docs/ in buildium-ruby-2.0.1 vs docs/ in buildium-ruby-2.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -3,53 +3,40 @@
All URIs are relative to **
| Method | HTTP request | Description |
| ------ | ------------ | ----------- |
| [**create_lease**]( | **POST** /v1/leases | Create a lease |
-| [**create_lease_charge_recurring_transaction**]( | **POST** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/recurringcharges | Create a recurring charge |
-| [**create_lease_credit**]( | **POST** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/credits | Create a credit |
-| [**create_lease_credit_recurring_transaction**]( | **POST** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/recurringcredits | Create a recurring credit |
-| [**create_lease_ledger_charge**]( | **POST** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/charges | Create a charge |
-| [**create_lease_ledger_deposit_withholding**]( | **POST** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/applieddeposits | Create a deposit withholding |
-| [**create_lease_ledger_refund**]( | **POST** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/refunds | Create a refund |
| [**create_lease_note**]( | **POST** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/notes | Create a note |
-| [**create_lease_recurring_payment**]( | **POST** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/recurringpayments | Create a recurring payment |
-| [**create_lease_reverse_payment**]( | **POST** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/reversepayments | Create a payment reversal |
+| [**create_lease_renewal**]( | **POST** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/renewals | Create a lease renewal |
| [**create_move_out_data**]( | **POST** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/moveouts | Create a move out |
-| [**create_payment**]( | **POST** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/payments | Create a payment |
+| [**get_all_lease_renewals**]( | **GET** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/renewals | Retrieve all renewals |
+| [**get_all_lease_renewals_for_all_properties**]( | **GET** /v1/leases/renewals | Retrieve all upcoming renewals |
| [**get_lease_by_id**]( | **GET** /v1/leases/{leaseId} | Retrieve a lease |
-| [**get_lease_charge_recurring_transaction_by_id**]( | **GET** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/recurringcharges/{transactionId} | Retrieve a recurring charge |
-| [**get_lease_ledger_refund_by_id**]( | **GET** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/refunds/{refundId} | Retrieve a refund |
-| [**get_lease_ledger_transaction_by_id**]( | **GET** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/transactions/{transactionId} | Retrieve a lease transaction |
-| [**get_lease_ledgers**]( | **GET** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/transactions | Retrieve all lease transactions |
+| [**get_lease_epay_settings_by_id**]( | **GET** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/epaysettings | Retrieve ePay settings |
| [**get_lease_move_out_data_by_tenant_id**]( | **GET** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/moveouts/{tenantId} | Retrieve a move out |
| [**get_lease_move_out_information_by_id**]( | **GET** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/moveouts | Retrieve all move outs |
| [**get_lease_note_by_note_id**]( | **GET** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/notes/{noteId} | Retrieve a note |
| [**get_lease_notes**]( | **GET** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/notes | Retrieve all notes |
-| [**get_lease_outstanding_balances**]( | **GET** /v1/leases/outstandingbalances | Retrieve all outstanding balances |
-| [**get_lease_recurring_credit_by_id**]( | **GET** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/recurringcredits/{transactionId} | Retrieve a recurring credit |
-| [**get_lease_recurring_transactions**]( | **GET** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/recurringtransactions | Retrieve all recurring transactions |
+| [**get_lease_renewal_by_id**]( | **GET** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/renewals/{renewalId} | Retrieve a renewal |
| [**get_leases**]( | **GET** /v1/leases | Retrieve all leases |
-| [**get_recurring_lease_payments_by_id**]( | **GET** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/recurringpayments/{paymentId} | Retrieve a recurring payment |
| [**get_rent**]( | **GET** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/rent | Retrieve all rent schedules |
| [**get_rent_by_id**]( | **GET** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/rent/{rentId} | Retrieve a rent schedule |
-| [**lease_renewals_external_api_read_get_all_lease_renewals**]( | **GET** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/renewals | Retrieve all lease renewals |
-| [**lease_renewals_external_api_read_get_lease_renewal_by_id**]( | **GET** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/renewals/{renewalId} | Retrieve a lease renewal |
-| [**lease_renewals_external_api_write_create_lease_renewal**]( | **POST** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/renewals | Create a lease renewal |
+| [**get_renters_insurance_policies**]( | **GET** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/rentersinsurance | Retrieve all insurance policies |
+| [**get_renters_insurance_policy_by_id**]( | **GET** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/rentersinsurance/{policyId} | Retrieve an insurance policy |
| [**undo_tenant_moveout**]( | **DELETE** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/moveouts/{tenantId} | Delete a move out |
| [**update_lease**]( | **PUT** /v1/leases/{leaseId} | Update a lease |
-| [**update_lease_charge**]( | **PUT** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/charges/{chargeId} | Update a charge |
+| [**update_lease_epay_settings**]( | **PUT** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/epaysettings | Update ePay settings |
| [**update_lease_note**]( | **PUT** /v1/leases/{leaseId}/notes/{noteId} | Update a note |
## create_lease
> <LeaseMessage> create_lease(lease_post_message)
Create a lease
-Creates a signed lease. <br /><br /><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Leases</span> - `View` `Edit` <br /><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Tenants</span> - `View` `Edit` <br /><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Lease transactions</span> - `View` `Edit`
+Creates a signed lease. <br /><br /><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Leases</span> - `View` `Edit` <br /><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Tenants</span> - `View` `Edit` <br /><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Lease transactions</span> - `View` `Edit` <br /><h4>Optional Permissions:</h4><br /><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Applicants</span> - `View` In order to add tenants to the lease using the ApplicantIds property, you must have this permission.
### Examples
require 'time'
@@ -66,11 +53,11 @@
# Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
# config.api_key_prefix['clientSecret'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance =
-lease_post_message ={lease_type: 'Fixed', unit_id: 37, lease_from_date:, send_welcome_email: false, tenants: [{first_name: 'first_name_example', last_name: 'last_name_example', address:{address_line1: 'address_line1_example', country: 'UnitedStates'})})]}) # LeasePostMessage |
+lease_post_message ={lease_type: 'Fixed', unit_id: 37, lease_from_date:, send_welcome_email: false}) # LeasePostMessage |
# Create a lease
result = api_instance.create_lease(lease_post_message)
p result
@@ -115,478 +102,10 @@
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
-## create_lease_charge_recurring_transaction
-> <LeaseChargeRecurringTransactionMessage> create_lease_charge_recurring_transaction(lease_id, charge_recurring_transaction_post_message)
-Create a recurring charge
-Creates a recurring charge transaction that will post automatically on the specified lease ledger. <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Lease transactions</span> - `View` `Edit`
-### Examples
-require 'time'
-require 'buildium-ruby'
-# setup authorization
-Buildium.configure do |config|
- # Configure API key authorization: clientId
- config.api_key['clientId'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
- # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
- # config.api_key_prefix['clientId'] = 'Bearer'
- # Configure API key authorization: clientSecret
- config.api_key['clientSecret'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
- # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
- # config.api_key_prefix['clientSecret'] = 'Bearer'
-api_instance =
-lease_id = 56 # Integer |
-charge_recurring_transaction_post_message ={gl_account_id: 37, amount: 3.56, first_occurrence_date:, post_days_in_advance: 37, frequency: 'Monthly'}) # ChargeRecurringTransactionPostMessage |
- # Create a recurring charge
- result = api_instance.create_lease_charge_recurring_transaction(lease_id, charge_recurring_transaction_post_message)
- p result
-rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->create_lease_charge_recurring_transaction: #{e}"
-#### Using the create_lease_charge_recurring_transaction_with_http_info variant
-This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
-> <Array(<LeaseChargeRecurringTransactionMessage>, Integer, Hash)> create_lease_charge_recurring_transaction_with_http_info(lease_id, charge_recurring_transaction_post_message)
- # Create a recurring charge
- data, status_code, headers = api_instance.create_lease_charge_recurring_transaction_with_http_info(lease_id, charge_recurring_transaction_post_message)
- p status_code # => 2xx
- p headers # => { ... }
- p data # => <LeaseChargeRecurringTransactionMessage>
-rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->create_lease_charge_recurring_transaction_with_http_info: #{e}"
-### Parameters
-| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
-| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- |
-| **lease_id** | **Integer** | | |
-| **charge_recurring_transaction_post_message** | [**ChargeRecurringTransactionPostMessage**]( | | |
-### Return type
-### Authorization
-[clientId](../, [clientSecret](../
-### HTTP request headers
-- **Content-Type**: application/json
-- **Accept**: application/json
-## create_lease_credit
-> <LeaseTransactionMessage> create_lease_credit(lease_id, lease_ledger_credit_post_message)
-Create a credit
-Creates a lease ledger credit. <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Lease transactions</span> - `View` `Edit`
-### Examples
-require 'time'
-require 'buildium-ruby'
-# setup authorization
-Buildium.configure do |config|
- # Configure API key authorization: clientId
- config.api_key['clientId'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
- # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
- # config.api_key_prefix['clientId'] = 'Bearer'
- # Configure API key authorization: clientSecret
- config.api_key['clientSecret'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
- # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
- # config.api_key_prefix['clientSecret'] = 'Bearer'
-api_instance =
-lease_id = 56 # Integer | The lease unique identifier.
