in bubble-wrap-1.1.2 vs in bubble-wrap-1.1.3
- old
+ new
@@ -63,10 +63,16 @@
require 'bubble-wrap/location'
+If you wish to only include the `Media` wrapper:
+require 'bubble-wrap/media'
If you want to include everything (ie kitchen sink mode) you can save time and do:
require 'bubble-wrap/all'
@@ -160,10 +166,11 @@
* `App.notification_center`
* `App.user_cache`
* `App.states`
* `App.frame`
* `App.delegate`
+* `App.shared`
* `App.current_locale`
### Device
@@ -241,11 +248,11 @@
def viewWillAppear(animated)
@foreground_observer = App.notification_center.observe UIApplicationWillEnterForegroundNotification do |notification|
@reload_observer = App.notification_center.observe ReloadNotification do |notification|
@@ -288,11 +295,11 @@
def viewDidLoad
@label = UILabel.alloc.initWithFrame [[20,20],[280,44]]
@label.text = ""
view.addSubview @label
observe(@label, :text) do |old_value, new_value|
puts "Hello from viewDidLoad!"
@@ -339,10 +346,26 @@
Also available is `BW::Location.get_significant`, for monitoring significant location changes.
+## Media
+Added wrapper for playing remote and local media. Available are `modal` and custom presentation styles:
+# Plays in your custom frame
+local_file = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(File.join(NSBundle.mainBundle.resourcePath, 'test.mp3')) do |media_player|
+ media_player.view.frame = [[10, 100], [100, 100]]
+ self.view.addSubview media_player.view
+# Plays in an independent modal controller
## UI
### Gestures
Extra methods on `UIView` for working with gesture recognizers. A gesture recognizer can be added using a normal Ruby block, like so:
@@ -496,11 +519,11 @@
## Reactor
**Since: > version 1.0.0**
`BubbleWrap::Reactor` is a simplified, mostly complete implementation of
-the [Event Machine]( API. In fact
+the [Event Machine]( API. In fact
`BubbleWrap::Reactor` is aliased to `EM` in the runtime environment.
### Deferables
BubbleWrap provides both a `Deferrable` mixin and a `DefaultDeferrable`
@@ -586,15 +609,15 @@
Great scott!
### Scheduling operations
-You can use `EM.schedule` to schedule blocks to be executed
+You can use `EM.schedule` to schedule blocks to be executed
asynchronously. BubbleWrap deviates from the EventMachine
API here in that it also provides `EM.schedule_on_main` which
-makes sure that the task is run asynchronously, but on the
-application's main thread - this is necessary if you are
+makes sure that the task is run asynchronously, but on the
+application's main thread - this is necessary if you are
updating the user interface.
> EM.schedule { puts Thread.current.object_id }
@@ -605,18 +628,18 @@
### Deferrable operations
You can also use `EM.defer` in much the same way as `EM.schedule`
-with one important difference, you can pass in a second `proc`
+with one important difference, you can pass in a second `proc`
which will be called when the first has completed, and be passed
it's result as an argument. Just like `EM.schedule`, `EM.defer`
also has an `EM.defer_on_main` version.
-> operation = proc { 99 }
+> operation = proc { 88 }
=> #<Proc:0x6d763c0>
-> callback = proc { |speed| puts speed >= 99 ? "Time travel!" : "Conventional travel!" }
+> callback = proc { |speed| puts speed >= 88 ? "Time travel!" : "Conventional travel!" }
=> #<Proc:0x8bd3910>
> EM.defer(operation, callback)
=> nil
Time travel!