lib/core/core.rb in buildr-0.16.0 vs lib/core/core.rb in buildr-0.18.0
- old
+ new
@@ -26,15 +26,130 @@
# inherited_attr :version
# inherited_attr :src_dir, "src"
# inherited_attr :java_src_dir do src_dir + "/main/java"
def inherited_attr(symbol, default = nil, &block)
block ||= proc { default }
- define_method symbol do
- instance_variable_get("@#{symbol}") || (parent ? parent.send(symbol) : self.instance_eval(&block))
+ attr_accessor symbol
+ define_method "#{symbol}_with_inheritence" do
+ unless value = send("#{symbol}_without_inheritence")
+ value = parent ? parent.send(symbol) : self.instance_eval(&block)
+ send "#{symbol}=", value
+ end
+ value
- define_method "#{symbol}=" do |value|
- instance_variable_set("@#{symbol}", value)
+ alias_method_chain symbol, :inheritence
+ end
+ end
+class Rake::Task
+ def invoke
+ tasks = (Thread.current[:tasks] || [])
+ if tasks.include?(name)
+ fail "Circular dependency " + (tasks + [name]).join("=>")
+ end
+ @lock.synchronize do
+ if application.options.trace
+ puts "** Invoke #{name} #{format_trace_flags}"
+ return if @already_invoked
+ begin
+ Thread.current[:tasks] = tasks + [name]
+ @already_invoked = true
+ invoke_prerequisites
+ execute if needed?
+ ensure
+ Thread.current[:tasks] = tasks
+ end
+class Rake::Task
+ # Access the base directory. The base directory is set when the class
+ # is defined from the current directory. The current directory is set
+ # to the base directory when the class is executed.
+ attr_accessor :base_dir
+ # :nodoc:
+ def invoke_with_base_dir()
+ Dir.chdir(@base_dir || Dir.pwd) { invoke_without_base_dir }
+ end
+ alias_method_chain :invoke, :base_dir
+ # :nodoc:
+ def initialize_with_base_dir(*args)
+ @base_dir = Dir.pwd
+ initialize_without_base_dir *args
+ end
+ alias_method_chain :initialize, :base_dir
+class Rake::Application
+ def in_namespace_with_global_scope(name, &block)
+ if name =~ /^:/
+ begin
+ scope, @scope = @scope, name.split(":")[1...-1]
+ in_namespace_without_global_scope name.split(":").last, &block
+ ensure
+ @scope = scope
+ end
+ else
+ in_namespace_without_global_scope name, &block
+ end
+ end
+ alias_method_chain :in_namespace, :global_scope
+class CheckTask < Rake::Task
+ def execute()
+ @warnings = []
+ super
+ report if verbose
+ end
+ def note(*msg)
+ @warnings += msg
+ end
+ def report()
+ if @warnings.empty?
+ puts"No warnings", :green)
+ else
+ warn "These are possible problems with your Rakefile"
+ @warnings.each { |msg| warn " #{msg}" }
+ end
+ end
+desc "Check your Rakefile for common errors"
+CheckTask.define_task "check"
+# Check for circular dependencies
+task "check" do
+ depends = {}
+ expand = lambda do |stack, checking|
+ if depends[checking]
+ if stack.include?(checking)
+ fail "Circular " + (stack + [checking]).join("=>")
+ end
+ else
+ depends[checking] = []
+ depends[checking] |= Rake.application[checking].prerequisites.
+ map { |prereq| expand[stack + [checking.to_s], prereq.to_s] }
+ end
+ depends[checking]
+ end
+ Rake.application.tasks.each do |checking|
+ expand[ [], checking.to_s ]
+ end