lib/core/build.rb in buildr-0.22.0 vs lib/core/build.rb in buildr-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-require "open3"
require "core/project"
module Buildr
desc "Build the project"
@@ -18,10 +17,41 @@
[ :build, :clean, :package, :install, :uninstall, :deploy ].each do |name|
Project.on_define { |project| project.recursive_task name }
+ # Collection of options for controlling Buildr. For example for running builds without running
+ # test cases, or running builds in parallel.
+ class Options
+ # Runs the build in parallel when true (defaults to false). You can force a parallel build by
+ # setting this option directly, or by running the parallel task ahead of the build task.
+ #
+ # This option only affects recurvise tasks. For example:
+ # rake parallel package
+ # will run all package tasks (from the sub-projects) in parallel, but each sub-project's package
+ # task runs its child tasks (prepare, compile, resources, etc) in sequence.
+ attr_accessor :parallel
+ end
+ class << self
+ # :call-seq:
+ # options() => Options
+ #
+ # Returns the Buildr options. See Options.
+ def options()
+ @options ||=
+ end
+ end
+ task("parallel") { Buildr.options.parallel = true }
class Project
# :call-seq:
# build(*prereqs) => task
# build { |task| .. } => task
@@ -57,11 +87,11 @@
# make()
# Make a release.
def make()
- version = with_next_version { |filename, version| sh "rake deploy --rakefile #{filename}" }
+ version = with_next_version { |filename, version| sh "rake clean deploy DEBUG=no --rakefile #{filename}" }
tag version
commit version + "-SNAPSHOT"
@@ -173,7 +203,27 @@
desc "Make a release"
task "release" do |task|
+ end
+ namespace "buildr" do
+ desc "Freezes the Rakefile so it always uses Buildr version #{Buildr::VERSION}"
+ task "freeze" do
+ gem = %Q{gem "buildr", "#{Buildr::VERSION}"}
+ rakefile = read(Rake.application.rakefile)
+ puts "Freezing the Rakefile so it always uses Buildr version #{Buildr::VERSION}"
+ write Rake.application.rakefile, rakefile =~ /gem\s*(["'])buildr\1/ ?
+ rakefile.sub(/gem\s*(["'])buildr\1\s*,\s*(["']).*\2/, gem) : gem + "\n" + rakefile
+ end
+ desc "Unfreezes the Rakefile to use the latest version of Buildr"
+ task "unfreeze" do
+ puts "Unfreezing the Rakefile to use the latest version of Buildr from your Gems repository"
+ write Rake.application.rakefile, read(Rake.application.rakefile).sub(/^\s*gem\s*(["'])buildr\1.*\n/, "")
+ end