spec/http_spec.rb in bubble-wrap-0.3.1 vs spec/http_spec.rb in bubble-wrap-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,365 +1,385 @@
describe "HTTP" do
- describe "HTTP::Response" do
- before do
- @response = BubbleWrap::HTTP::Response.new({ status_code: 200, url: 'http://localhost' })
- end
- it 'should turn the initialization Hash to instance variables' do
- @response.instance_variable_get(:@status_code).should == 200
- @response.instance_variable_get(:@url).should == 'http://localhost'
- end
- it "says OK status code 20x" do
- @response.ok?.should.equal true
- (200..206).each do |code|
- BubbleWrap::HTTP::Response.new({status_code: code}).ok?.should.be.true
- end
- [100..101, 300..307, 400..417, 500..505].inject([]){|codes, rg| codes += rg.to_a}.each do |code|
- BubbleWrap::HTTP::Response.new({status_code: code}).ok?.should.be.false
- end
- end
+describe "HTTP::Response" do
+ before do
+ @response = BubbleWrap::HTTP::Response.new({ status_code: 200, url: 'http://localhost' })
+ end
- it "has appropriate attributes" do
- @response.should.respond_to :body
- @response.should.respond_to :headers
- @response.should.respond_to :url
- @response.should.respond_to :status_code=
- @response.should.respond_to :error_message=
- end
+ it 'should turn the initialization Hash to instance variables' do
+ @response.instance_variable_get(:@status_code).should == 200
+ @response.instance_variable_get(:@url).should == 'http://localhost'
- describe "HTTP::Query" do
- before do
- @credentials = { credit_card: 23423948234 }
- @payload = {
- user: { name: 'marin', surname: 'usalj' },
- twitter: '@mneorr',
- website: 'mneorr.com',
- values: [1, 2, 3],
- credentials: @credentials
- }
- @action = lambda{|fa, ke|}
- @cache_policy = 24234
- @leftover_option = 'trololo'
- @headers = { 'User-Agent' => "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:12.0) \n Gecko/20100101 Firefox/12.0" }
- @options = { action: @action,
- payload: @payload,
- credentials: @credentials,
- headers: @headers,
- cache_policy: @cache_policy,
- leftover_option: @leftover_option
- }
- @query = BubbleWrap::HTTP::Query.new( 'http://localhost' , :get, @options )
+ it "says OK status code 20x" do
+ @response.ok?.should.equal true
+ (200..206).each do |code|
+ BubbleWrap::HTTP::Response.new({status_code: code}).ok?.should.be.true
- it "has appropriate attributes" do
- @query.should.respond_to :request=
- @query.should.respond_to :connection=
- @query.should.respond_to :credentials=
- @query.should.respond_to :proxy_credential=
- @query.should.respond_to :post_data=
- @query.should.respond_to :method
- @query.should.respond_to :response
- @query.should.respond_to :status_code
- @query.should.respond_to :response_headers
- @query.should.respond_to :response_size
- @query.should.respond_to :options
+ [100..101, 300..307, 400..417, 500..505].inject([]){|codes, rg| codes += rg.to_a}.each do |code|
+ BubbleWrap::HTTP::Response.new({status_code: code}).ok?.should.be.false
+ end
- describe "When initialized" do
+ it "has appropriate attributes" do
+ @response.should.respond_to :body
+ @response.should.respond_to :headers
+ @response.should.respond_to :url
+ @response.should.respond_to :status_code=
+ @response.should.respond_to :error_message=
+ end
- it "should upcase the HTTP method" do
- @query.method.should.equal "GET"
- end
- it "should set the deleted delegator from options" do
- @query.instance_variable_get(:@delegator).should.equal @action
- @options.should.not.has_key? :action
- end
+describe "HTTP::Query" do
- it "should set self as the delegator if action not passed in" do
- new_query = BubbleWrap::HTTP::Query.new( 'http://localhost', :get, {})
- new_query.instance_variable_get(:@delegator).should.equal new_query
- end
+ before do
+ @credentials = { credit_card: 23423948234 }
+ @payload = {
+ user: { name: 'marin', surname: 'usalj' },
+ twitter: '@mneorr',
+ website: 'mneorr.com',
+ values: [1, 2, 3],
+ credentials: @credentials
+ }
+ @action = lambda{|fa, ke|}
+ @cache_policy = 24234
