lib/java/eclipse.rb in buildr-1.2.3 vs lib/java/eclipse.rb in buildr-1.2.4
- old
+ new
@@ -17,12 +17,11 @@
root_path = lambda { |p| f = lambda { |p| p.parent ? f[p.parent] : p.base_dir } ; f[p] }[project]
# We want the Eclipse files changed every time the Buildfile changes, but also anything loaded by
# the Buildfile (buildr.rb, separate file listing dependencies, etc), so we add anything required
# after the Buildfile. So which don't know where Buildr shows up exactly, ignore files that show
# in $LOADED_FEATURES that we cannot resolve.
- sources = ($LOADED_FEATURES - Buildr.instance_eval("@loaded_features_to_ignore")).
- map { |file| File.expand_path(file) }.select { |file| File.exist?(file) }
+ sources = { |file| File.expand_path(file) }.select { |file| File.exist?(file) }
sources << File.expand_path(Rake.application.rakefile, root_path) if Rake.application.rakefile
# Only for projects that are Eclipse packagable.
if project.packages.detect { |pkg| pkg.type.to_s =~ /(jar)|(war)|(rar)|(mar)|(aar)/ }
eclipse.enhance [ file(project.path_to(".classpath")), file(project.path_to(".project")) ]
@@ -33,10 +32,10 @@
# Find a path relative to the project's root directory.
relative = lambda do |path|
msg = [:to_path, :to_str, :to_s].find { |msg| path.respond_to? msg }
path = path.__send__(msg)
m2repo = Buildr::Repositories.instance.local
excludes = [ '**/.svn/', '**/CVS/' ].join('|')