-lease_ledger_credit_post_message ={date:, credit_type: 'WaiveUnpaid', lines: [{amount: 3.56, gl_account_id: 37})]}) # LeaseLedgerCreditPostMessage |
- # Create a credit
- result = api_instance.create_lease_credit(lease_id, lease_ledger_credit_post_message)
- p result
-rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->create_lease_credit: #{e}"
-#### Using the create_lease_credit_with_http_info variant
-This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
-> <Array(<LeaseTransactionMessage>, Integer, Hash)> create_lease_credit_with_http_info(lease_id, lease_ledger_credit_post_message)
- # Create a credit
- data, status_code, headers = api_instance.create_lease_credit_with_http_info(lease_id, lease_ledger_credit_post_message)
- p status_code # => 2xx
- p headers # => { ... }
- p data # => <LeaseTransactionMessage>
-rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->create_lease_credit_with_http_info: #{e}"
-### Parameters
-| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
-| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- |
-| **lease_id** | **Integer** | The lease unique identifier. | |
-| **lease_ledger_credit_post_message** | [**LeaseLedgerCreditPostMessage**]( | | |
-### Return type
-### Authorization
-[clientId](../, [clientSecret](../
-### HTTP request headers
-- **Content-Type**: application/json
-- **Accept**: application/json
-## create_lease_credit_recurring_transaction
-> <LeaseRecurringCreditMessage> create_lease_credit_recurring_transaction(lease_id, credit_recurring_transaction_post_message)
-Create a recurring credit
-Creates a recurring credit transaction on the specified lease ledger. <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Lease transactions</span> - `View` `Edit`
-### Examples
-require 'time'
-require 'buildium-ruby'
-# setup authorization
-Buildium.configure do |config|
- # Configure API key authorization: clientId
- config.api_key['clientId'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
- # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
- # config.api_key_prefix['clientId'] = 'Bearer'
- # Configure API key authorization: clientSecret
- config.api_key['clientSecret'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
- # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
- # config.api_key_prefix['clientSecret'] = 'Bearer'
-api_instance =
-lease_id = 56 # Integer |
-credit_recurring_transaction_post_message ={credit_type: 'WaiveUnpaid', post_days_in_advance: 37, frequency: 'Monthly', first_occurrence_date:}) # CreditRecurringTransactionPostMessage |
- # Create a recurring credit
- result = api_instance.create_lease_credit_recurring_transaction(lease_id, credit_recurring_transaction_post_message)
- p result
-rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->create_lease_credit_recurring_transaction: #{e}"
-#### Using the create_lease_credit_recurring_transaction_with_http_info variant
-This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
-> <Array(<LeaseRecurringCreditMessage>, Integer, Hash)> create_lease_credit_recurring_transaction_with_http_info(lease_id, credit_recurring_transaction_post_message)
- # Create a recurring credit
- data, status_code, headers = api_instance.create_lease_credit_recurring_transaction_with_http_info(lease_id, credit_recurring_transaction_post_message)
- p status_code # => 2xx
- p headers # => { ... }
- p data # => <LeaseRecurringCreditMessage>
-rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->create_lease_credit_recurring_transaction_with_http_info: #{e}"
-### Parameters
-| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
-| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- |
-| **lease_id** | **Integer** | | |
-| **credit_recurring_transaction_post_message** | [**CreditRecurringTransactionPostMessage**]( | | |
-### Return type
-### Authorization
-[clientId](../, [clientSecret](../
-### HTTP request headers
-- **Content-Type**: application/json
-- **Accept**: application/json
-## create_lease_ledger_charge
-> <Array<LeaseTransactionMessage>> create_lease_ledger_charge(lease_id, lease_charge_post_message)
-Create a charge
-Creates a charge transaction on a specific lease ledger. <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Lease transactions</span> - `View` `Edit`
-### Examples
-require 'time'
-require 'buildium-ruby'
-# setup authorization
-Buildium.configure do |config|
- # Configure API key authorization: clientId
- config.api_key['clientId'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
- # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
- # config.api_key_prefix['clientId'] = 'Bearer'
- # Configure API key authorization: clientSecret
- config.api_key['clientSecret'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
- # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
- # config.api_key_prefix['clientSecret'] = 'Bearer'
-api_instance =
-lease_id = 56 # Integer |
-lease_charge_post_message = # LeaseChargePostMessage |
- # Create a charge
- result = api_instance.create_lease_ledger_charge(lease_id, lease_charge_post_message)
- p result
-rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->create_lease_ledger_charge: #{e}"
-#### Using the create_lease_ledger_charge_with_http_info variant
-This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
-> <Array(<Array<LeaseTransactionMessage>>, Integer, Hash)> create_lease_ledger_charge_with_http_info(lease_id, lease_charge_post_message)
- # Create a charge
- data, status_code, headers = api_instance.create_lease_ledger_charge_with_http_info(lease_id, lease_charge_post_message)
- p status_code # => 2xx
- p headers # => { ... }
- p data # => <Array<LeaseTransactionMessage>>
-rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->create_lease_ledger_charge_with_http_info: #{e}"
-### Parameters
-| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
-| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- |
-| **lease_id** | **Integer** | | |
-| **lease_charge_post_message** | [**LeaseChargePostMessage**]( | | |
-### Return type
-### Authorization
-[clientId](../, [clientSecret](../
-### HTTP request headers
-- **Content-Type**: application/json
-- **Accept**: application/json
-## create_lease_ledger_deposit_withholding
-> <LeaseTransactionMessage> create_lease_ledger_deposit_withholding(lease_id, lease_ledger_deposit_withholding_post_message)
-Create a deposit withholding
-Withholds a resident deposit by reallocating the funds from a liability account to an income account to cover an expense(s). <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Lease Ledger</span> - `View` `Edit` <span class=\"permissionBlock\">Accounting > General Ledger Accounts</span> - `View`
-### Examples
-require 'time'
-require 'buildium-ruby'
-# setup authorization
-Buildium.configure do |config|
- # Configure API key authorization: clientId
- config.api_key['clientId'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
- # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
- # config.api_key_prefix['clientId'] = 'Bearer'
- # Configure API key authorization: clientSecret
- config.api_key['clientSecret'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
- # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
- # config.api_key_prefix['clientSecret'] = 'Bearer'
-api_instance =
-lease_id = 56 # Integer |
-lease_ledger_deposit_withholding_post_message ={entry_date:, deposit_liability_gl_account_id: 37}) # LeaseLedgerDepositWithholdingPostMessage |
- # Create a deposit withholding
- result = api_instance.create_lease_ledger_deposit_withholding(lease_id, lease_ledger_deposit_withholding_post_message)
- p result
-rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->create_lease_ledger_deposit_withholding: #{e}"
-#### Using the create_lease_ledger_deposit_withholding_with_http_info variant
-This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