+ @leftover_option = 'trololo'
+ @headers = { 'User-Agent' => "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:12.0) \n Gecko/20100101 Firefox/12.0" }
+ @options = { action: @action,
+ payload: @payload,
+ credentials: @credentials,
+ headers: @headers,
+ cache_policy: @cache_policy,
+ leftover_option: @leftover_option
+ }
+ @query = BubbleWrap::HTTP::Query.new( 'http://localhost' , :get, @options )
+ end
- it "should merge :username and :password in loaded credentials" do
- @query.credentials.should.equal @credentials.merge({:username => '', :password => ''})
+ it "has appropriate attributes" do
+ @query.should.respond_to :request=
+ @query.should.respond_to :connection=
+ @query.should.respond_to :credentials=
+ @query.should.respond_to :proxy_credential=
+ @query.should.respond_to :post_data=
- new_credentials = {:username => 'user', :password => 'pass'}
- options = { credentials: new_credentials }
- new_query = BubbleWrap::HTTP::Query.new( 'http://localhost', :get, options)
+ @query.should.respond_to :method
+ @query.should.respond_to :response
+ @query.should.respond_to :status_code
+ @query.should.respond_to :response_headers
+ @query.should.respond_to :response_size
+ @query.should.respond_to :options
+ end
- new_query.credentials.should.equal new_credentials
- options.should.be.empty
- end
+ describe "When initialized" do
- it "should set payload from options{} to @payload" do
- payload = "user[name]=marin&user[surname]=usalj&twitter=@mneorr&website=mneorr.com&values=[1, 2, 3]&credentials[credit_card]=23423948234"
- @query.instance_variable_get(:@payload).should.equal payload
- @options.should.not.has_key? :payload
- end
+ it "should upcase the HTTP method" do
+ @query.method.should.equal "GET"
+ end
- it "should set default timeout to 30s or the one from hash" do
- @query.instance_variable_get(:@timeout).should == 30
+ it "should set the deleted delegator from options" do
+ @query.instance_variable_get(:@delegator).should.equal @action
+ @options.should.not.has_key? :action
+ end
- options = {timeout: 10}
- new_query = BubbleWrap::HTTP::Query.new( 'http://localhost/', :get, options)
+ it "should set self as the delegator if action not passed in" do
+ new_query = BubbleWrap::HTTP::Query.new( 'http://localhost', :get, {})
+ new_query.instance_variable_get(:@delegator).should.equal new_query
+ end
- new_query.instance_variable_get(:@timeout).should == 10
- options.should.be.empty
- end
+ it "should merge :username and :password in loaded credentials" do
+ @query.credentials.should.equal @credentials.merge({:username => '', :password => ''})
- it "should delete :headers from options and escape Line Feeds" do
- gsubbed = @headers['User-Agent'].gsub("\n", '\\n')
- @headers['User-Agent'] = gsubbed
- @query.instance_variable_get(:@headers).should.equal @headers
- end
+ new_credentials = {:username => 'user', :password => 'pass'}
+ options = { credentials: new_credentials }
+ new_query = BubbleWrap::HTTP::Query.new( 'http://localhost', :get, options)
+ new_query.credentials.should.equal new_credentials
+ options.should.be.empty
+ end
- it "should delete :cache_policy or set NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy" do
- @query.instance_variable_get(:@cachePolicy).should.equal @cache_policy
- @options.should.not.has_key? :cache_policy
+ it "should set payload from options{} to @payload" do
+ payload = "user[name]=marin&user[surname]=usalj&twitter=@mneorr&website=mneorr.com&values=[1, 2, 3]&credentials[credit_card]=23423948234"
+ @query.instance_variable_get(:@payload).should.equal payload
+ @options.should.not.has_key? :payload
+ end
- new_query = BubbleWrap::HTTP::Query.new( 'http://fakehost.local/', :get, {})
- new_query.instance_variable_get(:@cachePolicy).should.equal NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy
- end
+ it "should set default timeout to 30s or the one from hash" do
+ @query.instance_variable_get(:@timeout).should == 30
- it "should set the rest of options{} to ivar @options" do
- @query.options.size.should.equal 1
