lib/java/java.rb in buildr-1.2.6 vs lib/java/java.rb in buildr-1.2.7
- old
+ new
@@ -1,70 +1,96 @@
-require "rjb"
+require "rjb" if RUBY_PLATFORM != 'java'
+require "java" if RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java'
require "core/project"
module Buildr
# Base module for all things Java.
module Java
# Options accepted by #java and other methods here.
JAVA_OPTIONS = [ :verbose, :classpath, :name, :java_args, :properties ]
- # Returned by Java#rjb, you can use this object to set the RJB classpath, specify blocks to be invoked
+ # Returned by Java#wrapper, you can use this object to set the classpath, specify blocks to be invoked
# after loading RJB, and load RJB itself.
# RJB can be loaded exactly once, and once loaded, you cannot change its classpath. Of course you can
# call libraries that manage their own classpath, but the lazy way is to just tell RJB of all the
# classpath dependencies you need in advance, before loading it.
# For that reason, you should not load RJB until the moment you need it. You can call #load or call
- # Java#rjb with a block. For the same reason, you may need to specify code to execute when loading
- # (see #onload).
- class RjbWrapper #:nodoc:
+ # Java#wrapper with a block. For the same reason, you may need to specify code to execute when loading
+ # (see #setup).
+ #
+ # JRuby doesn't have the above limitation, but uses the same API regardless.
+ class JavaWrapper #:nodoc:
include Singleton
def initialize() #:nodoc:
@classpath = [Java.tools_jar].compact
- @onload = []
- onload do
- onload do
- classpath = Buildr.artifacts(@classpath).each { |task| task.invoke if task.respond_to?(:invoke) }.map(&:to_s)
- ::Rjb.load classpath.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR), Buildr.options.java_args.flatten
+ @setup = []
+ setup do
+ setup do
+ classpath = Buildr.artifacts(@classpath).
+ each { |task| task.invoke if task.respond_to?(:invoke) }.
+ map(&:to_s)
+ if RUBY_PLATFORM != 'java'
+ ::Rjb.load classpath.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR),
+ Buildr.options.java_args.flatten
+ else
+ classpath.each do |jlib|
+ require jlib
+ end
+ end
- # The classpath used when loading RJB.
- attr_accessor :classpath
+ def classpath
+ if RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java'
+ # in order to get a complete picture, we need to add a few jars to the
+ # list.
+ java.lang.System.getProperty('java.class.path').split(':') +
+ @classpath
+ else
+ @classpath
+ end
+ end
- # :call-seq:
- # onload { |rjb| ... }
- #
- # Adds a block to call when loading RJB and returns self.
- #
- # You can only load RJB once, and you may need to do some tasks after the initial load.
- # For example, the Ant module requires Antwrap which can only be loaded after RJB.
- def onload(&block)
- @onload << block
+ attr_writer :classpath
+ def setup(&block)
+ @setup << block
- # :call-seq:
- # load()
- #
- # Loads RJB. You can also call Java#ejb with a block to get the same effect.
def load()
- @onload.each { |block| self }
- @onload.clear
+ @setup.each { |block| self }
+ @setup.clear
+ def import(jlib)
+ if RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java'
+ Java.send(jlib)
+ else
+ ::Rjb.import jlib
+ end
+ end
def method_missing(sym, *args, &block) #:nodoc:
- ::Rjb.send sym, *args, &block
+ # these aren't the same, but depending on method_missing while
+ # supporting two unrelated systems is asking for trouble anyways.
+ if RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java'
+ Java.send sym, *args, &block
+ else
+ ::Rjb.send sym, *args, &block
+ end
class << self
# :call-seq:
# version() => string
@@ -72,11 +98,11 @@
# For example:
# puts Java.version
# => 1.5.0_10
def version()
- @version ||= Java.rjb { |rjb| rjb.import("java.lang.System").getProperty("java.version") }
+ @version ||= Java.wrapper { |jw| jw.import("java.lang.System").getProperty("java.version") }
# :call-seq:
# tools_jar() => path
@@ -158,12 +184,12 @@
cmd_args << "-cp" << classpath.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) unless classpath.empty?
cmd_args += files
unless Rake.application.options.dryrun
puts "Running apt" if verbose
puts (["apt"] + cmd_args).join(" ") if Rake.application.options.trace
- Java.rjb do |rjb|
- rjb.import("").process(cmd_args) == 0 or
+ Java.wrapper do |jw|
+ jw.import("").process(cmd_args) == 0 or
fail "Failed to process annotations, see errors above"
@@ -195,12 +221,12 @@
cmd_args += options[:javac_args].flatten if options[:javac_args]
cmd_args += files
unless Rake.application.options.dryrun
puts "Compiling #{files.size} source files in #{name}" if verbose
puts (["javac"] + cmd_args).join(" ") if Rake.application.options.trace
- Java.rjb do |rjb|
- rjb.import("").compile(cmd_args) == 0 or
+ Java.wrapper do |jw|
+ jw.import("").compile(cmd_args) == 0 or
fail "Failed to compile, see errors above"
@@ -246,12 +272,12 @@
cmd_args += args.flatten.uniq
name = options[:name] || Dir.pwd
unless Rake.application.options.dryrun
puts "Generating Javadoc for #{name}" if verbose
puts (["javadoc"] + cmd_args).join(" ") if Rake.application.options.trace
- Java.rjb do |rjb|
- rjb.import("").execute(cmd_args) == 0 or
+ Java.wrapper do |jw|
+ jw.import("").execute(cmd_args) == 0 or
fail "Failed to generate Javadocs, see errors above"
@@ -290,30 +316,31 @@
[ tests - failed, failed ]
# :call-seq:
- # rjb() => RjbWrapper
- # rjb() { ... }
+ # wrapper() => JavaWrapper
+ # wrapper() { ... }
- # This method can be used in two ways. Without a block, returns the RjbWrapper
- # object which you can use to configure the RJB classpath or call other RJB methods.
- # With a block, loads RJB and yields to the block, returning its result.
+ # This method can be used in two ways. Without a block, returns the
+ # JavaWrapper object which you can use to configure the classpath or call
+ # other methods. With a block, loads RJB or sets up JRuby and yields to
+ # the block, returning its result.
# For example:
- # Java.rjb.classpath << REQUIRES
- # Java.rjb.onload { require "antwrap" }
+ # Java.wrapper.classpath << REQUIRES
+ # Java.wrapper.setup { require "antwrap" }
# def execute(name, options)
# options = options.merge(:name=>name, :base_dir=>Dir.pwd, :declarative=>true)
- # Java.rjb { }
+ # Java.wrapper { }
# end
- def rjb()
+ def wrapper()
if block_given?
- RjbWrapper.instance.load
- yield RjbWrapper.instance
+ JavaWrapper.instance.load
+ yield JavaWrapper.instance
- RjbWrapper.instance
+ JavaWrapper.instance
# :call-seq:
# path_to_bin(cmd?) => path