges (owner, pro only)"( boolean XLarges (owner, pro only)" boolean X2Larges (owner)" boolean X3Larges (owner)" boolean Originals (owner)" boolean CanRank (owner)"! boolean FriendEdit (owner)"! boolean FamilyEdit (owner)" boolean Comments (owner)" boolean Share (owner)" boolean Printable (owner)"" int ColorCorrection (owner)"9 boolean DefaultColor (owner, pro only) deprecated"* integer ProofDays (owner, pro only)", string Backprinting (owner, pro only)"4 float UnsharpAmount (owner, power & pro only)"4 float UnsharpRadius (owner, power & pro only)"7 float UnsharpThreshold (owner, power & pro only)"3 float UnsharpSigma (owner, power & pro only)" struct Community (owner)" string id; o; ; iA;F;i�;[;[ o;5 +;6".The magic options hash all ruby devs love;7[" optional" Hash;@�;$" options;8" +paramo:YARD::Tags::OptionTag ;60;70: +@pairo:YARD::Tags::DefaultTag +:@defaults0;6"(If no nick name is supplied then...;7[" optional" String;$":nick_name;8" option;@�;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y[" 'true';6"HThis will control how much information is returned about the album;7[" optional"true or false;$" :heavy;8" option;@�;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"�If you have not logged in then you can provide the password here to access private information. -Arguments -NickName - string (optional). -Heavy - boolean (optional). -SitePassword - string (optional). +Result STANDARD RESPONSE -Result - STANDARD RESPONSE +array Albums Album integer id string Key string Title struct Category string id string Name struct SubCategory string id string Name -array Albums -Album - integer id - string Key - string Title - struct Category - string id - string Name - struct SubCategory - string id - string Name +HEAVY RESPONSE - HEAVY RESPONSE - -array Albums -Album - integer id - string Key - string Title - struct Category - string id - string Name - struct SubCategory - string id - string Name - string Description - string Keywords - boolean Geography (owner) - integer Position - struct Hightlight (owner) - string id - integer ImageCount - string LastUpdated - boolean Header (owner, power & pro only) - boolean Clean (owner) - boolean EXIF (owner) - boolean Filenames (owner) - struct Template (owner) - string id - string SortMethod (owner) - boolean SortDirection (owner) - string Password (owner) - string PasswordHint (owner) - boolean Public (owner) - boolean WorldSearchable (owner) - boolean SmugSearchable (owner) - boolean External (owner) - boolean Protected (owner, power & pro only) - boolean Watermarking (owner, pro only) - struct Watermark (owner, pro only) - string id - boolean HideOwner (owner) - boolean Larges (owner, pro only) - boolean XLarges (owner, pro only) - boolean X2Larges (owner) - boolean X3Larges (owner) - boolean Originals (owner) - boolean CanRank (owner) - boolean FriendEdit (owner) - boolean FamilyEdit (owner) - boolean Comments (owner) - boolean Share (owner) - boolean Printable (owner) - int ColorCorrection (owner) - boolean DefaultColor (owner, pro only) deprecated - integer ProofDays (owner, pro only) - string Backprinting (owner, pro only) - float UnsharpAmount (owner, power & pro only) - float UnsharpRadius (owner, power & pro only) - float UnsharpThreshold (owner, power & pro only) - float UnsharpSigma (owner, power & pro only) - struct Community (owner) - string id ; -[Y"URetrieves a list of albums for a given user. If you are logged in it will return"your albums.""Arguments""NickName - string (optional)." Heavy - boolean (optional)."&SitePassword - string (optional)."" Result" STANDARD RESPONSE""array Albums" -Album" integer id" string Key" string Title" struct Category" string id" string Name" struct SubCategory" string id" string Name"" HEAVY RESPONSE" "array Albums" -Album" integer id" string Key" string Title" struct Category" string id" string Name" struct SubCategory" string id" string Name" string Description" string Keywords" boolean Geography (owner)" integer Position" struct Hightlight (owner)" string id" integer ImageCount" string LastUpdated"/ boolean Header (owner, power & pro only)" boolean Clean (owner)" boolean EXIF (owner)" boolean Filenames (owner)" struct Template (owner)" string id" string SortMethod (owner)"$ boolean SortDirection (owner)" string Password (owner)"" string PasswordHint (owner)" boolean Public (owner)"& boolean WorldSearchable (owner)"% boolean SmugSearchable (owner)" boolean External (owner)"2 boolean Protected (owner, power & pro only)"- boolean Watermarking (owner, pro