- @query.options.values[0].should.equal @leftover_option
- end
+ options = {timeout: 10}
+ new_query = BubbleWrap::HTTP::Query.new( 'http://localhost/', :get, options)
+ new_query.instance_variable_get(:@timeout).should == 10
+ options.should.be.empty
+ end
- it "should create a new response before instantiating a new request" do
- @query.response.should.not.equal nil
- end
+ it "should delete :headers from options and escape Line Feeds" do
+ gsubbed = @headers['User-Agent'].gsub("\n", '\\n')
+ @headers['User-Agent'] = gsubbed
+ @query.instance_variable_get(:@headers).should.equal @headers
+ end
- it "should call initiate_request with the URL passed in" do
- processed_url = "http://localhost?user%5Bname%5D=marin&user%5Bsurname%5D=usalj&twitter=@mneorr&website=mneorr.com&values=%5B1,%202,%203%5D&credentials%5Bcredit_card%5D=23423948234"
- @query.instance_variable_get(:@url).description.should.equal processed_url
- end
+ it "should delete :cache_policy or set NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy" do
+ @query.instance_variable_get(:@cachePolicy).should.equal @cache_policy
+ @options.should.not.has_key? :cache_policy
+ new_query = BubbleWrap::HTTP::Query.new( 'http://fakehost.local/', :get, {})
+ new_query.instance_variable_get(:@cachePolicy).should.equal NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy
+ end
- it "should start the connection" do
- @query.connection.was_started.should.equal true
- end
+ it "should set the rest of options{} to ivar @options" do
+ @query.options.size.should.equal 1
+ @query.options.values[0].should.equal @leftover_option
+ end
- it "should return the connection" do
- # @query.call(:initialize)('http://localhost', :get, {}).connection.should.equal @query
- #not sure about this one
- true.should.equal true
- end
+ it "should create a new response before instantiating a new request" do
+ @query.response.should.not.equal nil
+ end
- it "should turn on the network indicator" do
- UIApplication.sharedApplication.isNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible.should.equal true
- end
+ it "should call initiate_request with the URL passed in" do
+ processed_url = "http://localhost?user%5Bname%5D=marin&user%5Bsurname%5D=usalj&twitter=@mneorr&website=mneorr.com&values=%5B1,%202,%203%5D&credentials%5Bcredit_card%5D=23423948234"
+ @query.instance_variable_get(:@url).description.should.equal processed_url
+ end
+ it "should start the connection" do
+ @query.connection.was_started.should.equal true
- describe "Generating GET params" do
+ it "should turn on the network indicator" do
+ UIApplication.sharedApplication.isNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible.should.equal true
+ end
- it "should create params with nested hashes with prefix[key]=value" do
- expected_params = [
- 'user[name]=marin',
- 'user[surname]=usalj',
- 'twitter=@mneorr',
- 'website=mneorr.com',
- 'values=[1, 2, 3]',
- 'credentials[credit_card]=23423948234'
- ]
- @query.generate_get_params(@payload).should.equal expected_params
- end
+ end
+ describe "initiate request" do
+ before do
+ @url_string = 'http://initiated-request.dev'
+ @get_query = BubbleWrap::HTTP::Query.new( 'nil' , :get, { payload: {name: 'apple', model: 'macbook'} } )
+ @get_query.initiate_request @url_string
+ @post_query = BubbleWrap::HTTP::Query.new( 'nil' , :post, { payload: {name: 'apple', model: 'macbook'}} )
+ @post_query.initiate_request @url_string
- describe "when didReceiveResponse:" do
+ it "should check if @payload is a hash before generating params" do
+ @get_query.instance_variable_get(:@payload).should.equal 'name=apple&model=macbook'
- it "should assign status_code, headers and response_size" do
- headers = { foo: 'bar' }
- status_code = 234
- length = 123.53
+ query_string_payload = BubbleWrap::HTTP::Query.new( 'nil' , :get, { payload: "name=apple&model=macbook"} )
+ query_string_payload.instance_variable_get(:@payload).should.equal 'name=apple&model=macbook'
+ end
- response = FakeURLResponse.new(status_code, headers, length)
