spec/object_spec.rb in brightbox-object-factory-0.1.3 vs spec/object_spec.rb in brightbox-object-factory-0.2.2
- old
+ new
@@ -95,10 +95,11 @@
it "should raise an exception if the auto-saved object cannot be saved" do
@test_instance = mock('Test Instance')
TestClass.should_receive(:new).with({:some => :values}).and_return(@test_instance)
+ @test_instance.should_receive(:errors).and_return(['errors'])
lambda {
Object.factory.create_and_save_a(TestClass, :some => :values)
}.should raise_error(Object::Factory::CannotSaveError)
@@ -296,7 +297,41 @@
Object.factory.when_creating_a TestClass, :generate => { :field => lambda { "poop" }, :another_field => lambda { Date.today.to_s } }
@instance = Object.factory.create_a TestClass
@instance.field.should == 'poop'
@instance.another_field.should == Date.today.to_s
+ end
+describe Object::Factory, "generating sequential numbers" do
+ before :each do
+ Object.factory.reset
+ end
+ it "should generate a sequential number" do
+ first = Object.factory.next_number
+ second = Object.factory.next_number
+ second.should == first + 1
+ end
+ it "should use the shortcut to generate a sequential number" do
+ Object.factory.should_receive(:next_number).and_return(1)
+ number = a_number
+ end
+describe Object::Factory, "cleaning up ActiveRecord models" do
+ before :each do
+ Object.factory.reset
+ end
+ it "should delete all instances for registered classes" do
+ Object.factory.when_creating_a TestClass, :auto_confirm => :password, :clean_up => true
+ Object.factory.when_creating_an AnotherTestClass, :clean_up => true
+ TestClass.should_receive(:delete_all).and_return(0)
+ AnotherTestClass.should_receive(:delete_all).and_return(0)
+ Object.factory.clean_up
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