lib/bubbles.rb in bubbles-rest-client-0.0.7 vs lib/bubbles.rb in bubbles-rest-client-0.0.8
- old
+ new
@@ -25,626 +25,8 @@
:name => @packageName,
:versionName => @versionName,
:versionCode => @versionCode
- # def local_environment
- # end
- ###### BEGIN API METHODS ######
- def version
- execute_get_unauthenticated(@environment.version_endpoint)
- end
- # def login(username, password)
- # encoded_auth = Base64.strict_encode64(username + ':' + password)
- #
- # response = execute_post_unauthenticated(@environment.login_endpoint, nil,
- # {
- # :authorization => 'Basic ' + encoded_auth
- # })
- #
- # @auth_token = JSON.parse(response, object_class: OpenStruct).auth_token
- #
- # response
- # end
-# module SinkingMoonRestClient
-# class Resources
-# attr_accessor :environment, :api_key
-# def check_for_expired_token
-# begin
-# yield
-# rescue RestClient::Forbidden => e
-# response_json = JSON.parse(e.response.to_s, object_class: OpenStruct)
-# if response_json.error == 'Auth token is expired; You will need to login again'
-# raise
-# end
-# raise e
-# end
-# end
-# ###### BEGIN API METHODS ######
-# def version
-# execute_get_unauthenticated(@environment.version_endpoint)
-# end
-# def login(username, password)
-# encoded_auth = Base64.strict_encode64(username + ':' + password)
-# response = execute_post_unauthenticated(@environment.login_endpoint, nil,
-# {
-# :authorization => 'Basic ' + encoded_auth
-# })
-# @auth_token = JSON.parse(response, object_class: OpenStruct).auth_token
-# response
-# end
-# def list_students(auth_token=nil)
-# check_for_expired_token do
-# response = execute_get_authenticated(@environment.students_endpoint, auth_token)
-# return response
-# end
-# end
-# def get_student(id, auth_token=nil)
-# check_for_expired_token do
-# url_components = [@environment.students_endpoint, id]
-# url = url_components.join('/')
-# execute_get_authenticated(url, auth_token)
-# end
-# end
-# def forgot_password(email=nil)
-# unless email
-# raise 'Method requires a valid email address to be passed in'
-# end
-# response = execute_post_unauthenticated(@environment.forgot_password_endpoint,
-# {
-# :email => email
-# })
-# response
-# end
-# def change_password(login_hash, password, password_confirm)
-# unless login_hash and password and password_confirm
-# raise 'Method requires a valid login hash, password, and password confirmation to be passed in'
-# end
-# unless password == password_confirm
-# raise 'Password and password confirmation do not match'
-# end
-# response = execute_put_unauthenticated(@environment.change_password_endpoint,
-# {
-# :one_time_login_hash => login_hash,
-# :new_password => password,
-# :password_confirmation => password_confirm
-# })
-# response
-# end
-# def create_student(student, auth_token = nil)
-# check_for_expired_token do
-# token = get_auth_token(auth_token)
-# unless student
-# raise 'Unable to create student with empty body'
-# end
-# response = execute_post_authenticated(@environment.students_endpoint, token,
-# {
-# :name => student[:name],
-# :address => student[:address],
-# :city => student[:city],
-# :state => student[:state],
-# :zip => student[:zip],
-# :phone => student[:phone],
-# :email => student[:email],
-# :preferredContact => student[:preferredContact].downcase,
-# :emergencyContactName => student[:emergencyContactName],
-# :emergencyContactPhone => student[:emergencyContactPhone],
-# :rank => student[:rank].downcase,
-# :joinDate => student[:joinDate],
-# :lastAdvancementDate => student[:lastAdvancementDate],
-# :waiverSigned => student[:waiverSigned]
-# })
-# response
-# end
-# end
-# def delete_student(id, auth_token = nil)
-# check_for_expired_token do
-# token = get_auth_token(auth_token)
-# unless id
-# raise 'Unable to delete a student without an id'
-# end
-# url_components = [@environment.students_endpoint, id]
-# execute_delete_authenticated(url_components.join('/'), token)
-# end
-# end
-# def update_student(id, new_record, auth_token = nil)
-# check_for_expired_token do
-# token = get_auth_token(auth_token)
-# unless id
-# raise 'Unable to update a student without the student id'
-# end
-# unless new_record
-# raise 'Unable to update a student record without the record body'
-# end
-# url_components = [@environment.students_endpoint, id]
-# execute_put_authenticated(url_components.join('/'), token, new_record)
-# end
-# end
-# ##
-# # :method: activate_student
-# #
-# # Activate a student by his/her student id. This method requires administrative privileges to call.