only)") struct Watermark (owner, pro only)" string id" boolean HideOwner (owner)"' boolean Larges (owner, pro only)"( boolean XLarges (owner, pro only)" boolean X2Larges (owner)" boolean X3Larges (owner)" boolean Originals (owner)" boolean CanRank (owner)"! boolean FriendEdit (owner)"! boolean FamilyEdit (owner)" boolean Comments (owner)" boolean Share (owner)" boolean Printable (owner)"" int ColorCorrection (owner)"9 boolean DefaultColor (owner, pro only) deprecated"* integer ProofDays (owner, pro only)", string Backprinting (owner, pro only)"4 float UnsharpAmount (owner, power & pro only)"4 float UnsharpRadius (owner, power & pro only)"7 float UnsharpThreshold (owner, power & pro only)"3 float UnsharpSigma (owner, power & pro only)" struct Community (owner)" string id; o; ; i7;F;i�;[;[;@c;o;;@;[[" options"nil;@2;;);T; i�;!T;";#;[;$: albums;&"<def albums( options=nil ) +array Albums Album integer id string Key string Title struct Category string id string Name struct SubCategory string id string Name string Description string Keywords boolean Geography (owner) integer Position struct Hightlight (owner) string id integer ImageCount string LastUpdated boolean Header (owner, power & pro only) boolean Clean (owner) boolean EXIF (owner) boolean Filenames (owner) struct Template (owner) string id string SortMethod (owner) boolean SortDirection (owner) string Password (owner) string PasswordHint (owner) boolean Public (owner) boolean WorldSearchable (owner) boolean SmugSearchable (owner) boolean External (owner) boolean Protected (owner, power & pro only) boolean Watermarking (owner, pro only) struct Watermark (owner, pro only) string id boolean HideOwner (owner) boolean Larges (owner, pro only) boolean XLarges (owner, pro only) boolean X2Larges (owner) boolean X3Larges (owner) boolean Originals (owner) boolean CanRank (owner) boolean FriendEdit (owner) boolean FamilyEdit (owner) boolean Comments (owner) boolean Share (owner) boolean Printable (owner) int ColorCorrection (owner) boolean DefaultColor (owner, pro only) deprecated integer ProofDays (owner, pro only) string Backprinting (owner, pro only) float UnsharpAmount (owner, power & pro only) float UnsharpRadius (owner, power & pro only) float UnsharpThreshold (owner, power & pro only) float UnsharpSigma (owner, power & pro only) struct Community (owner) string id;7[" optional" String;$":site_password;8" option;@�;$" options;8" option;@�;o;;@;[[" options"nil;@2;;);T; i�;!T;";#;[;$: albums;&"<def albums( options=nil ) params = default_params.merge( :method => 'smugmug.albums.get', :heavy => 1 ) @@ -741,11 +685,11 @@ xml = RestClient.post BASE, params Smile::Album.from_xml( xml, session_id ) rescue nil - end;'[[@Ii�;("def albums( options=nil ) + end;'[[@ai�;("def albums( options=nil ) params = default_params.merge( :method => 'smugmug.albums.get', :heavy => 1 ) @@ -754,46 +698,50 @@ Smile::Album.from_xml( xml, session_id ) rescue nil end;,@2;@o;!F;=IC;{;)IC;{;@T;IC;{;@T;@T;[;AIC;[;,@2;$: Smug;Co;- -;Q@o;o;-;@o;D@o;$;I;D@};$;B;R"Smile::Base;'[[@Ii;FIC;[;,@2o;;IC; " ; -"; 0;[;[;@�;o;;@;[;@o;;);T; i;!F;";#;[;$;T;&"]def auth_anonymously +;Q@o;o;-;@o;D@o;$;I;D@};$;B;R"Smile::Base;'[[@ai;FIC;[;,@2o;;IC; "{Login to SmugMug using an anonymously account +This will allow you to execute many functions, but no user specific functions ; +[ "2Login to SmugMug using an anonymously account"RThis will allow you to execute many functions, but no user specific functions""L@return [Smile::SmugMug.new] An Smug object that has been authenticated; o; ; i;F;i;[;[o;5 +;6"/An Smug object that has been authenticated;7["Smile::SmugMug.new;@;$0;8" return;@;o;;@;[;@o;;);T; i;!T;";#;[;$;T;&"]def auth_anonymously smug = Smile::Smug.new smug.auth_anonymously smug - end;'[["lib/smile.rbi;("Udef auth_anonymously + end;'[["lib/smile.rbi;("Udef auth_anonymously smug = Smile::Smug.new smug.auth_anonymously smug endo;;IC; "4Login to SmugMug using a specific user account. ; -[ "4Login to SmugMug using a specific user account.""O@param [String] username The username ( Nickname ) for the SmugMug account"B@param [String] password The password for the SmugMug account""L@return [Smile::SmugMug.new] An Smug object that has been authenticated; o; ; i;F;i;[;[o;5 -;6"6The username ( Nickname ) for the SmugMug account;7[" String;@�;$" username;8" +[ "4Login to SmugMug using a specific user account.""R@param [String] email The username ( e-mail address ) for the SmugMug account"B@param [String] password The password for the SmugMug