-> <Array(<LeaseTransactionMessage>, Integer, Hash)> create_lease_ledger_deposit_withholding_with_http_info(lease_id, lease_ledger_deposit_withholding_post_message)
- # Create a deposit withholding
- data, status_code, headers = api_instance.create_lease_ledger_deposit_withholding_with_http_info(lease_id, lease_ledger_deposit_withholding_post_message)
- p status_code # => 2xx
- p headers # => { ... }
- p data # => <LeaseTransactionMessage>
-rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->create_lease_ledger_deposit_withholding_with_http_info: #{e}"
-### Parameters
-| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
-| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- |
-| **lease_id** | **Integer** | | |
-| **lease_ledger_deposit_withholding_post_message** | [**LeaseLedgerDepositWithholdingPostMessage**]( | | |
-### Return type
-### Authorization
-[clientId](../, [clientSecret](../
-### HTTP request headers
-- **Content-Type**: application/json
-- **Accept**: application/json
-## create_lease_ledger_refund
-> <LeaseLedgerRefundMessage> create_lease_ledger_refund(lease_id, lease_ledger_refund_post_message)
-Create a refund
-Creates a refund. <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Accounting > Bank Accounts</span> - `View` `Edit`
-### Examples
-require 'time'
-require 'buildium-ruby'
-# setup authorization
-Buildium.configure do |config|
- # Configure API key authorization: clientId
- config.api_key['clientId'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
- # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
- # config.api_key_prefix['clientId'] = 'Bearer'
- # Configure API key authorization: clientSecret
- config.api_key['clientSecret'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
- # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
- # config.api_key_prefix['clientSecret'] = 'Bearer'
-api_instance =
-lease_id = 56 # Integer |
-lease_ledger_refund_post_message ={date:, payee_user_ids: [37], bank_account_id: 37, address:{address_line1: 'address_line1_example', country: 'UnitedStates'}), lines: [{amount: 3.56, gl_account_id: 37})]}) # LeaseLedgerRefundPostMessage |
- # Create a refund
- result = api_instance.create_lease_ledger_refund(lease_id, lease_ledger_refund_post_message)
- p result
-rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->create_lease_ledger_refund: #{e}"
-#### Using the create_lease_ledger_refund_with_http_info variant
-This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
-> <Array(<LeaseLedgerRefundMessage>, Integer, Hash)> create_lease_ledger_refund_with_http_info(lease_id, lease_ledger_refund_post_message)
- # Create a refund
- data, status_code, headers = api_instance.create_lease_ledger_refund_with_http_info(lease_id, lease_ledger_refund_post_message)
- p status_code # => 2xx
- p headers # => { ... }
- p data # => <LeaseLedgerRefundMessage>
-rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->create_lease_ledger_refund_with_http_info: #{e}"
-### Parameters
-| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
-| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- |
-| **lease_id** | **Integer** | | |
-| **lease_ledger_refund_post_message** | [**LeaseLedgerRefundPostMessage**]( | | |
-### Return type
-### Authorization
-[clientId](../, [clientSecret](../
-### HTTP request headers
-- **Content-Type**: application/json
-- **Accept**: application/json
## create_lease_note
> <NoteMessage> create_lease_note(lease_id, note_post_message)
Create a note
@@ -661,17 +180,17 @@
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
-## create_lease_recurring_payment
+## create_lease_renewal
-> <LeaseRecurringPaymentMessage> create_lease_recurring_payment(lease_id, payment_recurring_transaction_post_message)
+> <LeaseRenewalMessage> create_lease_renewal(lease_id, lease_renewal_post_message)
-Create a recurring payment
+Create a lease renewal
-Creates a recurring payment that will post automatically on the specified lease ledger. <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Lease Transactions</span> - `View` `Edit`
+Creates a lease renewal. <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Leases</span> - `View` `Edit`
### Examples
require 'time'
@@ -689,49 +208,49 @@
# config.api_key_prefix['clientSecret'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance =
lease_id = 56 # Integer |
-payment_recurring_transaction_post_message ={payment_method: 'Check', first_occurrence_date:, post_days_in_advance: 37, frequency: 'Monthly'}) # PaymentRecurringTransactionPostMessage |
+lease_renewal_post_message ={lease_type: 'Fixed', rent:{cycle: 'Monthly', charges: [{amount: 3.56, gl_account_id: 37, next_due_date:})]}), send_welcome_email: false}) # LeaseRenewalPostMessage |
- # Create a recurring payment
- result = api_instance.create_lease_recurring_payment(lease_id, payment_recurring_transaction_post_message)
+ # Create a lease renewal
+ result = api_instance.create_lease_renewal(lease_id, lease_renewal_post_message)
p result
rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->create_lease_recurring_payment: #{e}"
+ puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->create_lease_renewal: #{e}"
-#### Using the create_lease_recurring_payment_with_http_info variant
+#### Using the create_lease_renewal_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
-> <Array(<LeaseRecurringPaymentMessage>, Integer, Hash)> create_lease_recurring_payment_with_http_info(lease_id, payment_recurring_transaction_post_message)
+> <Array(<LeaseRenewalMessage>, Integer, Hash)> create_lease_renewal_with_http_info(lease_id, lease_renewal_post_message)
- # Create a recurring payment
- data, status_code, headers = api_instance.create_lease_recurring_payment_with_http_info(lease_id, payment_recurring_transaction_post_message)
+ # Create a lease renewal
+ data, status_code, headers = api_instance.create_lease_renewal_with_http_info(lease_id, lease_renewal_post_message)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
- p data # => <LeaseRecurringPaymentMessage>
+ p data # => <LeaseRenewalMessage>
rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->create_lease_recurring_payment_with_http_info: #{e}"
+ puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->create_lease_renewal_with_http_info: #{e}"
### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- |
| **lease_id** | **Integer** | | |
-| **payment_recurring_transaction_post_message** | [**PaymentRecurringTransactionPostMessage**]( | | |
+| **lease_renewal_post_message** | [**LeaseRenewalPostMessage**]( | | |
### Return type
### Authorization
[clientId](../, [clientSecret](../
@@ -739,88 +258,10 @@
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
-## create_lease_reverse_payment
-> <LeaseTransactionMessage> create_lease_reverse_payment(lease_id, lease_ledger_reverse_payment_post_message)
-Create a payment reversal
-Reverses a lease ledger payment. Note, this action can only be taken on a payment that has been deposited. <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Lease transactions</span> - `View` `Edit` <br /><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Accounting > Bank Accounts</span> - `View` `Edit`
-### Examples
-require 'time'
-require 'buildium-ruby'
-# setup authorization
-Buildium.configure do |config|
- # Configure API key authorization: clientId
- config.api_key['clientId'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
- # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
- # config.api_key_prefix['clientId'] = 'Bearer'
- # Configure API key authorization: clientSecret
- config.api_key['clientSecret'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
- # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
- # config.api_key_prefix['clientSecret'] = 'Bearer'
-api_instance =
-lease_id = 56 # Integer | The lease unique identifier.