-# #
-# # :param: [Integer] id The identifier of the student to activate
-# # :param: [String] auth_token The authentication token to use to identify yourself as an admin to the server.
-# def activate_student(id, auth_token = nil)
-# check_for_expired_token do
-# token = get_auth_token(auth_token)
-# unless id
-# raise 'Unable to activate a student without an id'
-# end
-# url_components = [@environment.students_endpoint, 'activate', id]
-# execute_patch_authenticated(url_components.join('/'), token)
-# end
-# end
-# ##
-# # :method: deactivate_student
-# #
-# # Deactivate a student by his/her student id. This method requires administrative privileges to call.
-# #
-# # :param: [Integer] id The identifier of the student to deactivate
-# # :param: [String] auth_token The authentication token to use to identify yourself as an admin to the server.
-# def deactivate_student(id, auth_token = nil)
-# check_for_expired_token do
-# token = get_auth_token(auth_token)
-# unless id
-# raise 'Unable to deactivate a student without an id'
-# end
-# url_components = [@environment.students_endpoint, 'deactivate', id]
-# execute_patch_authenticated(url_components.join('/'), token)
-# end
-# end
-# def get_user(id, auth_token = nil)
-# check_for_expired_token do
-# token = get_auth_token(auth_token);
-# url_components = [@environment.users_endpoint, id]
-# url = url_components.join('/')
-# execute_get_authenticated(url, token)
-# end
-# end
-# def create_user(user, auth_token = nil)
-# check_for_expired_token do
-# token = get_auth_token(auth_token)
-# unless user
-# raise
-# end
-# response = execute_post_authenticated(@environment.users_endpoint, token,
-# {
-# :name => user[:name],
-# :email => user[:email],
-# :username => user[:username],
-# :role => user[:role]
-# })
-# response
-# end
-# end
-# def update_user(id, new_record, auth_token = nil)
-# check_for_expired_token do
-# token = get_auth_token(auth_token)
-# unless id
-# raise 'Unable to update a user record without the user id'
-# end
-# unless new_record
-# raise 'Unable to update a user record without the record body'
-# end
-# url_components = [@environment.users_endpoint, id]
-# execute_put_authenticated(url_components.join('/'), token, new_record)
-# end
-# end
-# def list_advancements(auth_token = nil)
-# check_for_expired_token do
-# token = get_auth_token(auth_token)
-# response = execute_get_authenticated(@environment.advancements_endpoint, token)
-# return response
-# end
-# end
-# def create_advancement (advancement, auth_token = nil)
-# check_for_expired_token do
-# token = get_auth_token(auth_token)
-# unless advancement
-# raise 'Unable to create advancement with empty body'
-# end
-# response = execute_post_authenticated(@environment.advancements_endpoint, token,
-# {
-# :date => advancement[:date],
-# :student_id => advancement[:student_id],
-# :rank => advancement[:rank]
-# })
-# response
-# end
-# end
-# def delete_advancement(id, auth_token = nil)
-# check_for_expired_token do
-# token = get_auth_token(auth_token)
-# unless id
-# raise 'Unable to delete an advancement without an id'
-# end
-# url_components = [@environment.advancements_endpoint, id]
-# execute_delete_authenticated(url_components.join('/'), token)
-# end
-# end
-# def update_advancement(id, new_record, auth_token = nil)
-# check_for_expired_token do
-# token = get_auth_token(auth_token)
-# unless id
-# raise 'Unable to update an advancement record without the advancement id'
-# end
-# unless new_record
-# raise 'Unable to update an advancement record without the record body'
-# end
-# url_components = [@environment.advancements_endpoint, id]
-# execute_put_authenticated(url_components.join('/'), token, new_record)
-# end
-# end