- @query.connection(nil, didReceiveResponse:response)
+ end
- @query.status_code.should.equal status_code
- @query.response_headers.should.equal headers
- @query.response_size.should.equal length
- end
+ describe "Generating GET params" do
+ it "should create params with nested hashes with prefix[key]=value" do
+ expected_params = [
+ 'user[name]=marin',
+ 'user[surname]=usalj',
+ 'twitter=@mneorr',
+ 'website=mneorr.com',
+ 'values=[1, 2, 3]',
+ 'credentials[credit_card]=23423948234'
+ ]
+ @query.generate_get_params(@payload).should.equal expected_params
- describe "when didRecieveData:" do
+ end
- def query_received_data
- @query.instance_variable_get(:@received_data)
- end
+ describe "when didReceiveResponse:" do
- it "should initialize @received_data and append the received data" do
- query_received_data.should.equal nil
- data = NSData.dataWithBytesNoCopy(Pointer.new(:char, 'abc'), length:24)
+ it "should assign status_code, headers and response_size" do
+ headers = { foo: 'bar' }
+ status_code = 234
+ length = 123.53
- @query.connection(nil, didReceiveData:nil)
- query_received_data.should.not.equal nil
+ response = FakeURLResponse.new(status_code, headers, length)
+ @query.connection(nil, didReceiveResponse:response)
- @query.connection(nil, didReceiveData:data)
- query_received_data.length.should.equal 24
+ @query.status_code.should.equal status_code
+ @query.response_headers.should.equal headers
+ @query.response_size.should.equal length
+ end
- @query.connection(nil, didReceiveData:data)
- query_received_data.length.should.equal 48
- end
+ end
+ describe "when didRecieveData:" do
+ def query_received_data
+ @query.instance_variable_get(:@received_data)
+ it "should initialize @received_data and append the received data" do
+ query_received_data.should.equal nil
+ data = NSData.dataWithBytesNoCopy(Pointer.new(:char, 'abc'), length:24)
+ @query.connection(nil, didReceiveData:nil)
+ query_received_data.should.not.equal nil
- describe "when requestDidFailWithError:" do
- before do
- @fake_error = NSError.errorWithDomain('testing', code:7768, userInfo:nil)
- end
+ @query.connection(nil, didReceiveData:data)
+ query_received_data.length.should.equal 24
- it "should turn off network indicator" do
- UIApplication.sharedApplication.isNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible.should == true
+ @query.connection(nil, didReceiveData:data)
+ query_received_data.length.should.equal 48
+ end
- @query.connection(nil, didFailWithError:@fake_error)
- UIApplication.sharedApplication.isNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible.should == false
- end
+ end
- it "should set request_done to true" do
- @query.request.done_loading.should == false
- @query.connection(nil, didFailWithError:@fake_error)
- @query.request.done_loading.should == true
- end
- it "should set the error message to response object" do
- @query.response.error_message.should.equal nil
+ describe "when requestDidFailWithError:" do
+ before do
+ @fake_error = NSError.errorWithDomain('testing', code:7768, userInfo:nil)
+ end
- @query.connection(nil, didFailWithError:@fake_error)
- @query.response.error_message.should.equal @fake_error.localizedDescription
- end
+ it "should turn off network indicator" do
+ UIApplication.sharedApplication.isNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible.should == true
- it "should check if there's a callback block and pass the response in" do
- expected_response = BubbleWrap::HTTP::Response.new
- real_response = nil
- block = lambda{ |response, query| real_response = response }
+ @query.connection(nil, didFailWithError:@fake_error)
+ UIApplication.sharedApplication.isNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible.should == false
+ end
- query = BubbleWrap::HTTP::Query.new( 'http://localhost', :get, { :action => block })
- query.instance_variable_set(:@response, expected_response)
+ it "should set request_done to true" do
+ @query.request.done_loading.should == false
- query.connection(nil, didFailWithError:@fake_error)
