lib/bugsnag/rails/controller_methods.rb in bugsnag-1.1.5 vs lib/bugsnag/rails/controller_methods.rb in bugsnag-1.2.0.beta
- old
+ new
@@ -1,64 +1,48 @@
-module Bugsnag
- module Rails
- module ControllerMethods
- private
- def notify_bugsnag(exception, custom_data=nil)
- request_data = bugsnag_request_data
- request_data[:meta_data][:custom] = custom_data if custom_data
- Bugsnag.notify(exception, request_data)
+module Bugsnag::Rails
+ module ControllerMethods
+ def self.included(base)
+ base.extend ClassMethods
+ end
+ module ClassMethods
+ private
+ def before_bugsnag_notify(*methods, &block)
+ _add_bugsnag_notify_callback(:rails_before_callbacks, *methods, &block)
- def bugsnag_request_data
- {
- :user_id => bugsnag_session_id,
- :context => Bugsnag::Helpers.param_context(params),
- :meta_data => {
- :request => {
- :url => bugsnag_request_url,
- :controller => params[:controller],
- :action => params[:action],
- :params => bugsnag_filter_if_filtering(Bugsnag::Helpers.cleanup_hash(params.to_hash)),
- },
- :session => bugsnag_filter_if_filtering(Bugsnag::Helpers.cleanup_hash(bugsnag_session_data)),
- :environment => bugsnag_filter_if_filtering(Bugsnag::Helpers.cleanup_hash(request.env))
- }
- }
+ def after_bugsnag_notify(*methods, &block)
+ _add_bugsnag_notify_callback(:rails_after_callbacks, *methods, &block)
- def bugsnag_session_id
- session = bugsnag_session_data
- session[:session_id] || session["session_id"]
- end
- def bugsnag_request_url
- url = "#{request.protocol}#{}"
+ def _add_bugsnag_notify_callback(callback_key, *methods, &block)
+ options = methods.last.is_a?(Hash) ? methods.pop : {}
- unless [80, 443].include?(request.port)
- url << ":#{request.port}"
- end
+ before_filter(options) do |controller|
+ request_data = Bugsnag.configuration.request_data
+ request_data[callback_key] ||= []
- url << request.fullpath
- url
- end
+ # Set up "method symbol" callbacks
+ methods.each do |method_symbol|
+ request_data[callback_key] << lambda { |notification|
+ self.send(method_symbol, notification)
+ }
+ end
- def bugsnag_session_data
- if session.respond_to?(:to_hash)
- session.to_hash
- else
+ # Set up "block" callbacks
+ request_data[callback_key] << lambda { |notification|
+ controller.instance_exec(notification, &block)
+ } if block_given?
- def bugsnag_filter_if_filtering(hash)
- return hash if ! hash.is_a?(Hash)
+ end
- if respond_to?(:filter_parameters)
- filter_parameters(hash) rescue hash
- else
- hash
- end
- end
+ private
+ def notify_bugsnag(exception, custom_data=nil)
+ Bugsnag.warn "DEPRECATED METHOD: notify_bugsnag is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please use Bugsnag.notify instead" if Bugsnag.configuration.release_stage != "production"
+ overrides = {}
+ overrides[:custom] = custom_data if custom_data
+ Bugsnag.notify(exception, overrides)
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