app/models/user.rb in bullet_train-1.0.1 vs app/models/user.rb in bullet_train-1.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,43 +1,7 @@
class User < ApplicationRecord
- # Typically you should avoid adding your own functionality in this section to avoid merge conflicts in the future.
- # (If you specifically want to change Bullet Train's default behavior, that's OK and you can do that here.)
- if two_factor_authentication_enabled?
- devise :two_factor_authenticatable, :two_factor_backupable, :omniauthable,
- :registerable, :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable,
- otp_secret_encryption_key: ENV["TWO_FACTOR_ENCRYPTION_KEY"]
- else
- devise :omniauthable, :database_authenticatable, :registerable,
- :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable
- end
- # teams
- has_many :memberships, dependent: :destroy
- has_many :scaffolding_absolutely_abstract_creative_concepts_collaborators, through: :memberships
- has_many :teams, through: :memberships
- belongs_to :current_team, class_name: "Team", optional: true
- accepts_nested_attributes_for :current_team
- # oauth providers
- has_many :oauth_stripe_accounts, class_name: "Oauth::StripeAccount" if stripe_enabled?
- # platform functionality.
- belongs_to :platform_agent_of, class_name: "Platform::Application", optional: true
- # validations
- validate :real_emails_only
- validates :time_zone, inclusion: {in:}, allow_nil: true
- # callbacks
- after_update :set_teams_time_zone
- # This is the place where you should implement your own features on top of Bullet Train's user functionality. There
- # are a bunch of Super Scaffolding hooks here by default to try and help keep generated code logically organized.
+ include Users::Core
# 🚅 add concerns above.
# 🚅 add belongs_to associations above.
# 🚅 add has_many associations above.
@@ -53,139 +17,6 @@
# 🚅 add callbacks above.
# 🚅 add delegations above.
# 🚅 add methods above.
- # We put these at the bottom of this file to keep them out of the way. You should define your own methods above here.
- # TODO we need to update this to some sort of invalid email address or something
- # people know to ignore. it would be a security problem to have this pointing
- # at anybody's real email address.
- def email_is_oauth_placeholder?
- !!email.match(/noreply\+.*
- end
- def label_string
- name
- end
- def name
- full_name.present? ? full_name : email
- end
- def full_name
- [first_name_was, last_name_was].select(&:present?).join(" ")
- end
- def details_provided?
- first_name.present? && last_name.present? &&
- end
- def send_welcome_email
- UserMailer.welcome(self).deliver_later
- end
- def create_default_team
- # This creates a `Membership`, because `User` `has_many :teams, through: :memberships`
- # TODO The team name should take into account the user's current locale.
- default_team = teams.create(name: "Your Team", time_zone: time_zone)
- memberships.find_by(team: default_team).update role_ids: []
- update(current_team: default_team)
- end
- def real_emails_only
- if ENV["REALEMAIL_API_KEY"] && !Rails.env.test?
- uri = URI("")
- # Change the input parameters here
- uri.query = URI.encode_www_form({
- api_key: ENV["REAL_EMAIL_KEY"],
- email: email,
- fix_typos: false
- })
- # Results are returned as a JSON object
- result = JSON.parse(Net::HTTP.get_response(uri).body)
- if result["syntax_error"]
- errors.add(:email, "is not a valid email address")
- elsif result["domain_error"] || (result.key?("mx_records_found") && !result["mx_records_found"])
- errors.add(:email, "can't actually receive emails")
- elsif result["is_disposable"]
- errors.add(:email, "is a disposable email address")
- end
- end
- end
- def multiple_teams?
- teams.count > 1
- end
- def one_team?
- !multiple_teams?
- end
- def formatted_email_address
- if details_provided?
- "\"#{first_name} #{last_name}\" <#{email}>"
- else
- email
- end
- end
- def administrating_team_ids
- parent_ids_for(Role.admin, :memberships, :team)
- end
- def parent_ids_for(role, through, parent)
- parent_id_column = "#{parent}_id"
- key = "#{role.key}_#{through}_#{parent_id_column}s"
- return ability_cache[key] if ability_cache && ability_cache[key]
- role = nil if role.default?
- value = send(through).with_role(role).distinct.pluck(parent_id_column)
- current_cache = ability_cache || {}
- current_cache[key] = value
- update_column :ability_cache, current_cache
- value
- end
- def invalidate_ability_cache
- update_column(:ability_cache, {})
- end
- def otp_qr_code
- issuer = I18n.t("")
- label = "#{issuer}:#{email}"
-, issuer: issuer))
- end
- def scaffolding_absolutely_abstract_creative_concepts_collaborators
- Scaffolding::AbsolutelyAbstract::CreativeConcepts::Collaborator.joins(:membership).where(membership: {user_id: id})
- end
- def admin_scaffolding_absolutely_abstract_creative_concepts_ids
- scaffolding_absolutely_abstract_creative_concepts_collaborators.admins.pluck(:creative_concept_id)
- end
- def editor_scaffolding_absolutely_abstract_creative_concepts_ids
- scaffolding_absolutely_abstract_creative_concepts_collaborators.editors.pluck(:creative_concept_id)
- end
- def viewer_scaffolding_absolutely_abstract_creative_concepts_ids
- scaffolding_absolutely_abstract_creative_concepts_collaborators.viewers.pluck(:creative_concept_id)
- end
- def developer?
- return false unless ENV["DEVELOPER_EMAILS"]
- # we use email_was so they can't try setting their email to the email of an admin.
- return false unless email_was
- ENV["DEVELOPER_EMAILS"].split(",").include?(email_was)
- end
- def set_teams_time_zone
- teams.where(time_zone: nil).each do |team|
- team.update(time_zone: time_zone) if team.users.count == 1
- end
- end