-lease_ledger_reverse_payment_post_message ={entry_date:, payment_transaction_id: 37}) # LeaseLedgerReversePaymentPostMessage |
- # Create a payment reversal
- result = api_instance.create_lease_reverse_payment(lease_id, lease_ledger_reverse_payment_post_message)
- p result
-rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->create_lease_reverse_payment: #{e}"
-#### Using the create_lease_reverse_payment_with_http_info variant
-This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
-> <Array(<LeaseTransactionMessage>, Integer, Hash)> create_lease_reverse_payment_with_http_info(lease_id, lease_ledger_reverse_payment_post_message)
- # Create a payment reversal
- data, status_code, headers = api_instance.create_lease_reverse_payment_with_http_info(lease_id, lease_ledger_reverse_payment_post_message)
- p status_code # => 2xx
- p headers # => { ... }
- p data # => <LeaseTransactionMessage>
-rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->create_lease_reverse_payment_with_http_info: #{e}"
-### Parameters
-| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
-| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- |
-| **lease_id** | **Integer** | The lease unique identifier. | |
-| **lease_ledger_reverse_payment_post_message** | [**LeaseLedgerReversePaymentPostMessage**]( | | |
-### Return type
-### Authorization
-[clientId](../, [clientSecret](../
-### HTTP request headers
-- **Content-Type**: application/json
-- **Accept**: application/json
## create_move_out_data
> <LeaseMoveOutDataMessage> create_move_out_data(lease_id, lease_move_out_data_post_message)
Create a move out
@@ -895,17 +336,17 @@
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
-## create_payment
+## get_all_lease_renewals
-> <LeaseTransactionMessage> create_payment(lease_id, lease_ledger_payment_post_message)
+> <Array<LeaseRenewalMessage>> get_all_lease_renewals(lease_id, opts)
-Create a payment
+Retrieve all renewals
-Creates a lease ledger payment. <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Lease transactions</span> - `View` `Edit`
+Retrieves all renewals for a specific a lease. <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Leases</span> - `View`
### Examples
require 'time'
@@ -922,204 +363,56 @@
# Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
# config.api_key_prefix['clientSecret'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance =
-lease_id = 56 # Integer | The lease unique identifier.
-lease_ledger_payment_post_message ={date:, payment_method: 'Check', send_email_receipt: false, lines: [{amount: 3.56, gl_account_id: 37})]}) # LeaseLedgerPaymentPostMessage |
- # Create a payment
- result = api_instance.create_payment(lease_id, lease_ledger_payment_post_message)
- p result
-rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->create_payment: #{e}"
-#### Using the create_payment_with_http_info variant
-This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
-> <Array(<LeaseTransactionMessage>, Integer, Hash)> create_payment_with_http_info(lease_id, lease_ledger_payment_post_message)
- # Create a payment
- data, status_code, headers = api_instance.create_payment_with_http_info(lease_id, lease_ledger_payment_post_message)
- p status_code # => 2xx
- p headers # => { ... }
- p data # => <LeaseTransactionMessage>
-rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->create_payment_with_http_info: #{e}"
-### Parameters
-| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
-| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- |
-| **lease_id** | **Integer** | The lease unique identifier. | |
-| **lease_ledger_payment_post_message** | [**LeaseLedgerPaymentPostMessage**]( | | |
-### Return type
-### Authorization
-[clientId](../, [clientSecret](../
-### HTTP request headers
-- **Content-Type**: application/json
-- **Accept**: application/json
-## get_lease_by_id
-> <LeaseMessage> get_lease_by_id(lease_id)
-Retrieve a lease
-Retrieves a specific lease. <br /><br /><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Leases</span> - `View`
-### Examples
-require 'time'
-require 'buildium-ruby'
-# setup authorization
-Buildium.configure do |config|
- # Configure API key authorization: clientId
- config.api_key['clientId'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
- # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
- # config.api_key_prefix['clientId'] = 'Bearer'
- # Configure API key authorization: clientSecret
- config.api_key['clientSecret'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
- # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
- # config.api_key_prefix['clientSecret'] = 'Bearer'
-api_instance =
-lease_id = 56 # Integer | The lease identifier.
- # Retrieve a lease
- result = api_instance.get_lease_by_id(lease_id)
- p result
-rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_lease_by_id: #{e}"
-#### Using the get_lease_by_id_with_http_info variant
-This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
-> <Array(<LeaseMessage>, Integer, Hash)> get_lease_by_id_with_http_info(lease_id)
- # Retrieve a lease
- data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_lease_by_id_with_http_info(lease_id)
- p status_code # => 2xx
- p headers # => { ... }
- p data # => <LeaseMessage>
-rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_lease_by_id_with_http_info: #{e}"
-### Parameters
-| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
-| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- |
-| **lease_id** | **Integer** | The lease identifier. | |
-### Return type
-### Authorization
-[clientId](../, [clientSecret](../
-### HTTP request headers
-- **Content-Type**: Not defined
-- **Accept**: application/json
-## get_lease_charge_recurring_transaction_by_id
-> <LeaseChargeRecurringTransactionMessage> get_lease_charge_recurring_transaction_by_id(lease_id, transaction_id)
-Retrieve a recurring charge
-Retrieves a recurring charge. <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Lease transactions</span> - `View`
-### Examples
-require 'time'
-require 'buildium-ruby'
-# setup authorization
-Buildium.configure do |config|
- # Configure API key authorization: clientId
- config.api_key['clientId'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
- # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
- # config.api_key_prefix['clientId'] = 'Bearer'
- # Configure API key authorization: clientSecret
- config.api_key['clientSecret'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
- # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
- # config.api_key_prefix['clientSecret'] = 'Bearer'
-api_instance =
lease_id = 56 # Integer |
-transaction_id = 56 # Integer |
+opts = {
+ orderby: 'orderby_example', # String | `orderby` indicates the field(s) and direction to sort the results in the response. See <a href=\"#section/API-Overview/Bulk-Request-Options\">Bulk Request Options</a> for more information.
+ offset: 56, # Integer | `offset` indicates the position of the first record to return. The `offset` is zero-based and the default is 0.
+ limit: 56 # Integer | `limit` indicates the maximum number of results to be returned in the response. `limit` can range between 1 and 1000 and the default is 50.
- # Retrieve a recurring charge
- result = api_instance.get_lease_charge_recurring_transaction_by_id(lease_id, transaction_id)
+ # Retrieve all renewals
+ result = api_instance.get_all_lease_renewals(lease_id, opts)
p result
rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_lease_charge_recurring_transaction_by_id: #{e}"
+ puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_all_lease_renewals: #{e}"
-#### Using the get_lease_charge_recurring_transaction_by_id_with_http_info variant
+#### Using the get_all_lease_renewals_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
-> <Array(<LeaseChargeRecurringTransactionMessage>, Integer, Hash)> get_lease_charge_recurring_transaction_by_id_with_http_info(lease_id, transaction_id)
+> <Array(<Array<LeaseRenewalMessage>>, Integer, Hash)> get_all_lease_renewals_with_http_info(lease_id, opts)
- # Retrieve a recurring charge
- data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_lease_charge_recurring_transaction_by_id_with_http_info(lease_id, transaction_id)
+ # Retrieve all renewals
+ data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_all_lease_renewals_with_http_info(lease_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
- p data # => <LeaseChargeRecurringTransactionMessage>
+ p data # => <Array<LeaseRenewalMessage>>
rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_lease_charge_recurring_transaction_by_id_with_http_info: #{e}"
+ puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_all_lease_renewals_with_http_info: #{e}"
### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- |
| **lease_id** | **Integer** | | |
-| **transaction_id** | **Integer** | | |
+| **orderby** | **String** | `orderby` indicates the field(s) and direction to sort the results in the response. See <a href=\"#section/API-Overview/Bulk-Request-Options\">Bulk Request Options</a> for more information. | [optional] |
+| **offset** | **Integer** | `offset` indicates the position of the first record to return. The `offset` is zero-based and the default is 0. | [optional] |
+| **limit** | **Integer** | `limit` indicates the maximum number of results to be returned in the response. `limit` can range between 1 and 1000 and the default is 50. | [optional] |
### Return type
### Authorization
[clientId](../, [clientSecret](../
@@ -1127,17 +420,17 @@
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
-## get_lease_ledger_refund_by_id
+## get_all_lease_renewals_for_all_properties
-> <LeaseLedgerRefundMessage> get_lease_ledger_refund_by_id(lease_id, refund_id)
+> <Array<LeaseRenewalMessage>> get_all_lease_renewals_for_all_properties(esignaturestatuses, opts)
-Retrieve a refund
+Retrieve all upcoming renewals
-Retrieves a refund. <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Accounting > Bank Accounts</span> - `View`
+Retrieves all upcoming lease renewals across all rental properties. <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Leases</span> - `View`
### Examples
require 'time'
@@ -1154,50 +447,60 @@
# Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
# config.api_key_prefix['clientSecret'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance =
-lease_id = 56 # Integer |
-refund_id = 56 # Integer |
+esignaturestatuses = ['Unknown'] # Array<String> | Filters result to any lease renewal with an esignature status that matches the given statuses.
