rakefile.rb in buildar- vs rakefile.rb in buildar-
- old
+ new
@@ -1,204 +1,20 @@
-require 'rubygems/package_task'
+require 'buildar/tasks'
require 'rake/testtask'
-module Buildar
- ##############################################
- # Project-specific settings. Edit as needed.
- #
- #
- PROJECT_ROOT = File.dirname(__FILE__)
- PROJECT_NAME = File.split(PROJECT_ROOT).last
- USE_GIT = true
- GIT_COMMIT_VERSION = true # commit version bump automatically
- rubygems: true, # publish .gem to http://rubygems.org/
- }
- def self.gemspec
- Gem::Specification.new do |s|
- # Static assignments
- s.name = PROJECT_NAME
- s.summary = "FIX"
- s.description = "FIX"
- s.authors = ["FIX"]
- s.email = "FIX@FIX.COM"
- s.homepage = "http://FIX.COM/"
- s.licenses = ['FIX']
- s.has_rdoc = true
- # s.test_files = ['FIX']
- # Dynamic assignments
- s.files = manifest
- s.version = version
- # s.date = Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
- # s.add_runtime_dependency "rest-client", ["~> 1"]
- # s.add_runtime_dependency "json", ["~> 1"]
- s.add_development_dependency "minitest", [">= 0"]
- s.add_development_dependency "rake", [">= 0"]
- end
- end
- #
- #
- # End project-specific settings.
- ################################
- def self.version
- File.read(VERSION_FILE).chomp
- end
- def self.manifest
- File.readlines(MANIFEST_FILE).map { |line| line.chomp }
- end
- def self.write_version new_version
- File.open(VERSION_FILE, 'w') { |f| f.write(new_version) }
- end
- # e.g. bump(:minor, '1.2.3') #=> '1.3.0'
- # only works for versions consisting of integers delimited by periods (dots)
- #
- def self.bump(position, version)
- pos = [:major, :minor, :patch, :build].index(position) || position
- places = version.split('.')
- if pos >= places.length and pos <= places.length + 2
- # add zeroes to places up to pos
- # allows bump(:build, '0') #=> ''
- places.length.upto(pos) { |i| places[i] = 0 }
- end
- raise "bad position: #{pos} (for version #{version})" unless places[pos]
- places.map.with_index { |place, i|
- if i < pos
- place
- elsif i == pos
- place.to_i + 1
- else
- 0
- end
- }.join('.')
- end
+Buildar.conf(__FILE__) do |b|
+ b.version_filename = 'VERSION'
+ b.manifest_filename = 'MANIFEST.txt'
+ b.use_git = true
+ b.publish[:rubygems] = true
+ b.gemspec.name = 'buildar'
+ b.gemspec.summary = 'Buildar crept inside your rakefile and scratched some tasks'
+ b.gemspec.description = 'Buildar helps automate the release process with versioning, building, packaging, and publishing. Optional git integration'
+ b.gemspec.author = 'Rick Hull'
+ b.gemspec.homepage = 'https://github.com/rickhull/buildar'
+ b.gemspec.license = 'MIT'
+ b.gemspec.has_rdoc = true
-# Tasks
-# i.e. task :test, runs your test files
Rake::TestTask.new :test do |t|
- t.pattern = 'test/*.rb' # FIX for your layout
+ t.pattern = 'test/*.rb'
-# display project name and version
-task :version do
- puts "#{Buildar::PROJECT_NAME} #{Buildar.version}"
-# make sure ENV['message'] is populated
-task :message do
- unless ENV['message']
- print "Enter a one-line message:\n> "
- ENV['message'] = $stdin.gets.chomp
- end
-# if USE_GIT:
-# create annotated git tag based on VERSION and ENV['message'] if available
-# push tags to origin
-task :tag => [:test] do
- if Buildar::USE_GIT
- message = ENV['message'] || "auto-tagged #{tagname} by Rake"
- sh "git tag -a 'v#{Buildar.version}' -m '#{message}'"
- sh "git push origin --tags"
- end
-# display Buildar's understanding of the MANIFEST.txt file
-task :manifest do
- puts Buildar.manifest.join("\n")
-# roughly equivalent to `gem build foo.gemspec`
-# places .gem file in pkg/
-task :build => [:test, :bump_build] do
- # definine the task at runtime, rather than requiretime
- # so that the gemspec will reflect any version bumping since requiretime
- #
- Gem::PackageTask.new(Buildar.gemspec).define
- Rake::Task["package"].invoke
-# e.g. task :bump_build, with VERSION, updates VERSION to
-# if USE_GIT and GIT_COMMIT_VERSION: add VERSION and commit
-[:major, :minor, :patch, :build].each { |v|
- task "bump_#{v}" do
- old_version = Buildar.version
- new_version = Buildar.bump(v, old_version)
- puts "bumping #{old_version} to #{new_version}"
- Buildar.write_version new_version
- if Buildar::USE_GIT and Buildar::GIT_COMMIT_VERSION
- msg = "rake bump_#{v} to #{new_version}"
- sh "git commit #{Buildar::VERSION_FILE} -m '#{msg}'"
- end
- end
-# not used internally, but if the user wants a bump, make it a patch
-task :bump => [:bump_patch]
-# just make sure the ~/.gem/credentials file is readable
-task :verify_publish_credentials do
- if Buildar::PUBLISH[:rubygems]
- creds = '~/.gem/credentials'
- fp = File.expand_path(creds)
- raise "#{creds} does not exist" unless File.exists?(fp)
- raise "can't read #{creds}" unless File.readable?(fp)
- end
-# roughly, gem push foo-VERSION.gem
-task :publish => [:verify_publish_credentials] do
- if Buildar::PUBLISH[:rubygems]
- fragment = "-#{Buildar.version}.gem"
- pkg_dir = File.join(Buildar::PROJECT_ROOT, 'pkg')
- Dir.chdir(pkg_dir) {
- candidates = Dir.glob "*#{fragment}"
- case candidates.length
- when 0
- raise "could not find .gem matching #{fragment}"
- when 1
- sh "gem push #{candidates.first}"
- else
- raise "multiple candidates found matching #{fragment}"
- end
- }
- end
-# if USE_GIT: git push origin
-task :gitpush do
- # may prompt
- sh "git push origin" if Buildar::USE_GIT
-task :release => [:message, :build, :tag, :publish, :gitpush]
-task :release_patch => [:bump_patch, :release]
-task :release_minor => [:bump_minor, :release]
-task :release_major => [:bump_major, :release]