account""L@return [Smile::SmugMug.new] An Smug object that has been authenticated; o; ; i;F;i#;[;[o;5 +;6"<The username ( e-mail address ) for the SmugMug account;7[" String;@6;$" +email;8" paramo;5 -;6")The password for the SmugMug account;7[" String;@�;$" password;8" +;6")The password for the SmugMug account;7[" String;@6;$" password;8" paramo;5 -;6"/An Smug object that has been authenticated;7["Smile::SmugMug.new;@�;$0;8" return;@�;o;;@;[[" username0[" password0;@o;;);T; i ;!T;";#;[;$;S;&"qdef auth( username, password ) +;6"/An Smug object that has been authenticated;7["Smile::SmugMug.new;@6;$0;8" return;@6;o;;@;[[" +email0[" password0;@o;;);T; i$;!T;";#;[;$;S;&"ldef auth( email, password ) smug = Smile::Smug.new - smug.auth( username, password ) + smug.auth( emails, password ) smug - end;'[[@�i ;("idef auth( username, password ) + end;'[[@4i$;("ddef auth( email, password ) smug = Smile::Smug.new - smug.auth( username, password ) + smug.auth( emails, password ) smug endo;;IC; " ; -"; 0;[;[;@;o;;@;[[" options"{};@o;;);T; i&;!F;": private;[;$:base_feed;&"ndef base_feed( options={} ) +"; 0;[;[;@^;o;;@;[[" options"{};@o;;);T; i+;!F;": private;[;$:base_feed;&"ndef base_feed( options={} ) options.merge!( :format => 'rss' ) url = "http://api.smugmug.com/hack/feed.mg?" url_params =[] options.each_pair do |k,value| key, value = Smile::ParamConverter.convert( k, value ) url_params << "#{key.to_s}=#{ CGI.escape( value ) }" end RestClient.get( url + url_params.join( "&" ) ) - end;'[[@�i&;("Xdef base_feed( options={} ) + end;'[[@4i+;("Xdef base_feed( options={} ) options.merge!( :format => 'rss' ) url = "http://api.smugmug.com/hack/feed.mg?" url_params =[] options.each_pair do |k,value| key, value = Smile::ParamConverter.convert( k, value ) @@ -801,100 +749,99 @@ url_params << "#{key.to_s}=#{ CGI.escape( value ) }" end RestClient.get( url + url_params.join( "&" ) ) endo;;IC; "fSearch SmugMug for pics. This search is slower than the others, but returns Smile::Photo objects ; -["fSearch SmugMug for pics. This search is slower than the others, but returns Smile::Photo objects""F@param [String] data This is the search term that you want to use"J@param [optional, Hash] options Hash of options for the search method"L@option options [optional, String] :keyword override the keyword search"F@option options [optional, String] :popular Use term all or today"Y@option options [optional, String] :popular_category Use term category ( e.g. cars )":@option options [optional, String] :geo_all Geo Stuff"E@option options [optional, String] :geo_community More Geo Stuff">@option options [optional, String] :geo_search Geo Search"E@option options [optional, String] :open_search_keyword Key word"G@option options [optional, String] :user_keyword Use term nickname"J@option options [optional, String] :gallery Use term albumID_albumKey"C@option options [optional, String] :nickname Use term nickname"J@option options [optional, String] :nickname_recent Use term nickname"K@option options [optional, String] :nickname_popular Use term nickname"H@option options [optional, String] :user_comments Use term nickname"C@option options [optional, String] :geo_user Use term nickname"D@option options [optional, String] :geo_album Use term nickname""b@return [Array<Smile::Photo>] Smile::Photo objects will be returned. This take longer due to"+pulling more details from every photo.; o; ; i4;F;iI;[;[o;5 -;6"1This is the search term that you want to use;7[" String;@;$" data;8" +["fSearch SmugMug for pics. This search is slower than the others, but returns Smile::Photo objects""F@param [String] data This is the search term that you want to use"J@param [optional, Hash] options Hash of options for the search method"L@option options [optional, String] :keyword override the keyword search"F@option options [optional, String] :popular Use term all or today"Y@option options [optional, String] :popular_category Use term category ( e.g. cars )":@option options [optional, String] :geo_all Geo Stuff"E@option options [optional, String] :geo_community More Geo Stuff">@option options [optional, String] :geo_search Geo Search"E@option options [optional, String] :open_search_keyword Key word"G@option options [optional, String] :user_keyword Use term nickname"J@option options [optional, String] :gallery Use term albumID_albumKey"C@option options [optional, String] :nickname Use term nickname"J@option options [optional, String] :nickname_recent Use term nickname"K@option options [optional, String] :nickname_popular Use