lib/java/artifact.rb in buildr-1.2.6 vs lib/java/artifact.rb in buildr-1.2.7
- old
+ new
@@ -4,11 +4,10 @@
module Buildr
desc "Download all artifacts"
task "artifacts"
- task "artifacts:refresh"
# Mixin with a task to make it behave like an artifact. Implemented by the packaging tasks.
# An artifact has an identifier, group identifier, type, version number and
# optional classifier. All can be used to locate it in the local repository,
@@ -253,10 +252,38 @@
+ # :call-seq:
+ # from(path) => self
+ #
+ # Use this when you want to install or upload an artifact from a given file, for example:
+ # test = artifact('group:id:jar:1.0').from('test.jar')
+ # install test
+ # See also Buildr#install and Buildr#deploy.
+ def from(path)
+ path = File.expand_path(path.to_s)
+ enhance [path] do
+ verbose false do
+ mkpath File.dirname(name)
+ pom.invoke unless type == :pom
+ cp path, name
+ puts "Installed #{path} as #{to_spec}" if verbose
+ end
+ end
+ unless type == :pom
+ pom.enhance do
+ verbose false do
+ mkpath File.dirname(
+, 'w') { |file| file.write pom.pom_xml }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ self
+ end
# :call-seq:
# download()
@@ -583,9 +610,51 @@
# group %w{xbean xbean_xpath xmlpublic}, :under=>"xmlbeans", :version=>"2.1.0"
def group(*args)
hash = args.pop { |id| artifact :group=>hash[:under], :version=>hash[:version], :id=>id }
+ # :call-seq:
+ # install(artifacts)
+ #
+ # Installs the specified artifacts in the local repository as part of the install task.
+ #
+ # You can use this to install various files in the local repository, for example:
+ # install artifact('group:id:jar:1.0').from('some_jar.jar')
+ # $ buildr install
+ def install(*args, &block)
+ artifacts = artifacts(args)
+ raise ArgumentError, 'This method can only install artifacts' unless artifacts.all? { |f| f.respond_to?(:to_spec) }
+ all = (artifacts + { |artifact| artifact.pom }).uniq
+ task('install').tap do |task|
+ task.enhance all, &block
+ task 'uninstall' do
+ verbose false do
+ ).each { |file| rm file if File.exist?(file) }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # upload(artifacts)
+ #
+ # Uploads the specified artifacts to the release server as part of the upload task.
+ #
+ # You can use this to upload various files to the release server, for example:
+ # upload artifact('group:id:jar:1.0').from('some_jar.jar')
+ # $ buildr upload
+ def upload(*args, &block)
+ artifacts = artifacts(args)
+ raise ArgumentError, 'This method can only upload artifacts' unless artifacts.all? { |f| f.respond_to?(:to_spec) }
+ all = (artifacts + { |artifact| artifact.pom }).uniq
+ task('upload').tap do |task|
+ task.enhance &block if block
+ task.enhance all do
+ all.each { |artifact| artifact.upload }
+ end
+ end
+ end
# *Deprecated* For artifact, call it's upload method; for anything else, use URI.upload.
def deploy(*args)
warn_deprecated "If it's an artifact, call it's upload method directly. Otherwise, use URI.upload."
# Where do we release to?