-# def get_advancement(id, auth_token = nil)
-# check_for_expired_token do
-# token = get_auth_token(auth_token)
-# unless id
-# raise 'Unable to retrieve an advancement record without the advancement id'
-# end
-# url_components = [@environment.advancements_endpoint, id]
-# execute_get_authenticated(url_components.join('/'), token)
-# end
-# end
-# def list_tournament_registrations(auth_token = nil)
-# check_for_expired_token do
-# token = get_auth_token(auth_token)
-# url_components = [@environment.tournament_registrations_endpoint]
-# execute_get_authenticated(url_components.join('/'), token)
-# end
-# end
-# def delete_tournament_registration(id, auth_token = nil)
-# check_for_expired_token do
-# token = get_auth_token(auth_token)
-# unless id
-# raise 'Unable to delete a tournament registration without an id'
-# end
-# url_components = [@environment.tournament_registrations_endpoint, id]
-# execute_delete_authenticated(url_components.join('/'), token)
-# end
-# end
-# def create_tournament_registration(registration)
-# check_for_expired_token do
-# unless registration
-# raise 'Unable to create tournament registration with empty body'
-# end
-# begin
-# data =
-# {
-# :name => registration[:name],
-# :address => registration[:address],
-# :city => registration[:city],
-# :state => registration[:state],
-# :zip => registration[:zip],
-# :email => registration[:email],
-# :birthDate => registration[:birthDate],
-# :tShirtSize => registration[:tShirtSize],
-# :registrationType => registration[:registrationType],
-# :studentsExpected => registration[:studentsExpected],
-# :noPrivateLessons => registration[:noPrivateLessons],
-# :rank => registration[:rank],
-# :permissionToSpar => registration[:permissionToSpar],
-# :school => registration[:school],
-# :formsCompetitionParticipant => registration[:formsCompetitionParticipant],
-# :skillsCombineParticipant => registration[:skillsCombineParticipant],
-# :sparringParticipant => registration[:sparringParticipant],
-# :liabilityWaiverNeeded => registration[:liabilityWaiverNeeded],
-# :privateLessonDesired => registration[:privateLessonDesired],
-# :spectatorConfirmation => registration[:spectatorConfirmation],
-# :donationAmount => registration[:donationAmount],
-# :paymentToken => registration[:paymentToken]
-# }
-# response = execute_post_unauthenticated(@environment.tournament_registrations_endpoint, data)
-# rescue RestClient::Exception => e
-# responseObj = JSON.parse(e.response, object_class: OpenStruct)
-# raise
-# end
-# response
-# end
-# end
-# ###### End API Methods ######
-# def get_auth_token(auth_token = nil)
-# if @auth_token.nil? and auth_token.nil?
-# raise 'Method requires authentication. Use login() first or pass in an authorization token.'
-# end
-# token = auth_token
-# token = @auth_token if auth_token == nil
-# token
-# end
-# private
-# def execute_post_unauthenticated(endpoint, data, headers=nil)
-# additionalHeaders = {
-# 'X-Api-Key' => @api_key,
-# :content_type => :json,
-# :accept => :json
-# }
-# unless headers.nil?
-# headers.each { |nextHeader|
-# additionalHeaders[nextHeader[0]] = nextHeader[1]
-# }
-# end
-# begin
-# if @environment.scheme == 'https'
-# response =, :verify_ssl => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE)
-# .post(data.to_json, additionalHeaders)
-# else
-# response = endpoint, data.to_json, additionalHeaders
-# end
-# rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED
-# return { :error => 'Unable to connect to host ' + + ":" + @environment.port.to_s }.to_json
-# end
-# response
-# end
-# def execute_post_authenticated(endpoint, token, data)
-# if token.nil?
-# raise 'Cannot execute an authenticated POST request with no auth_token'
-# end
-# if data.nil?