term nickname"H@option options [optional, String] :user_comments Use term nickname"C@option options [optional, String] :geo_user Use term nickname"D@option options [optional, String] :geo_album Use term nickname""b@return [Array<Smile::Photo>] Smile::Photo objects will be returned. This take longer due to"+pulling more details from every photo.; o; ; i9;F;iN;[;[o;5 +;6"1This is the search term that you want to use;7[" String;@m;$" data;8" paramo;5 -;6"*Hash of options for the search method;7[" optional" Hash;@;$" options;8" -paramo:YARD::Tags::OptionTag : -@pairo:YARD::Tags::DefaultTag -;6" override the keyword search;7[" optional" String:@defaults0;$" :keyword;8" option;60;70;@;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Use term all or today;7[" optional" String;]0;$" :popular;8" option;60;70;@;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"$Use term category ( e.g. cars );7[" optional" String;]0;$":popular_category;8" option;60;70;@;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Geo Stuff;7[" optional" String;]0;$" :geo_all;8" option;60;70;@;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"More Geo Stuff;7[" optional" String;]0;$":geo_community;8" option;60;70;@;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Geo Search;7[" optional" String;]0;$":geo_search;8" option;60;70;@;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6" Key word;7[" optional" String;]0;$":open_search_keyword;8" option;60;70;@;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;]0;$":user_keyword;8" option;60;70;@;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Use term albumID_albumKey;7[" optional" String;]0;$" :gallery;8" option;60;70;@;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;]0;$":nickname;8" option;60;70;@;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;]0;$":nickname_recent;8" option;60;70;@;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;]0;$":nickname_popular;8" option;60;70;@;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;]0;$":user_comments;8" option;60;70;@;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;]0;$":geo_user;8" option;60;70;@;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;]0;$":geo_album;8" option;60;70;@;$" options;8" optiono;5 -;6"kSmile::Photo objects will be returned. This take longer due to pulling more details from every photo.;7["Array<Smile::Photo>;@;$0;8" return;@;o;;@;[[" data0[" options"{};@o;;);T; iJ;!T;";#;[;$: search;&"def search( data, options={} ) +;6"*Hash of options for the search method;7[" optional" Hash;@m;$" options;8" +paramo;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6" override the keyword search;7[" optional" String;$" :keyword;8" option;@m;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Use term all or today;7[" optional" String;$" :popular;8" option;@m;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"$Use term category ( e.g. cars );7[" optional" String;$":popular_category;8" option;@m;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Geo Stuff;7[" optional" String;$" :geo_all;8" option;@m;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"More Geo Stuff;7[" optional" String;$":geo_community;8" option;@m;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Geo Search;7[" optional" String;$":geo_search;8" option;@m;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6" Key word;7[" optional" String;$":open_search_keyword;8" option;@m;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;$":user_keyword;8" option;@m;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Use term albumID_albumKey;7[" optional" String;$" :gallery;8" option;@m;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;$":nickname;8" option;@m;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;$":nickname_recent;8" option;@m;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;$":nickname_popular;8" option;@m;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;$":user_comments;8" option;@m;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;$":geo_user;8" option;@m;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;$":geo_album;8" option;@m;$" options;8" optiono;5 +;6"kSmile::Photo objects will be returned. This take longer due to pulling more details from every photo.;7["Array<Smile::Photo>;@m;$0;8" return;@m;o;;@;[[" data0[" options"{};@o;;);T; iO;!T;";#;[;$: search;&"def search( data, options={} ) rss = search_rss( data, options ) rss.items.map do |item| image_id, image_key = item.link.split('/').last.split('#').last.split('_') Smile::Photo.find( :image_id => image_id, :image_key => image_key ) end - end;'[[@�iJ;("def search( data, options={} ) + end;'[[@4iO;("def search( data, options={} ) rss = search_rss( data, options ) rss.items.map do |item| image_id, image_key = item.link.split('/').last.split('#').last.split('_') Smile::Photo.find( :image_id => image_id, :image_key => image_key ) end endo;;IC; "fSearch SmugMug for pics. This search is slower than the others, but returns Smile::Photo objects ; -["fSearch SmugMug for pics. This search is slower than the others, but returns Smile::Photo objects""F@param [String] data This is the search term that you want to use"J@param [optional, Hash] options Hash of options for the search method"L@option options [optional, String] :keyword override the keyword search"F@option options [optional, String] :popular Use term all or today"Y@option options [optional, String] :popular_category Use term category ( e.g. cars )":@option options [optional, String] :geo_all Geo Stuff"E@option options [optional, String] :geo_community More Geo Stuff">@option options [optional, String] :geo_search Geo Search"E@option options [optional, String] :open_search_keyword Key word"G@option options [optional, String] :user_keyword Use term nickname"J@option options [optional, String] :gallery Use term albumID_albumKey"C@option options [optional, String] :nickname Use term nickname"J@option options [optional, String] :nickname_recent Use term nickname"K@option options [optional, String] :nickname_popular Use term nickname"H@option options [optional, String] :user_comments Use term nickname"C@option options [optional, String] :geo_user Use term nickname"D@option options [optional, String] :geo_album Use term nickname""M@return [Array<Smile::Photo>] RSS feed from the RSS::Parser.parse method; o; ; iS;F;ig;[;[o;5 -;6"1This is the search term that you want to use;7[" String;@�;$" data;8" +["fSearch SmugMug for pics. This search is slower than the others, but returns Smile::Photo objects""F@param [String] data This is the search term that you want to use"J@param [optional, Hash] options Hash of options for the search method"L@option options [optional, String] :keyword override the keyword search"F@option options [optional, String] :popular Use term all or today"Y@option options [optional, String] :popular_category Use term category ( e.g. cars )":@option options [optional, String] :geo_all Geo Stuff"E@option options [optional, String] :geo_community More Geo Stuff">@option options [optional, String] :geo_search Geo Search"E@option options [optional, String] :open_search_keyword Key word"G@option options [optional, String] :user_keyword Use term nickname"J@option options [optional, String] :gallery Use term albumID_albumKey"C@option options [optional, String] :nickname Use term nickname"J@option options [optional, String] :nickname_recent Use term nickname"K@option options [optional, String] :nickname_popular Use term nickname"H@option options [optional, String] :user_comments Use term nickname"C@option options [optional, String] :geo_user Use term nickname"D@option options [optional, String] :geo_album Use term nickname""M@return [Array<Smile::Photo>] RSS feed from the RSS::Parser.parse method; o; ; iX;F;il;[;[o;5 +;6"1This is the search term that you want to use;7[" String;@=;$" data;8" paramo;5 -;6"*Hash of options for the search method;7[" optional" Hash;@�;$" options;8" -paramo;Z ;[o;\ -;6" override the keyword search;7[" optional" String;]0;$" :keyword;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Use term all or today;7[" optional" String;]0;$" :popular;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"$Use term category ( e.g. cars );7[" optional" String;]0;$":popular_category;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Geo Stuff;7[" optional" String;]0;$" :geo_all;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"More Geo Stuff;7[" optional" String;]0;$":geo_community;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Geo Search;7[" optional" String;]0;$":geo_search;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6" Key word;7[" optional" String;]0;$":open_search_keyword;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;]0;$":user_keyword;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Use term