lib/braintree/error_codes.rb in braintree-2.24.0 vs lib/braintree/error_codes.rb in braintree-2.25.0
- old
+ new
@@ -3,17 +3,17 @@
# The constants should be used to check for a specific validation error in a ValidationErrorCollection.
# The error messages returned from the server may change, but the codes will remain the same.
module ErrorCodes
# See
module Address
- CannotBeBlank = "81801"
CompanyIsInvalid = "91821"
- CompanyIsTooLong = "81802"
- CountryCodeAlpha2IsNotAccepted = "91814"
- CountryCodeAlpha3IsNotAccepted = "91816"
- CountryCodeNumericIsNotAccepted = "91817"
CountryNameIsNotAccepted = "91803"
+ CountryCodeAlpha2IsNotAccepted = "91814"
+ CountryCodeAlpha3IsNotAccepted = "91816"
+ CountryCodeNumericIsNotAccepted = "91817"
+ CannotBeBlank = "81801"
+ CompanyIsTooLong = "81802"
ExtendedAddressIsInvalid = "91823"
ExtendedAddressIsTooLong = "81804"
FirstNameIsInvalid = "91819"
FirstNameIsTooLong = "81805"
InconsistentCountry = "91815"
@@ -35,83 +35,74 @@
# See
module CreditCard
BillingAddressConflict = "91701"
BillingAddressIdIsInvalid = "91702"
+ CustomerIdIsRequired = "91704"
+ CustomerIdIsInvalid = "91705"
+ ExpirationDateConflict = "91708"
+ TokenFormatIsInvalid = "91718"
+ TokenIsInUse = "91719"
+ TokenIsTooLong = "91720"
+ TokenIsNotAllowed = "91721"
+ TokenIsRequired = "91722"
CardholderNameIsTooLong = "81723"
CreditCardTypeIsNotAccepted = "81703"
CreditCardTypeIsNotAcceptedBySubscriptionMerchantAccount = "81718"
- CustomerIdIsInvalid = "91705"
- CustomerIdIsRequired = "91704"
- CvvIsInvalid = "81707"
CvvIsRequired = "81706"
+ CvvIsInvalid = "81707"
DuplicateCardExists = "81724"
- ExpirationDateConflict = "91708"
- ExpirationDateIsInvalid = "81710"
ExpirationDateIsRequired = "81709"
+ ExpirationDateIsInvalid = "81710"
ExpirationDateYearIsInvalid = "81711"
ExpirationMonthIsInvalid = "81712"
ExpirationYearIsInvalid = "81713"
InvalidVenmoSDKPaymentMethodCode = "91727"
- NumberHasInvalidLength = "81716"
- NumberLengthIsInvalid = "81716"
- NumberIsInvalid = "81715"
NumberIsRequired = "81714"
+ NumberIsInvalid = "81715"
+ NumberLengthIsInvalid = "81716"
NumberMustBeTestNumber = "81717"
PaymentMethodConflict = "81725"
- TokenInvalid = "91718"
- TokenFormatIsInvalid = "91718"
- TokenIsInUse = "91719"
- TokenIsNotAllowed = "91721"
- TokenIsRequired = "91722"
- TokenIsTooLong = "91720"
VenmoSDKPaymentMethodCodeCardTypeIsNotAccepted = "91726"
+ VerificationNotSupportedOnThisMerchantAccount = "91730"
module Options
UpdateExistingTokenIsInvalid = "91723"
VerificationMerchantAccountIdIsInvalid = "91728"
+ UpdateExistingTokenNotAllowed = "91729"
# See
module Customer
- CompanyIsTooLong = "81601"
CustomFieldIsInvalid = "91602"
- CustomFieldIsTooLong = "81603"
- EmailIsInvalid = "81604"
- EmailFormatIsInvalid = "81604"
- EmailIsRequired = "81606"
- EmailIsTooLong = "81605"
- FaxIsTooLong = "81607"
- FirstNameIsTooLong = "81608"
IdIsInUse = "91609"
- IdIsInvaild = "91610" # Deprecated
IdIsInvalid = "91610"
IdIsNotAllowed = "91611"
IdIsRequired = "91613"
IdIsTooLong = "91612"
+ CompanyIsTooLong = "81601"
+ CustomFieldIsTooLong = "81603"
+ EmailFormatIsInvalid = "81604"
+ EmailIsTooLong = "81605"
+ EmailIsRequired = "81606"
+ FaxIsTooLong = "81607"
+ FirstNameIsTooLong = "81608"
LastNameIsTooLong = "81613"
PhoneIsTooLong = "81614"
- WebsiteIsInvalid = "81616"
- WebsiteFormatIsInvalid = "81616"
WebsiteIsTooLong = "81615"
+ WebsiteFormatIsInvalid = "81616"
module Descriptor
- DynamicDescriptorsDisabled = "92203"
- InternationalPhoneFormatIsInvalid = "92205"
- InternationalNameFormatIsInvalid = "92204"
NameFormatIsInvalid = "92201"
PhoneFormatIsInvalid = "92202"
+ DynamicDescriptorsDisabled = "92203"
+ InternationalNameFormatIsInvalid = "92204"
+ InternationalPhoneFormatIsInvalid = "92205"
- module SettlementBatchSummary
- CustomFieldIsInvalid = "82303"
- SettlementDateIsInvalid = "82302"
- SettlementDateIsRequired = "82301"
- end
# See
module Subscription
BillingDayOfMonthCannotBeUpdated = "91918"
BillingDayOfMonthIsInvalid = "91914"
BillingDayOfMonthMustBeNumeric = "91913"
@@ -171,52 +162,64 @@
# See
module Transaction
AmountCannotBeNegative = "81501"
- AmountIsInvalid = "81503"