-# raise 'Cannot execute POST command with an empty data set'
-# end
-# begin
-# if @environment.scheme == 'https'
-# response =, :verify_ssl => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE)
-# .post(data.to_json,
-# {
-# :content_type => :json,
-# :accept => :json,
-# :authorization => 'Bearer ' + token
-# })
-# else
-# response =,
-# data.to_json,
-# {
-# :content_type => :json,
-# :accept => :json,
-# :authorization => 'Bearer ' + token
-# })
-# end
-# rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED
-# return { :error => 'Unable to connect to host ' + + ':' + @environment.port.to_s }.to_json
-# end
-# response
-# end
-# def execute_get_authenticated(endpoint, auth_token)
-# token = get_auth_token(auth_token)
-# begin
-# if @environment.scheme == 'https'
-# response =, :verify_ssl => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE)
-# .get({
-# :authorization => 'Bearer ' + token,
-# :content_type => :json,
-# :accept => :json
-# })
-# else
-# response = RestClient.get(endpoint,
-# {
-# :authorization => 'Bearer ' + token,
-# :content_type => :json
-# })
-# end
-# rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED
-# return {:error => 'Unable to connect to host ' + + ':' + @environment.port.to_s}.to_json
-# end
-# response
-# end
-# def execute_put_unauthenticated(endpoint, data)
-# begin
-# if @environment.scheme == 'https'
-# response =, :verify_ssl => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE)
-# .put(data.to_json,
-# {
-# :content_type => :json,
-# :accept => :json
-# })
-# else
-# response = RestClient.put(endpoint,
-# data.to_json,
-# {
-# :content_type => :json,
-# :accept => :json
-# })
-# end
-# rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED
-# return {:error => 'Unable to connect to host ' + + ':' + @environment.port.to_s}.to_json
-# end
-# response
-# end
-# def execute_put_authenticated(endpoint, token, data)
-# if token.nil?
-# raise 'Cannot execute an authenticated PUT request with no auth_token'
-# end
-# if data.nil?
-# raise 'Cannot execute PUT command with an empty data set'
-# end
-# begin
-# if @environment.scheme == 'https'
-# response =, :verify_ssl => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE)
-# .put(data.to_json,
-# {
-# :content_type => :json,
-# :accept => :json,
-# :authorization => 'Bearer ' + token
-# })
-# else
-# response = RestClient.put(endpoint,
-# data.to_json,
-# {
-# :content_type => :json,
-# :accept => :json,
-# :authorization => 'Bearer ' + token
-# })
-# end
-# rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED
-# return { :error => 'Unable to connect to host ' + + ':' + @environment.port.to_s }.to_json
-# end
-# response
-# end
-# def execute_patch_authenticated(endpoint, token)
-# if token.nil?
-# raise 'Cannot execute an authenticated PATCH request with no auth_token'
-# end
-# begin
-# if @environment.scheme == 'https'
-# response =, :verify_ssl => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE)
-# .patch(nil,
-# {
-# :content_type => :json,
-# :accept => :json,
-# :authorization => 'Bearer ' + token
-# })
-# else
-# response = RestClient.patch(endpoint, nil,
-# {
-# :content_type => :json,
-# :accept => :json,
-# :authorization => 'Bearer ' + token
-# })
-# end
-# rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED
-# return { :error => 'Unable to connect to host ' + + ':' + @environment.port.to_s }.to_json
-# end
-# response
-# end
-# def execute_delete_authenticated(endpoint, auth_token)
-# token = get_auth_token(auth_token)
-# begin
-# if @environment.scheme == 'https'
-# response =, :verify_ssl => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE)
-# .delete({
-# :authorization => 'Bearer ' + token,
-# :content_type => :json,
-# :accept => :json
-# })
-# else
-# response = RestClient.delete(endpoint,
-# {
-# :authorization => 'Bearer ' + token,
-# :content_type => :json
-# })
-# end
-# rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED
-# return {:error => 'Unable to connect to host ' + + ':' + @environment.port.to_s}.to_json
-# end
-# response
-# end
-# def get_environment(environment)
-# if !environment || environment == 'production'
-# elsif environment == 'staging'
-# end
-# end
-# end # Class Resources
-# end # Module SinkingMoonRestClient