features/step_definitions/table_steps.rb in briar-0.0.7 vs features/step_definitions/table_steps.rb in briar-0.0.8
- old
+ new
@@ -1,42 +1,41 @@
-#include Briar::Table
-#include Briar::Core
Then /^I should see (?:the|an?) "([^"]*)" row$/ do |name|
should_see_row name
+Then(/^I scroll to the "([^"]*)" row$/) do |row_id|
+ briar_scroll_to_row row_id
#noinspection RubyUnusedLocalVariable
-Then /^I scroll (left|right|up|down) until I see the "([^\"]*)" row limit (\d+)$/ do |dir, row_name, limit|
- pending "deprecated 0.0.6 - use 'Then I scroll #{dir} until I see (?:the|an?) \"#{row_name}\" row"
+Then /^I scroll (left|right|up|down) until I see the "([^\"]*)" row limit (\d+)$/ do |dir, row_id, limit|
+ pending "deprecated 0.0.6 - use 'Then I scroll to the \"#{row_id}\" row'"
+#noinspection RubyUnusedLocalVariable
Then /^I scroll (left|right|up|down) until I see (?:the|an?) "([^\"]*)" row$/ do |dir, row_id|
- scroll_until_i_see_row dir, row_id
+ pending "deprecated 0.0.8 - use 'Then I scroll to the \"#{row_id}\" row'"
Then /^I touch (?:the) "([^"]*)" row and wait for (?:the) "([^"]*)" view to appear$/ do |row_id, view_id|
- # problem
- wait_for_animation
+ wait_for_row row_id
touch_row_and_wait_to_see row_id, view_id
Then /^I touch the "([^"]*)" row on the "([^"]*)" table and wait for the "([^"]*)" view to appear$/ do |row_id, table_id, view_id|
- wait_for_animation
+ wait_for_row row_id
touch_row_and_wait_to_see row_id, view_id, table_id
Then /^I touch (?:the) "([^"]*)" row$/ do |row_name|
touch_row row_name
-Then /^I touch the "([^"]*)" section header$/ do |header_name|
- touch("tableView child view marked:'#{header_name}'")
- wait_for_animation
+Then /^I touch the "([^"]*)" section header$/ do |header_id|
+ touch_section_header header_id
Then /^I should see the "([^"]*)" table in edit mode$/ do |table_id|
unless query("tableView marked:'#{table_id}'", :isEditing).first.to_i == 1
screenshot_and_raise "expected to see table '#{table_id}' in edit mode"
@@ -44,57 +43,46 @@
Then /^the (first|second) row should be "([^"]*)"$/ do |idx, row_id|
(idx.eql? 'first') ? index = 0 : index = 1
- res = query('tableViewCell', :accessibilityIdentifier)[index]
- unless res.eql? row_id
- screenshot_and_raise "i expected the #{idx} row would be #{row_id}, but found #{res}"
- end
+ should_see_row_at_index row_id, index
+Then(/^the (\d+)(?:st|nd|rd|th)? row should be "([^"]*)"$/) do |row_index, row_id|
+ idx = row_index.to_i - 1
+ should_see_row_at_index row_id, idx
Then /^I swipe (left|right) on the "([^"]*)" row$/ do |dir, row_name|
swipe_on_row dir, row_name
-Then /^I should be able to swipe to delete the "([^"]*)" row$/ do |row_name|
- swipe_on_row 'left', row_name
- should_see_delete_confirmation_in_row row_name
- touch_delete_confirmation row_name
- should_not_see_row row_name
+Then /^I should be able to swipe to delete the "([^"]*)" row$/ do |row_id|
+ swipe_to_delete_row row_id
-Then /^I touch the delete button on the "([^"]*)" row$/ do |row_name|
- should_see_edit_mode_delete_button row_name
- touch("tableViewCell marked:'#{row_name}' child tableViewCellEditControl")
- step_pause
- should_see_delete_confirmation_in_row row_name
+Then /^I touch the delete button on the "([^"]*)" row$/ do |row_id|
+ touch_edit_mode_delete_button row_id
-Then /^I use the edit mode delete button to delete the "([^"]*)" row$/ do |row_name|
- macro %Q|I touch the delete button on the "#{row_name}" row|
- touch_delete_confirmation row_name
- should_not_see_row row_name
+Then /^I use the edit mode delete button to delete the "([^"]*)" row$/ do |row_id|
+ delete_row_with_edit_mode_delete_button row_id
-Then /^I should see "([^"]*)" in row (\d+)$/ do |cell_name, row|
+Then /^I should see "([^"]*)" in row (\d+)$/ do |row_id, row_index|
# on ios 6 this is returning nil
- #res = query("tableViewCell index:#{row}", :accessibilityIdentifier).first
- access_ids = query('tableViewCell', :accessibilityIdentifier)
- unless access_ids.index(cell_name) == row.to_i
