lib/bundler/cli.rb in bundler-1.3.2 vs lib/bundler/cli.rb in bundler-1.3.3
- old
+ new
@@ -167,15 +167,14 @@
"Make a bundle that can work without the Bundler runtime"
method_option "full-index", :type => :boolean, :banner =>
"Use the rubygems modern index instead of the API endpoint"
method_option "clean", :type => :boolean, :banner =>
"Run bundle clean automatically after install"
- unless Bundler.rubygems.security_policies.empty?
- method_option "trust-policy", :alias => "P", :type => :string, :banner =>
- "Gem trust policy (like gem install -P). Must be one of " + Bundler.rubygems.security_policies.keys.join('|')
- end
+ method_option "trust-policy", :alias => "P", :type => :string, :banner =>
+ "Gem trust policy (like gem install -P). Must be one of " +
+ Bundler.rubygems.security_policies.keys.join('|') unless
+ Bundler.rubygems.security_policies.empty?
def install
opts = options.dup
if opts[:without]
opts[:without] = opts[:without].map{|g|' ', ':') }
@@ -249,18 +248,21 @@
Bundler.load.cache if Bundler.root.join("vendor/cache").exist? && !options["no-cache"]
if Bundler.settings[:path]
absolute_path = File.expand_path(Bundler.settings[:path])
relative_path = absolute_path.sub(File.expand_path('.'), '.')
- Bundler.ui.confirm "Your bundle is complete! " +
- "It was installed into #{relative_path}"
+ Bundler.ui.confirm "Your bundle is complete!"
+ Bundler.ui.confirm without_groups_message if Bundler.settings.without.any?
+ Bundler.ui.confirm "It was installed into #{relative_path}"
- Bundler.ui.confirm "Your bundle is complete! " +
- "Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed."
+ Bundler.ui.confirm "Your bundle is complete!"
+ Bundler.ui.confirm without_groups_message if Bundler.settings.without.any?
+ Bundler.ui.confirm "Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed."
Installer.post_install_messages.to_a.each do |name, msg|
- Bundler.ui.confirm "Post-install message from #{name}:\n#{msg}"
+ Bundler.ui.confirm "Post-install message from #{name}:"
+ msg
clean if Bundler.settings[:clean] && Bundler.settings[:path]
rescue GemNotFound => e
if opts[:local] && Bundler.app_cache.exist?
@@ -314,12 +316,12 @@
Installer.install Bundler.root, Bundler.definition, opts
Bundler.load.cache if Bundler.root.join("vendor/cache").exist?
clean if Bundler.settings[:clean] && Bundler.settings[:path]
- Bundler.ui.confirm "Your bundle is updated! " +
- "Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed."
+ Bundler.ui.confirm "Your bundle is updated!"
+ Bundler.ui.confirm without_groups_message if Bundler.settings.without.any?
desc "show [GEM]", "Shows all gems that are part of the bundle, or the path to a given gem"
long_desc <<-D
Show lists the names and versions of all gems that are required by your Gemfile.
@@ -855,9 +857,17 @@
def pager_system
pager = ENV['PAGER'] || ENV['MANPAGER']
pager ||= 'less -R' if Bundler.which("less")
pager ||= 'more' if Bundler.which("more")
pager ||= 'cat'
+ end
+ def without_groups_message
+ groups = Bundler.settings.without
+ group_list = [groups[0...-1].join(", "), groups[-1]].
+ reject{|s| s.empty? }.join(" and ")
+ group_str = (groups.size == 1) ? "group" : "groups"
+ "Gems in the #{group_str} #{group_list} were not installed."