- real_response.should.equal expected_response
- end
+ @query.connection(nil, didFailWithError:@fake_error)
+ @query.request.done_loading.should == true
+ end
+ it "should set the error message to response object" do
+ @query.response.error_message.should.equal nil
+ @query.connection(nil, didFailWithError:@fake_error)
+ @query.response.error_message.should.equal @fake_error.localizedDescription
- describe "when connectionDidFinishLoading:" do
+ it "should check if there's a callback block and pass the response in" do
+ expected_response = BubbleWrap::HTTP::Response.new
+ real_response = nil
+ block = lambda{ |response, query| real_response = response }
- it "should turn off the network indicator" do
- UIApplication.sharedApplication.isNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible.should == true
+ query = BubbleWrap::HTTP::Query.new( 'http://localhost', :get, { :action => block })
+ query.instance_variable_set(:@response, expected_response)
- @query.connectionDidFinishLoading(nil)
- UIApplication.sharedApplication.isNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible.should == false
- end
+ query.connection(nil, didFailWithError:@fake_error)
+ real_response.should.equal expected_response
+ end
- it "should set request_done to true" do
- @query.request.done_loading.should == false
+ end
- @query.connectionDidFinishLoading(nil)
- @query.request.done_loading.should == true
- end
+ describe "when connectionDidFinishLoading:" do
- it "should set response_body to @received data if not nil" do
- data = NSData.dataWithBytesNoCopy(Pointer.new(:char, 'abc'), length:24)
- headers = { foo: 'bar' }
- status_code = 234
- response = FakeURLResponse.new(status_code, headers, 65456)
+ it "should turn off the network indicator" do
+ UIApplication.sharedApplication.isNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible.should == true
- @query.connection(nil, didReceiveResponse:response)
- @query.connection(nil, didReceiveData:data)
- @query.connectionDidFinishLoading(nil)
+ @query.connectionDidFinishLoading(nil)
+ UIApplication.sharedApplication.isNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible.should == false
+ end
- @query.response.body.should.equal data
- @query.response.status_code.should.equal status_code
- @query.response.headers.should.equal headers
- @query.response.url.should.equal @query.instance_variable_get(:@url)
- end
+ it "should set request_done to true" do
+ @query.request.done_loading.should == false
- it "should check if there's a callback block and pass the response in" do
- expected_response = BubbleWrap::HTTP::Response.new
- real_response = nil
- block = lambda{ |response, query| real_response = response }
+ @query.connectionDidFinishLoading(nil)
+ @query.request.done_loading.should == true
+ end
- query = BubbleWrap::HTTP::Query.new( 'http://localhost', :get, { :action => block })
- query.instance_variable_set(:@response, expected_response)
+ it "should set response_body to @received data if not nil" do
+ data = NSData.dataWithBytesNoCopy(Pointer.new(:char, 'abc'), length:24)
+ headers = { foo: 'bar' }
+ status_code = 234
+ response = FakeURLResponse.new(status_code, headers, 65456)
- query.connectionDidFinishLoading(nil)
- real_response.should.equal expected_response
- end
+ @query.connection(nil, didReceiveResponse:response)
+ @query.connection(nil, didReceiveData:data)
+ @query.connectionDidFinishLoading(nil)
+ @query.response.body.should.equal data
+ @query.response.status_code.should.equal status_code
+ @query.response.headers.should.equal headers
+ @query.response.url.should.equal @query.instance_variable_get(:@url)
- describe "when connection:willSendRequest:redirectResponse:" do
- before do
- @request = NSURLRequest.requestWithURL NSURL.URLWithString('http://fakehost.local/')
- end
+ it "should check if there's a callback block and pass the response in" do
+ expected_response = BubbleWrap::HTTP::Response.new
+ real_response = nil
+ block = lambda{ |response, query| real_response = response }