+opts = {
+ propertyids: [37], # Array<Integer> | Filters results to only include leases whose unit belongs to the specified set of property ids.
+ rentalownerids: [37], # Array<Integer> | Filters results to any lease whose unit belongs to a property with rental owner in the specified set of rental owner ids.
+ orderby: 'orderby_example', # String | `orderby` indicates the field(s) and direction to sort the results in the response. See <a href=\"#section/API-Overview/Bulk-Request-Options\">Bulk Request Options</a> for more information.
+ offset: 56, # Integer | `offset` indicates the position of the first record to return. The `offset` is zero-based and the default is 0.
+ limit: 56 # Integer | `limit` indicates the maximum number of results to be returned in the response. `limit` can range between 1 and 1000 and the default is 50.
- # Retrieve a refund
- result = api_instance.get_lease_ledger_refund_by_id(lease_id, refund_id)
+ # Retrieve all upcoming renewals
+ result = api_instance.get_all_lease_renewals_for_all_properties(esignaturestatuses, opts)
p result
rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_lease_ledger_refund_by_id: #{e}"
+ puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_all_lease_renewals_for_all_properties: #{e}"
-#### Using the get_lease_ledger_refund_by_id_with_http_info variant
+#### Using the get_all_lease_renewals_for_all_properties_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
-> <Array(<LeaseLedgerRefundMessage>, Integer, Hash)> get_lease_ledger_refund_by_id_with_http_info(lease_id, refund_id)
+> <Array(<Array<LeaseRenewalMessage>>, Integer, Hash)> get_all_lease_renewals_for_all_properties_with_http_info(esignaturestatuses, opts)
- # Retrieve a refund
- data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_lease_ledger_refund_by_id_with_http_info(lease_id, refund_id)
+ # Retrieve all upcoming renewals
+ data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_all_lease_renewals_for_all_properties_with_http_info(esignaturestatuses, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
- p data # => <LeaseLedgerRefundMessage>
+ p data # => <Array<LeaseRenewalMessage>>
rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_lease_ledger_refund_by_id_with_http_info: #{e}"
+ puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_all_lease_renewals_for_all_properties_with_http_info: #{e}"
### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- |
-| **lease_id** | **Integer** | | |
-| **refund_id** | **Integer** | | |
+| **esignaturestatuses** | [**Array<String>**]( | Filters result to any lease renewal with an esignature status that matches the given statuses. | |
+| **propertyids** | [**Array<Integer>**]( | Filters results to only include leases whose unit belongs to the specified set of property ids. | [optional] |
+| **rentalownerids** | [**Array<Integer>**]( | Filters results to any lease whose unit belongs to a property with rental owner in the specified set of rental owner ids. | [optional] |
+| **orderby** | **String** | `orderby` indicates the field(s) and direction to sort the results in the response. See <a href=\"#section/API-Overview/Bulk-Request-Options\">Bulk Request Options</a> for more information. | [optional] |
+| **offset** | **Integer** | `offset` indicates the position of the first record to return. The `offset` is zero-based and the default is 0. | [optional] |
+| **limit** | **Integer** | `limit` indicates the maximum number of results to be returned in the response. `limit` can range between 1 and 1000 and the default is 50. | [optional] |
### Return type
### Authorization
[clientId](../, [clientSecret](../
@@ -1205,17 +508,17 @@
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
-## get_lease_ledger_transaction_by_id
+## get_lease_by_id
-> <LeaseTransactionMessage> get_lease_ledger_transaction_by_id(lease_id, transaction_id)
+> <LeaseMessage> get_lease_by_id(lease_id)
-Retrieve a lease transaction
+Retrieve a lease
-Retrieves a specific lease transaction. <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Lease Transactions</span> - `View`
+Retrieves a specific lease. <br /><br /><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Leases</span> - `View`
### Examples
require 'time'
@@ -1232,50 +535,48 @@
# Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
# config.api_key_prefix['clientSecret'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance =
-lease_id = 56 # Integer |
-transaction_id = 56 # Integer |
+lease_id = 56 # Integer | The lease identifier.
- # Retrieve a lease transaction
- result = api_instance.get_lease_ledger_transaction_by_id(lease_id, transaction_id)
+ # Retrieve a lease
+ result = api_instance.get_lease_by_id(lease_id)
p result
rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_lease_ledger_transaction_by_id: #{e}"
+ puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_lease_by_id: #{e}"
-#### Using the get_lease_ledger_transaction_by_id_with_http_info variant
+#### Using the get_lease_by_id_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
-> <Array(<LeaseTransactionMessage>, Integer, Hash)> get_lease_ledger_transaction_by_id_with_http_info(lease_id, transaction_id)
+> <Array(<LeaseMessage>, Integer, Hash)> get_lease_by_id_with_http_info(lease_id)
- # Retrieve a lease transaction
- data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_lease_ledger_transaction_by_id_with_http_info(lease_id, transaction_id)
+ # Retrieve a lease
+ data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_lease_by_id_with_http_info(lease_id)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
- p data # => <LeaseTransactionMessage>
+ p data # => <LeaseMessage>
rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_lease_ledger_transaction_by_id_with_http_info: #{e}"
+ puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_lease_by_id_with_http_info: #{e}"
### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- |
-| **lease_id** | **Integer** | | |
-| **transaction_id** | **Integer** | | |
+| **lease_id** | **Integer** | The lease identifier. | |
### Return type
### Authorization
[clientId](../, [clientSecret](../
@@ -1283,17 +584,17 @@
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
-## get_lease_ledgers
+## get_lease_epay_settings_by_id
-> <Array<LeaseTransactionMessage>> get_lease_ledgers(lease_id, opts)
+> <EPaySettingsMessage> get_lease_epay_settings_by_id(lease_id)
-Retrieve all lease transactions
+Retrieve ePay settings
-Retrieves all the transactions for a specific lease. <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Lease transactions</span> - `View`
+Retrieves ePay settings for a lease. <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Leases</span> - `View`
### Examples
require 'time'
@@ -1311,61 +612,47 @@
# config.api_key_prefix['clientSecret'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance =
lease_id = 56 # Integer |
-opts = {
- transactiondatefrom: Date.parse('2013-10-20'), # Date | Filters results to any lease transaction whose start date is greater than or equal to the specified value.
- transactiondateto: Date.parse('2013-10-20'), # Date | Filters results to any lease transaction whose end date is less than or equal to the specified value.
- transactiontypes: ['Bill'], # Array<String> | Filters results to any lease transaction whose lease transaction type matches the specified status. If no type is specified, lease transactions with any type will be returned.
- orderby: 'orderby_example', # String | `orderby` indicates the field(s) and direction to sort the results in the response. See <a href=\"#section/API-Overview/Bulk-Request-Options\">Bulk Request Options</a> for more information.
- offset: 56, # Integer | `offset` indicates the position of the first record to return. The `offset` is zero-based and the default is 0.