- AmountFormatIsInvalid = "81503"
+ AmountFormatIsInvalid = "81503" # Keep for backwards compatibility
+ AmountIsInvalid = "81503" # Keep for backwards compatibility
AmountIsRequired = "81502"
AmountIsTooLarge = "81528"
AmountMustBeGreaterThanZero = "81531"
BillingAddressConflict = "91530"
CannotBeVoided = "91504"
+ CannotCancelRelease = "91562"
CannotCloneCredit = "91543"
CannotCloneTransactionWithVaultCreditCard = "91540"
CannotCloneUnsuccessfulTransaction = "91542"
CannotCloneVoiceAuthorizations = "91541"
+ CannotHoldInEscrow = "91560"
+ CannotPartiallyRefundEscrowedTransaction = "91563"
CannotRefundCredit = "91505"
CannotRefundUnlessSettled = "91506"
+ CannotRefundWithPendingMerchantAccount = "91559"
CannotRefundWithSuspendedMerchantAccount = "91538"
+ CannotReleaseFromEscrow = "91561"
CannotSubmitForSettlement = "91507"
- ChannelIsTooLong = "91550"
CreditCardIsRequired = "91508"
CustomFieldIsInvalid = "91526"
CustomFieldIsTooLong = "81527"
CustomerDefaultPaymentMethodCardTypeIsNotAccepted = "81509"
CustomerDoesNotHaveCreditCard = "91511"
CustomerIdIsInvalid = "91510"
HasAlreadyBeenRefunded = "91512"
+ MerchantAccountDoesNotSupportRefunds = "91547"
+ MerchantAccountDoesNotSupportMOTO = "91558"
MerchantAccountIdIsInvalid = "91513"
MerchantAccountIsSuspended = "91514"
- MerchantAccountDoesNotSupportRefunds = "91547"
- MerchantAccountNameIsInvalid = "91513" # Deprecated
OrderIdIsTooLong = "91501"
+ ChannelIsTooLong = "91550"
PaymentMethodConflict = "91515"
PaymentMethodConflictWithVenmoSDK = "91549"
PaymentMethodDoesNotBelongToCustomer = "91516"
PaymentMethodDoesNotBelongToSubscription = "91527"
PaymentMethodTokenCardTypeIsNotAccepted = "91517"
PaymentMethodTokenIsInvalid = "91518"
ProcessorAuthorizationCodeCannotBeSet = "91519"
ProcessorAuthorizationCodeIsInvalid = "81520"
ProcessorDoesNotSupportCredits = "91546"
ProcessorDoesNotSupportVoiceAuthorizations = "91545"
- PurchaseOrderNumberIsTooLong = "91537"
PurchaseOrderNumberIsInvalid = "91548"
+ PurchaseOrderNumberIsTooLong = "91537"
RefundAmountIsTooLarge = "91521"
+ ServiceFeeAmountCannotBeNegative = "91554"
+ ServiceFeeAmountFormatIsInvalid = "91555"
+ ServiceFeeAmountIsTooLarge = "91556"
+ ServiceFeeIsNotAllowedOnCredits = "91552"
+ ServiceFeeAmountNotAllowedOnMasterMerchantAccount = "91557"
+ SettlementAmountIsLessThanServiceFeeAmount = "91551"
SettlementAmountIsTooLarge = "91522"
+ SubMerchantAccountRequiresServiceFeeAmount = "91553"
SubscriptionDoesNotBelongToCustomer = "91529"
SubscriptionIdIsInvalid = "91528"
SubscriptionStatusMustBePastDue = "91531"
TaxAmountCannotBeNegative = "81534"
TaxAmountFormatIsInvalid = "81535"
@@ -228,7 +231,58 @@
module Options
SubmitForSettlementIsRequiredForCloning = "91544"
VaultIsDisabled = "91525"
+ module MerchantAccount
+ IdIsTooLong = "82602"
+ IdFormatIsInvalid = "82603"
+ IdIsInUse = "82604"
+ IdIsNotAllowed = "82605"
+ MasterMerchantAccountIdIsRequired = "82606"
+ MasterMerchantAccountIdIsInvalid = "82607"
+ MasterMerchantAccountMustBeActive = "82608"
+ TosAcceptedIsRequired = "82610"
+ module ApplicantDetails
+ FirstNameIsRequired = "82609"
+ LastNameIsRequired = "82611"
+ DateOfBirthIsRequired = "82612"
+ RoutingNumberIsRequired = "82613"
+ AccountNumberIsRequired = "82614"
+ SsnIsInvalid = "82615"
+ EmailAddressIsInvalid = "82616"
+ FirstNameIsInvalid = "82627"
+ LastNameIsInvalid = "82628"
+ CompanyNameIsInvalid = "82631"
+ TaxIdIsInvalid = "82632"
+ CompanyNameIsRequiredWithTaxId = "82633"
+ TaxIdIsRequiredWithCompanyName = "82634"
+ RoutingNumberIsInvalid = "82635"
+ DeclinedOFAC = "82621"
+ DeclinedMasterCardMatch = "82622"
+ DeclinedFailedKYC = "82623"
+ DeclinedSsnInvalid = "82624"
+ DeclinedSsnMatchesDeceased = "82625"
+ Declined = "82626"
+ PhoneIsInvalid = "82636"
+ module Address
+ StreetAddressIsRequired = "82617"
+ LocalityIsRequired = "82618"
+ PostalCodeIsRequired = "82619"
+ RegionIsRequired = "82620"
+ StreetAddressIsInvalid = "82629"
+ PostalCodeIsInvalid = "82630"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module SettlementBatchSummary
+ SettlementDateIsRequired = "82301"
+ SettlementDateIsInvalid = "82302"
+ CustomFieldIsInvalid = "82303"
+ end