- it "should make a mutableCopy of passed in request and set headers from @headers" do
- expected_headers = { new_header: 'should_be_here' }
- @query.instance_variable_set(:@headers, expected_headers)
+ query = BubbleWrap::HTTP::Query.new( 'http://localhost', :get, { :action => block })
+ query.instance_variable_set(:@response, expected_response)
- new_request = @query.connection(nil, willSendRequest:@request, redirectResponse:nil)
+ query.connectionDidFinishLoading(nil)
+ real_response.should.equal expected_response
+ end
- @query.request.should.not.be.equal @request
- new_request.URL.description.should.equal @request.URL.description
- new_request.allHTTPHeaderFields.should.equal expected_headers
- end
+ end
- it "should create a new Connection with the request passed in" do
- old_connection = @query.connection
- @query.connection(nil, willSendRequest:@request, redirectResponse:nil)
+ describe "when connection:willSendRequest:redirectResponse:" do
+ before do
+ @request = NSURLRequest.requestWithURL NSURL.URLWithString('http://fakehost.local/')
+ end
- old_connection.should.not.equal @query.connection
- end
+ it "should make a mutableCopy of passed in request and set headers from @headers" do
+ expected_headers = { new_header: 'should_be_here' }
+ @query.instance_variable_set(:@headers, expected_headers)
- it "should set itself as a delegate of new NSURLConnection" do
- @query.connection(nil, willSendRequest:@request, redirectResponse:nil)
- @query.connection.delegate.should.equal @query
- end
+ new_request = @query.connection(nil, willSendRequest:@request, redirectResponse:nil)
- it "should pass the new request in the new connection" do
- @query.connection(nil, willSendRequest:@request, redirectResponse:nil)
- @query.connection.request.URL.description.should.equal @request.URL.description
- end
+ @query.request.should.not.be.equal @request
+ new_request.URL.description.should.equal @request.URL.description
+ new_request.allHTTPHeaderFields.should.equal expected_headers
+ end
+ it "should create a new Connection with the request passed in" do
+ old_connection = @query.connection
+ @query.connection(nil, willSendRequest:@request, redirectResponse:nil)
+ old_connection.should.not.equal @query.connection
- class BubbleWrap::HTTP::Query
- def create_connection(request, delegate); FakeURLConnection.new(request, delegate); end
+ it "should set itself as a delegate of new NSURLConnection" do
+ @query.connection(nil, willSendRequest:@request, redirectResponse:nil)
+ @query.connection.delegate.should.equal @query
- class FakeURLConnection < NSURLConnection
- attr_reader :delegate, :request, :was_started
- def initialize(request, delegate)
- @request = request
- @delegate = delegate
- self.class.connectionWithRequest(request, delegate:delegate)
- end
- def start
- @was_started = true
- super
- end
+ it "should pass the new request in the new connection" do
+ @query.connection(nil, willSendRequest:@request, redirectResponse:nil)
+ @query.connection.request.URL.description.should.equal @request.URL.description
- class FakeURLResponse
- attr_reader :statusCode, :allHeaderFields, :expectedContentLength
- def initialize(status_code, headers, length)
- @statusCode = status_code
- @allHeaderFields = headers
- @expectedContentLength = length
- end
+ end
+ class BubbleWrap::HTTP::Query
+ def create_connection(request, delegate); FakeURLConnection.new(request, delegate); end
+ end
+ class FakeURLConnection < NSURLConnection
+ attr_reader :delegate, :request, :was_started
+ def initialize(request, delegate)
+ @request = request
+ @delegate = delegate
+ self.class.connectionWithRequest(request, delegate:delegate)
+ def start
+ @was_started = true
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ class FakeURLResponse
+ attr_reader :statusCode, :allHeaderFields, :expectedContentLength
+ def initialize(status_code, headers, length)
+ @statusCode = status_code
+ @allHeaderFields = headers
+ @expectedContentLength = length
+ end
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