- limit: 56 # Integer | `limit` indicates the maximum number of results to be returned in the response. `limit` can range between 1 and 1000 and the default is 50.
- # Retrieve all lease transactions
- result = api_instance.get_lease_ledgers(lease_id, opts)
+ # Retrieve ePay settings
+ result = api_instance.get_lease_epay_settings_by_id(lease_id)
p result
rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_lease_ledgers: #{e}"
+ puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_lease_epay_settings_by_id: #{e}"
-#### Using the get_lease_ledgers_with_http_info variant
+#### Using the get_lease_epay_settings_by_id_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
-> <Array(<Array<LeaseTransactionMessage>>, Integer, Hash)> get_lease_ledgers_with_http_info(lease_id, opts)
+> <Array(<EPaySettingsMessage>, Integer, Hash)> get_lease_epay_settings_by_id_with_http_info(lease_id)
- # Retrieve all lease transactions
- data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_lease_ledgers_with_http_info(lease_id, opts)
+ # Retrieve ePay settings
+ data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_lease_epay_settings_by_id_with_http_info(lease_id)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
- p data # => <Array<LeaseTransactionMessage>>
+ p data # => <EPaySettingsMessage>
rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_lease_ledgers_with_http_info: #{e}"
+ puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_lease_epay_settings_by_id_with_http_info: #{e}"
### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- |
| **lease_id** | **Integer** | | |
-| **transactiondatefrom** | **Date** | Filters results to any lease transaction whose start date is greater than or equal to the specified value. | [optional] |
-| **transactiondateto** | **Date** | Filters results to any lease transaction whose end date is less than or equal to the specified value. | [optional] |
-| **transactiontypes** | [**Array<String>**]( | Filters results to any lease transaction whose lease transaction type matches the specified status. If no type is specified, lease transactions with any type will be returned. | [optional] |
-| **orderby** | **String** | `orderby` indicates the field(s) and direction to sort the results in the response. See <a href=\"#section/API-Overview/Bulk-Request-Options\">Bulk Request Options</a> for more information. | [optional] |
-| **offset** | **Integer** | `offset` indicates the position of the first record to return. The `offset` is zero-based and the default is 0. | [optional] |
-| **limit** | **Integer** | `limit` indicates the maximum number of results to be returned in the response. `limit` can range between 1 and 1000 and the default is 50. | [optional] |
### Return type
### Authorization
[clientId](../, [clientSecret](../
@@ -1703,17 +990,17 @@
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
-## get_lease_outstanding_balances
+## get_lease_renewal_by_id
-> <Array<LeaseOutstandingBalanceMessage>> get_lease_outstanding_balances(opts)
+> <LeaseRenewalMessage> get_lease_renewal_by_id(lease_id, renewal_id)
-Retrieve all outstanding balances
+Retrieve a renewal
-Retrieves a list of lease outstanding balances. <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Outstanding Balances</span> - `View`
+Retrieves a specific renewal for a given lease. <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Leases</span> - `View`
### Examples
require 'time'
@@ -1730,146 +1017,50 @@
# Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
# config.api_key_prefix['clientSecret'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance =
-opts = {
- entitytype: 'Rental', # String |
- entityid: 56, # Integer |
- leasestatuses: ['Active'], # Array<String> |
- leaseids: [37], # Array<Integer> |
- pastdueemail: 'NoEmailAddress', # String |
- balanceduration: 'TotalBalance', # String |
- evictionstatus: 'NotEvictionPending', # String |
- orderby: 'orderby_example', # String | `orderby` indicates the field(s) and direction to sort the results in the response. See <a href=\"#section/API-Overview/Bulk-Request-Options\">Bulk Request Options</a> for more information.
- offset: 56, # Integer | `offset` indicates the position of the first record to return. The `offset` is zero-based and the default is 0.
- limit: 56 # Integer | `limit` indicates the maximum number of results to be returned in the response. `limit` can range between 1 and 1000 and the default is 50.
- # Retrieve all outstanding balances
- result = api_instance.get_lease_outstanding_balances(opts)
- p result
-rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_lease_outstanding_balances: #{e}"
-#### Using the get_lease_outstanding_balances_with_http_info variant
-This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
-> <Array(<Array<LeaseOutstandingBalanceMessage>>, Integer, Hash)> get_lease_outstanding_balances_with_http_info(opts)
- # Retrieve all outstanding balances
- data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_lease_outstanding_balances_with_http_info(opts)
- p status_code # => 2xx
- p headers # => { ... }
- p data # => <Array<LeaseOutstandingBalanceMessage>>
-rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_lease_outstanding_balances_with_http_info: #{e}"
-### Parameters
-| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
-| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- |
-| **entitytype** | **String** | | [optional] |
-| **entityid** | **Integer** | | [optional] |
-| **leasestatuses** | [**Array<String>**]( | | [optional] |
-| **leaseids** | [**Array<Integer>**]( | | [optional] |
-| **pastdueemail** | **String** | | [optional] |
-| **balanceduration** | **String** | | [optional] |
-| **evictionstatus** | **String** | | [optional] |
-| **orderby** | **String** | `orderby` indicates the field(s) and direction to sort the results in the response. See <a href=\"#section/API-Overview/Bulk-Request-Options\">Bulk Request Options</a> for more information. | [optional] |
-| **offset** | **Integer** | `offset` indicates the position of the first record to return. The `offset` is zero-based and the default is 0. | [optional] |
-| **limit** | **Integer** | `limit` indicates the maximum number of results to be returned in the response. `limit` can range between 1 and 1000 and the default is 50. | [optional] |
-### Return type
-### Authorization
-[clientId](../, [clientSecret](../
-### HTTP request headers
-- **Content-Type**: Not defined
-- **Accept**: application/json
-## get_lease_recurring_credit_by_id
-> <LeaseRecurringCreditMessage> get_lease_recurring_credit_by_id(lease_id, transaction_id)
-Retrieve a recurring credit
-Retrieves a recurring credit. <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Lease transactions</span> - `View`
-### Examples
-require 'time'
-require 'buildium-ruby'
-# setup authorization
-Buildium.configure do |config|
- # Configure API key authorization: clientId
- config.api_key['clientId'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
- # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
- # config.api_key_prefix['clientId'] = 'Bearer'
- # Configure API key authorization: clientSecret
- config.api_key['clientSecret'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
- # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
- # config.api_key_prefix['clientSecret'] = 'Bearer'
-api_instance =
lease_id = 56 # Integer |
-transaction_id = 56 # Integer |
+renewal_id = 56 # Integer |
- # Retrieve a recurring credit
- result = api_instance.get_lease_recurring_credit_by_id(lease_id, transaction_id)
+ # Retrieve a renewal
+ result = api_instance.get_lease_renewal_by_id(lease_id, renewal_id)
p result
rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_lease_recurring_credit_by_id: #{e}"
+ puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_lease_renewal_by_id: #{e}"
-#### Using the get_lease_recurring_credit_by_id_with_http_info variant
+#### Using the get_lease_renewal_by_id_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
-> <Array(<LeaseRecurringCreditMessage>, Integer, Hash)> get_lease_recurring_credit_by_id_with_http_info(lease_id, transaction_id)
+> <Array(<LeaseRenewalMessage>, Integer, Hash)> get_lease_renewal_by_id_with_http_info(lease_id, renewal_id)
- # Retrieve a recurring credit
- data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_lease_recurring_credit_by_id_with_http_info(lease_id, transaction_id)
+ # Retrieve a renewal
+ data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_lease_renewal_by_id_with_http_info(lease_id, renewal_id)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
- p data # => <LeaseRecurringCreditMessage>
+ p data # => <LeaseRenewalMessage>
rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_lease_recurring_credit_by_id_with_http_info: #{e}"
+ puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_lease_renewal_by_id_with_http_info: #{e}"
### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- |
| **lease_id** | **Integer** | | |
-| **transaction_id** | **Integer** | | |
+| **renewal_id** | **Integer** | | |
### Return type
### Authorization
[clientId](../, [clientSecret](../
@@ -1877,94 +1068,10 @@
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
-## get_lease_recurring_transactions
-> <Array<RecurringTransactionMessage>> get_lease_recurring_transactions(lease_id, opts)
-Retrieve all recurring transactions
-Retrieves all recurring transactions. <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Lease transactions</span> - `View`
-### Examples
-require 'time'
-require 'buildium-ruby'
-# setup authorization
-Buildium.configure do |config|
- # Configure API key authorization: clientId
- config.api_key['clientId'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
- # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
- # config.api_key_prefix['clientId'] = 'Bearer'
- # Configure API key authorization: clientSecret
- config.api_key['clientSecret'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
- # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
- # config.api_key_prefix['clientSecret'] = 'Bearer'
-api_instance =
-lease_id = 56 # Integer |
-opts = {
- orderby: 'orderby_example', # String | `orderby` indicates the field(s) and direction to sort the results in the response. See <a href=\"#section/API-Overview/Bulk-Request-Options\">Bulk Request Options</a> for more information.