- screenshot_and_raise "expected to see '#{cell_name}' in row #{row} but found '#{access_ids[row.to_i]}'"
- end
+ #res = query("tableViewCell index:#{row}", AI).first
+ should_see_row_at_index row_id, row_index
Then /^I should see the rows in this order "([^"]*)"$/ do |row_ids|
tokens = row_ids.split(',')
counter = 0
tokens.each do |token|
- macro %Q|I should see "#{token}" in row #{counter}|
+ should_see_row_at_index token, counter
counter = counter + 1
Then /^I should see that the "([^"]*)" row has text "([^"]*)" in the "([^"]*)" label$/ do |row_id, text, label_id|
@@ -123,69 +111,45 @@
Then /^I should see a "([^"]*)" button in the "([^"]*)" row$/ do |button_id, row_id|
should_see_row row_id
- arr = query("tableViewCell marked:'#{row_id}' child tableViewCellContentView child button marked:'#{button_id}'", :accessibilityIdentifier)
+ arr = query("tableViewCell marked:'#{row_id}' descendant child tableViewCellContentView child button marked:'#{button_id}'", AI)
(arr.length == 1)
Then /^I touch the "([^"]*)" button in the "([^"]*)" row$/ do |button_id, row_id|
should_see_row row_id
touch("tableViewCell marked:'#{row_id}' child tableViewCellContentView child button marked:'#{button_id}'")
Then /^I should see a switch for "([^"]*)" in the "([^"]*)" row that is in the "([^"]*)" position$/ do |switch_id, row_id, on_off|
- should_see_row row_id
- query_str = "tableViewCell marked:'#{row_id}' child tableViewCellContentView child switch marked:'#{switch_id}'"
- res = query(query_str, :isOn).first
- unless res
- screenshot_and_raise "expected to find a switch marked '#{switch_id}' in row '#{row_id}'"
- end
- expected = (on_off.eql? 'on') ? 1 : 0
- unless res.to_i == expected
- screenshot_and_raise "expected to find a switch marked '#{switch_id}' in row '#{row_id}' that is '#{on_off}' but found it was '#{res ? 'on' : 'off'}'"
- end
+ should_see_switch_in_row_with_state switch_id, row_id, (on_off.eql? 'on') ? 1 : 0
Then /^I should see a detail disclosure chevron in the "([^"]*)" row$/ do |row_id|
- should_see_row row_id
- # gray disclosure chevron is accessory type 1
- res = query("tableViewCell marked:'#{row_id}'", :accessoryType).first
- unless res == 1
- screenshot_and_raise "expected to see disclosure chevron in row '#{row_id}' but found '#{res}'"
- end
+ should_see_disclosure_chevron_in_row row_id
Then /^I touch the "([^"]*)" switch in the "([^"]*)" row$/ do |switch_id, row_id|
- should_see_row row_id
- touch("tableViewCell marked:'#{row_id}' child tableViewCellContentView child switch marked:'#{switch_id}'")
+ touch_switch_in_row switch_id, row_id
Then /^I should see "([^"]*)" in the "([^"]*)" section (footer|header)$/ do |text, section_footer_id, head_or_foot|
res = query("tableView child view marked:'#{section_footer_id} section #{head_or_foot}' child label", :text).first
unless res.eql? text
screenshot_and_raise "expected to see '#{text}' in the '#{section_footer_id}' section #{head_or_foot} but found '#{res}'"
Then /^I should see a text field with text "([^"]*)" in the "([^"]*)" row$/ do |text, row_id|
- should_see_row row_id
- query_str = "tableViewCell marked:'#{row_id}' child tableViewCellContentView child textField"
- res = query(query_str)
- screenshot_and_raise "expected to see text field in '#{row_id}' row" if res.empty?
- actual = query(query_str, :text).first
- screenshot_and_raise "expected to find text field with '#{text}' in row '#{row_id}' but found '#{actual}'" if !text.eql? actual
+ should_see_text_field_in_row_with_text row_id, text
When /^I touch the "([^"]*)" text field in the "([^"]*)" row the keyboard appears$/ do |text_field_id, row_id|
- should_see_row row_id
- query_str = "tableViewCell marked:'#{row_id}' child tableViewCellContentView child textField marked:'#{text_field_id}'"
- touch(query_str)
- wait_for_animation
- should_see_keyboard
+ touch_text_field_in_row_and_wait_for_keyboard text_field_id, row_id
Then /^I should see that the "([^"]*)" row has image "([^"]*)"$/ do |row_id, image_id|
should_see_row_with_image row_id, image_id