app/models/client.rb in brisk-bills-0.6.0 vs app/models/client.rb in brisk-bills-0.7.0
- old
+ new
@@ -21,13 +21,15 @@
def uninvoiced_activities_balance( force_reload = false )
(attribute_present? :uninvoiced_activities_balance_in_cents and !force_reload) ? :
- (Activity.sum( Invoice::ACTIVITY_TOTAL_SQL, :conditions => ['client_id = ? AND is_published = ? AND invoice_id IS NULL',id, true] ) or 0.0)
+ (Activity.sum( Invoice::ACTIVITY_TOTAL_SQL, :conditions => ['client_id = ? AND is_published = ? AND invoice_id IS NULL',id, true] ) or 0)
+ # THis is the client's outstanding balance. This value is calculated based off the total invoices amount - total payments amount. And is
+ # Not determined based on invoice/payment assignments
def balance( force_reload = false )
(attribute_present? :balance_in_cents and !force_reload) ?
read_attribute(:balance_in_cents).to_i :
@@ -75,19 +77,107 @@
def mailing_address
ret = []
- %w(name address1 address2).each do |f|
- val = send(f.to_sym) and ( ret <<val if val.length )
+ %w( name address1 address2 ).each do |f|
+ val = send(f.to_sym) and ( ret << val if val.length )
ret << '%s%s %s' % [
(city.nil? or city.length == 0) ? '' : "#{city}, ",
+ end
+ # Returns an array of unsaved InvoicePayment objects, with unset payment_ids, and 'recommended' amounts.
+ # If the provided amount exactly equals an outstanding invoice's amount, we return a InvoicePayment for the oldest such matching invoice.
+ # Otherwise, we start applying the amount to invoices in ascending order by issued_date.
+ def recommend_invoice_assignments_for(amount)
+ amount = amount.to_money
+ invs = unpaid_invoices(
+ :all,
+ # Using this order forces the closest-amount match to be above anything else, followed by date sorting
+ :order => '(amount_outstanding_in_cents = %d) DESC, issued_on ASC, created_at ASC' % amount.cents
+ )
+ unassigned_outstanding = invs.inject({|total, inv| total + inv.amount_outstanding}
+ invs.collect{ |inv|
+ if amount > 0 and unassigned_outstanding > 0
+ assignment = (amount >= inv.amount_outstanding) ?
+ inv.amount_outstanding :
+ amount
+ unassigned_outstanding -= assignment
+ amount -= assignment
+ :invoice => inv, :amount => assignment if assignment > 0
+ end
+ }.compact
+ end
+ # Returns an array of unsaved InvoicePayment objects, with unset invoice_ids, and 'recommended' amounts.
+ # If the provided amount exactly equals an payment's unalloated amount, we return a InvoicePayment for the oldest such matching payment.
+ # Otherwise, we start applying the amount to payments in ascending order by issued_date.
+ def recommend_payment_assignments_for(amount, verbose_inclusion = false)
+ amount = amount.to_money
+ pymnts = unassigned_payments(
+ :all,
+ # Using this order forces the closest-amount match to be above anything else, followed by date sorting
+ :order => '(amount_unallocated_in_cents = %d) DESC, paid_on ASC, created_at ASC' % amount.cents
+ )
+ current_client_balance = pymnts.inject({|total, pmnt| total - pmnt.amount_unallocated}
+ pymnts.collect{ |unallocated_pmnt|
+ if amount > 0 or current_client_balance < 0
+ assignment = (unallocated_pmnt.amount_unallocated > amount) ?
+ amount :
+ unallocated_pmnt.amount_unallocated
+ current_client_balance += assignment
+ amount -= assignment
+ :payment => unallocated_pmnt, :amount => assignment if assignment > 0
+ end
+ }.compact
+ end
+ # Returns all the client's invoices for which the allocated payments is less than the invoice amount. Perhaps this should be a has_many,
+ # But since we're using the find_with_totals that would get complicated...
+ def unpaid_invoices( how_many = :all, options = {} )
+ Invoice.find_with_totals(
+ how_many,
+ {:conditions => [
+ [
+ 'client_id = ?',
+ 'is_published = ?',
+ 'IF(activities_total.total_in_cents IS NULL, 0,activities_total.total_in_cents) - '+
+ 'IF(invoices_total.total_in_cents IS NULL, 0,invoices_total.total_in_cents) > ?'
+ ].join(' AND '),
+ id, true, 0
+ ]}.merge(options.reject{|k,v| k == :conditions})
+ )
+ end
+ # Returns all the client's payments for which the invoice allocation is less than the payment amount. Perhaps this should be a has_many,
+ # But since we're using the find_with_totals that would get complicated...
+ def unassigned_payments( how_many = :all, options = {} )
+ Payment.find_with_totals(
+ how_many,
+ {:conditions => [
+ [
+ 'client_id = ?',
+ '(payments.amount_in_cents - IF(payments_total.amount_allocated_in_cents IS NULL, 0, payments_total.amount_allocated_in_cents) ) > ?'
+ ].join(' AND '),
+ id, 0
+ ]}.merge(options.reject{|k,v| k == :conditions})
+ )
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