- offset: 56, # Integer | `offset` indicates the position of the first record to return. The `offset` is zero-based and the default is 0.
- limit: 56 # Integer | `limit` indicates the maximum number of results to be returned in the response. `limit` can range between 1 and 1000 and the default is 50.
- # Retrieve all recurring transactions
- result = api_instance.get_lease_recurring_transactions(lease_id, opts)
- p result
-rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_lease_recurring_transactions: #{e}"
-#### Using the get_lease_recurring_transactions_with_http_info variant
-This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
-> <Array(<Array<RecurringTransactionMessage>>, Integer, Hash)> get_lease_recurring_transactions_with_http_info(lease_id, opts)
- # Retrieve all recurring transactions
- data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_lease_recurring_transactions_with_http_info(lease_id, opts)
- p status_code # => 2xx
- p headers # => { ... }
- p data # => <Array<RecurringTransactionMessage>>
-rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_lease_recurring_transactions_with_http_info: #{e}"
-### Parameters
-| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
-| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- |
-| **lease_id** | **Integer** | | |
-| **orderby** | **String** | `orderby` indicates the field(s) and direction to sort the results in the response. See <a href=\"#section/API-Overview/Bulk-Request-Options\">Bulk Request Options</a> for more information. | [optional] |
-| **offset** | **Integer** | `offset` indicates the position of the first record to return. The `offset` is zero-based and the default is 0. | [optional] |
-| **limit** | **Integer** | `limit` indicates the maximum number of results to be returned in the response. `limit` can range between 1 and 1000 and the default is 50. | [optional] |
-### Return type
-### Authorization
-[clientId](../, [clientSecret](../
-### HTTP request headers
-- **Content-Type**: Not defined
-- **Accept**: application/json
## get_leases
> <Array<LeaseMessage>> get_leases(opts)
Retrieve all leases
@@ -2067,88 +1174,10 @@
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
-## get_recurring_lease_payments_by_id
-> <LeaseRecurringPaymentMessage> get_recurring_lease_payments_by_id(lease_id, payment_id)
-Retrieve a recurring payment
-Retrieves a recurring payment. <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Lease Transactions</span> - `View`
-### Examples
-require 'time'
-require 'buildium-ruby'
-# setup authorization
-Buildium.configure do |config|
- # Configure API key authorization: clientId
- config.api_key['clientId'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
- # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
- # config.api_key_prefix['clientId'] = 'Bearer'
- # Configure API key authorization: clientSecret
- config.api_key['clientSecret'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
- # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
- # config.api_key_prefix['clientSecret'] = 'Bearer'
-api_instance =
-lease_id = 56 # Integer |
-payment_id = 56 # Integer |
- # Retrieve a recurring payment
- result = api_instance.get_recurring_lease_payments_by_id(lease_id, payment_id)
- p result
-rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_recurring_lease_payments_by_id: #{e}"
-#### Using the get_recurring_lease_payments_by_id_with_http_info variant
-This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
-> <Array(<LeaseRecurringPaymentMessage>, Integer, Hash)> get_recurring_lease_payments_by_id_with_http_info(lease_id, payment_id)
- # Retrieve a recurring payment
- data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_recurring_lease_payments_by_id_with_http_info(lease_id, payment_id)
- p status_code # => 2xx
- p headers # => { ... }
- p data # => <LeaseRecurringPaymentMessage>
-rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_recurring_lease_payments_by_id_with_http_info: #{e}"
-### Parameters
-| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
-| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- |
-| **lease_id** | **Integer** | | |
-| **payment_id** | **Integer** | | |
-### Return type
-### Authorization
-[clientId](../, [clientSecret](../
-### HTTP request headers
-- **Content-Type**: Not defined
-- **Accept**: application/json
## get_rent
> <Array<LeaseRentMessage>> get_rent(lease_id, opts)
Retrieve all rent schedules
@@ -2307,17 +1336,17 @@
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
-## lease_renewals_external_api_read_get_all_lease_renewals
+## get_renters_insurance_policies
-> <Array<LeaseRenewalMessage>> lease_renewals_external_api_read_get_all_lease_renewals(lease_id, opts)
+> <Array<RentersInsurancePolicyMessage>> get_renters_insurance_policies(lease_id, opts)
-Retrieve all lease renewals
+Retrieve all insurance policies
-Retrieves all lease renewals. <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Leases</span> - `View`
+Retrieves all renters insurance policies for a lease. <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Leases</span> - `View`
### Examples
require 'time'
@@ -2342,33 +1371,33 @@
offset: 56, # Integer | `offset` indicates the position of the first record to return. The `offset` is zero-based and the default is 0.
limit: 56 # Integer | `limit` indicates the maximum number of results to be returned in the response. `limit` can range between 1 and 1000 and the default is 50.