albumID_albumKey;7[" optional" String;]0;$" :gallery;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;]0;$":nickname;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;]0;$":nickname_recent;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;]0;$":nickname_popular;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;]0;$":user_comments;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;]0;$":geo_user;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;]0;$":geo_album;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;5 -;6"/RSS feed from the RSS::Parser.parse method;7["Array<Smile::Photo>;@�;$0;8" return;@�;o;;@;[[" data0[" options"{};@o;;);T; ih;!T;";#;[;$:search_rss;&"wdef search_rss( data, options={} ) +;6"*Hash of options for the search method;7[" optional" Hash;@=;$" options;8" +paramo;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6" override the keyword search;7[" optional" String;$" :keyword;8" option;@=;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Use term all or today;7[" optional" String;$" :popular;8" option;@=;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"$Use term category ( e.g. cars );7[" optional" String;$":popular_category;8" option;@=;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Geo Stuff;7[" optional" String;$" :geo_all;8" option;@=;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"More Geo Stuff;7[" optional" String;$":geo_community;8" option;@=;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Geo Search;7[" optional" String;$":geo_search;8" option;@=;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6" Key word;7[" optional" String;$":open_search_keyword;8" option;@=;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;$":user_keyword;8" option;@=;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Use term albumID_albumKey;7[" optional" String;$" :gallery;8" option;@=;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;$":nickname;8" option;@=;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;$":nickname_recent;8" option;@=;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;$":nickname_popular;8" option;@=;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;$":user_comments;8" option;@=;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;$":geo_user;8" option;@=;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;$":geo_album;8" option;@=;$" options;8" optiono;5 +;6"/RSS feed from the RSS::Parser.parse method;7["Array<Smile::Photo>;@=;$0;8" return;@=;o;;@;[[" data0[" options"{};@o;;);T; im;!T;";#;[;$:search_rss;&"wdef search_rss( data, options={} ) raw = search_raw( data, options ) RSS::Parser.parse( raw, false ) - end;'[[@�ih;("qdef search_rss( data, options={} ) + end;'[[@4im;("qdef search_rss( data, options={} ) raw = search_raw( data, options ) RSS::Parser.parse( raw, false ) endo;;IC; ")Raw feed from the SmugMug data feeds ; -[")Raw feed from the SmugMug data feeds""F@param [String] data This is the search term that you want to use"J@param [optional, Hash] options Hash of options for the search method"L@option options [optional, String] :keyword override the keyword search"F@option options [optional, String] :popular Use term all or today"Y@option options [optional, String] :popular_category Use term category ( e.g. cars )":@option options [optional, String] :geo_all Geo Stuff"E@option options [optional, String] :geo_community More Geo Stuff">@option options [optional, String] :geo_search Geo Search"E@option options [optional, String] :open_search_keyword Key word"G@option options [optional, String] :user_keyword Use term nickname"J@option options [optional, String] :gallery Use term albumID_albumKey"C@option options [optional, String] :nickname Use term nickname"J@option options [optional, String] :nickname_recent Use term nickname"K@option options [optional, String] :nickname_popular Use term nickname"H@option options [optional, String] :user_comments Use term nickname"C@option options [optional, String] :geo_user Use term nickname"D@option options [optional, String] :geo_album Use term nickname""L@return [RestClientResponse] The response from a RestClient.get request; o; ; im;F;i|;[;[o;5 -;6"1This is the search term that you want to use;7[" String;@�;$" data;8" +[")Raw feed from the SmugMug data feeds""F@param [String] data This is the search term that you want to use"J@param [optional, Hash] options Hash of options for the search method"L@option options [optional, String] :keyword override the keyword search"F@option options [optional, String] :popular Use term all or today"Y@option options [optional, String] :popular_category Use term category ( e.g. cars )":@option options [optional, String] :geo_all Geo Stuff"E@option options [optional, String] :geo_community More Geo Stuff">@option options [optional, String] :geo_search Geo Search"E@option options [optional, String] :open_search_keyword Key word"G@option options [optional, String] :user_keyword Use term nickname"J@option options [optional, String] :gallery Use term albumID_albumKey"C@option options [optional, String] :nickname Use term nickname"J@option options [optional, String] :nickname_recent Use term nickname"K@option options [optional, String] :nickname_popular Use term nickname"H@option options [optional, String] :user_comments Use term nickname"C@option options [optional, String] :geo_user Use term nickname"D@option options [optional, String] :geo_album Use term nickname""L@return [RestClientResponse] The response from a RestClient.get request; o; ; ir;F;i�;[;[o;5 +;6"1This is the search term that you want to use;7[" String;@ ;$" data;8" paramo;5 -;6"*Hash of options for the search method;7[" optional" Hash;@�;$" options;8" -paramo;Z ;[o;\ -;6" override the keyword search;7[" optional" String;]0;$" :keyword;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Use term all or today;7[" optional" String;]0;$" :popular;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"$Use term category ( e.g. cars );7[" optional" String;]0;$":popular_category;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Geo Stuff;7[" optional" String;]0;$" :geo_all;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"More Geo Stuff;7[" optional" String;]0;$":geo_community;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Geo Search;7[" optional" String;]0;$":geo_search;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6" Key word;7[" optional" String;]0;$":open_search_keyword;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;]0;$":user_keyword;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Use term albumID_albumKey;7[" optional" String;]0;$" :gallery;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;]0;$":nickname;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;]0;$":nickname_recent;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;]0;$":nickname_popular;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;]0;$":user_comments;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;]0;$":geo_user;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;Z ;[o;\ -;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;]0;$":geo_album;8" option;60;70;@�;$" options;8" optiono;5 -;6"/The response from a RestClient.get request;7["RestClientResponse;@�;$0;8" return;@�;o;;@;[[" data0[" options"{};@o;;);T; i};!T;";#;[;$:search_raw;&"~def search_raw( data, options={} ) +;6"*Hash of options for the search method;7[" optional" Hash;@ ;$" options;8" +paramo;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6" override the keyword search;7[" optional" String;$" :keyword;8" option;@ ;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Use term all or today;7[" optional" String;$" :popular;8" option;@ ;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"$Use term category ( e.g. cars );7[" optional" String;$":popular_category;8" option;@ ;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Geo Stuff;7[" optional" String;$" :geo_all;8" option;@ ;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"More Geo Stuff;7[" optional" String;$":geo_community;8" option;@ ;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Geo Search;7[" optional" String;$":geo_search;8" option;@ ;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6" Key word;7[" optional" String;$":open_search_keyword;8" option;@ ;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;$":user_keyword;8" option;@ ;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Use term albumID_albumKey;7[" optional" String;$" :gallery;8" option;@ ;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;$":nickname;8" option;@ ;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;$":nickname_recent;8" option;@ ;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;$":nickname_popular;8" option;@ ;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;$":user_comments;8" option;@ ;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;$":geo_user;8" option;@ ;$" options;8" optiono;V ;60;70;Wo;X +;Y0;6"Use term nickname;7[" optional" String;$":geo_album;8" option;@ ;$" options;8" optiono;5 +;6"/The response from a RestClient.get request;7["RestClientResponse;@ ;$0;8" return;@ ;o;;@;[[" data0[" options"{};@o;;);T; 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