- # Retrieve all lease renewals
- result = api_instance.lease_renewals_external_api_read_get_all_lease_renewals(lease_id, opts)
+ # Retrieve all insurance policies
+ result = api_instance.get_renters_insurance_policies(lease_id, opts)
p result
rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->lease_renewals_external_api_read_get_all_lease_renewals: #{e}"
+ puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_renters_insurance_policies: #{e}"
-#### Using the lease_renewals_external_api_read_get_all_lease_renewals_with_http_info variant
+#### Using the get_renters_insurance_policies_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
-> <Array(<Array<LeaseRenewalMessage>>, Integer, Hash)> lease_renewals_external_api_read_get_all_lease_renewals_with_http_info(lease_id, opts)
+> <Array(<Array<RentersInsurancePolicyMessage>>, Integer, Hash)> get_renters_insurance_policies_with_http_info(lease_id, opts)
- # Retrieve all lease renewals
- data, status_code, headers = api_instance.lease_renewals_external_api_read_get_all_lease_renewals_with_http_info(lease_id, opts)
+ # Retrieve all insurance policies
+ data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_renters_insurance_policies_with_http_info(lease_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
- p data # => <Array<LeaseRenewalMessage>>
+ p data # => <Array<RentersInsurancePolicyMessage>>
rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->lease_renewals_external_api_read_get_all_lease_renewals_with_http_info: #{e}"
+ puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_renters_insurance_policies_with_http_info: #{e}"
### Parameters
@@ -2379,11 +1408,11 @@
| **offset** | **Integer** | `offset` indicates the position of the first record to return. The `offset` is zero-based and the default is 0. | [optional] |
| **limit** | **Integer** | `limit` indicates the maximum number of results to be returned in the response. `limit` can range between 1 and 1000 and the default is 50. | [optional] |
### Return type
### Authorization
[clientId](../, [clientSecret](../
@@ -2391,17 +1420,17 @@
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
-## lease_renewals_external_api_read_get_lease_renewal_by_id
+## get_renters_insurance_policy_by_id
-> <LeaseRenewalMessage> lease_renewals_external_api_read_get_lease_renewal_by_id(lease_id, renewal_id)
+> <RentersInsurancePolicyMessage> get_renters_insurance_policy_by_id(lease_id, policy_id)
-Retrieve a lease renewal
+Retrieve an insurance policy
-Retrieves a lease renewal. <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Leases</span> - `View`
+Retrieves a renters insurance policy. <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Leases</span> - `View`
### Examples
require 'time'
@@ -2419,49 +1448,49 @@
# config.api_key_prefix['clientSecret'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance =
lease_id = 56 # Integer |
-renewal_id = 56 # Integer |
+policy_id = 56 # Integer |
- # Retrieve a lease renewal
- result = api_instance.lease_renewals_external_api_read_get_lease_renewal_by_id(lease_id, renewal_id)
+ # Retrieve an insurance policy
+ result = api_instance.get_renters_insurance_policy_by_id(lease_id, policy_id)
p result
rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->lease_renewals_external_api_read_get_lease_renewal_by_id: #{e}"
+ puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_renters_insurance_policy_by_id: #{e}"
-#### Using the lease_renewals_external_api_read_get_lease_renewal_by_id_with_http_info variant
+#### Using the get_renters_insurance_policy_by_id_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
-> <Array(<LeaseRenewalMessage>, Integer, Hash)> lease_renewals_external_api_read_get_lease_renewal_by_id_with_http_info(lease_id, renewal_id)
+> <Array(<RentersInsurancePolicyMessage>, Integer, Hash)> get_renters_insurance_policy_by_id_with_http_info(lease_id, policy_id)
- # Retrieve a lease renewal
- data, status_code, headers = api_instance.lease_renewals_external_api_read_get_lease_renewal_by_id_with_http_info(lease_id, renewal_id)
+ # Retrieve an insurance policy
+ data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_renters_insurance_policy_by_id_with_http_info(lease_id, policy_id)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
- p data # => <LeaseRenewalMessage>
+ p data # => <RentersInsurancePolicyMessage>
rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->lease_renewals_external_api_read_get_lease_renewal_by_id_with_http_info: #{e}"
+ puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->get_renters_insurance_policy_by_id_with_http_info: #{e}"
### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- |
| **lease_id** | **Integer** | | |
-| **renewal_id** | **Integer** | | |
+| **policy_id** | **Integer** | | |
### Return type
### Authorization
[clientId](../, [clientSecret](../
@@ -2469,88 +1498,10 @@
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
-## lease_renewals_external_api_write_create_lease_renewal
-> <LeaseRenewalMessage> lease_renewals_external_api_write_create_lease_renewal(lease_id, lease_renewal_post_message)
-Create a lease renewal
-Creates a lease renewal. <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Leases</span> - `View` `Edit`
-### Examples
-require 'time'
-require 'buildium-ruby'
-# setup authorization
-Buildium.configure do |config|
- # Configure API key authorization: clientId
- config.api_key['clientId'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
- # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
- # config.api_key_prefix['clientId'] = 'Bearer'
- # Configure API key authorization: clientSecret
- config.api_key['clientSecret'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
- # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
- # config.api_key_prefix['clientSecret'] = 'Bearer'
-api_instance =
-lease_id = 56 # Integer |
-lease_renewal_post_message ={lease_type: 'Fixed', rent:{cycle: 'Monthly', charges: [{amount: 3.56, gl_account_id: 37, next_due_date:})]}), send_welcome_email: false}) # LeaseRenewalPostMessage |
- # Create a lease renewal
- result = api_instance.lease_renewals_external_api_write_create_lease_renewal(lease_id, lease_renewal_post_message)
- p result
-rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->lease_renewals_external_api_write_create_lease_renewal: #{e}"
-#### Using the lease_renewals_external_api_write_create_lease_renewal_with_http_info variant
-This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
-> <Array(<LeaseRenewalMessage>, Integer, Hash)> lease_renewals_external_api_write_create_lease_renewal_with_http_info(lease_id, lease_renewal_post_message)
- # Create a lease renewal
- data, status_code, headers = api_instance.lease_renewals_external_api_write_create_lease_renewal_with_http_info(lease_id, lease_renewal_post_message)
- p status_code # => 2xx
- p headers # => { ... }
- p data # => <LeaseRenewalMessage>
-rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->lease_renewals_external_api_write_create_lease_renewal_with_http_info: #{e}"
-### Parameters
-| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
-| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- |
-| **lease_id** | **Integer** | | |
-| **lease_renewal_post_message** | [**LeaseRenewalPostMessage**]( | | |
-### Return type
-### Authorization
-[clientId](../, [clientSecret](../
-### HTTP request headers
-- **Content-Type**: application/json
-- **Accept**: application/json
## undo_tenant_moveout
> undo_tenant_moveout(lease_id, tenant_id)
Delete a move out
@@ -2702,17 +1653,17 @@
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
-## update_lease_charge
+## update_lease_epay_settings
-> <LeaseTransactionMessage> update_lease_charge(lease_id, charge_id, lease_charge_put_message)
+> <EPaySettingsMessage> update_lease_epay_settings(lease_id, e_pay_settings_put_message)
-Update a charge
+Update ePay settings
-Updates a charge. <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Lease transactions</span> - `View` `Edit`
+Updates ePay settings for a lease <br /><br /><h4>Required permission(s):</h4><span class=\"permissionBlock\">Rentals > Leases</span> - `View` `Edit`
### Examples
require 'time'
@@ -2730,50 +1681,48 @@
# config.api_key_prefix['clientSecret'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance =
lease_id = 56 # Integer |
-charge_id = 56 # Integer |
-lease_charge_put_message ={date:, lines: [{amount: 3.56, gl_account_id: 37})]}) # LeaseChargePutMessage |
+e_pay_settings_put_message ={eft_payments:{payments_enabled: false}), credit_card_payments:{payments_enabled: false}), offline_payments:{display_info_in_resident_center: false, display_company_address: false})}) # EPaySettingsPutMessage |
- # Update a charge
- result = api_instance.update_lease_charge(lease_id, charge_id, lease_charge_put_message)
+ # Update ePay settings
+ result = api_instance.update_lease_epay_settings(lease_id, e_pay_settings_put_message)
p result
rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->update_lease_charge: #{e}"
+ puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->update_lease_epay_settings: #{e}"
-#### Using the update_lease_charge_with_http_info variant
+#### Using the update_lease_epay_settings_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
-> <Array(<LeaseTransactionMessage>, Integer, Hash)> update_lease_charge_with_http_info(lease_id, charge_id, lease_charge_put_message)
+> <Array(<EPaySettingsMessage>, Integer, Hash)> update_lease_epay_settings_with_http_info(lease_id, e_pay_settings_put_message)
- # Update a charge
- data, status_code, headers = api_instance.update_lease_charge_with_http_info(lease_id, charge_id, lease_charge_put_message)
+ # Update ePay settings
+ data, status_code, headers = api_instance.update_lease_epay_settings_with_http_info(lease_id, e_pay_settings_put_message)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
- p data # => <LeaseTransactionMessage>
+ p data # => <EPaySettingsMessage>
rescue Buildium::ApiError => e
- puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->update_lease_charge_with_http_info: #{e}"
+ puts "Error when calling LeasesApi->update_lease_epay_settings_with_http_info: #{e}"
### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- |
| **lease_id** | **Integer** | | |
-| **charge_id** | **Integer** | | |
-| **lease_charge_put_message** | [**LeaseChargePutMessage**]( | | |
+| **e_pay_settings_put_message** | [**EPaySettingsPutMessage**]( | | |
### Return type
### Authorization
[clientId](../, [clientSecret](../