vendor/assets/javascripts/brainstem/ in brainstem-js-0.2.1 vs vendor/assets/javascripts/brainstem/ in brainstem-js-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -20,256 +20,139 @@
storage: new collectionClass()
cache: {}
# Access the cache for a particular collection.
- storage: (name) =>
+ storage: (name) ->
- dataUsage: =>
+ dataUsage: ->
sum = 0
for dataType in @collectionNames()
sum += @storage(dataType).length
- reset: =>
+ reset: ->
for name, attributes of @collections []
attributes.cache = {}
# Access details of a collection. An error will be thrown if the collection cannot be found.
- getCollectionDetails: (name) =>
+ getCollectionDetails: (name) ->
@collections[name] || @collectionError(name)
- collectionNames: =>
+ collectionNames: ->
- collectionExists: (name) =>
+ collectionExists: (name) ->
- setErrorInterceptor: (interceptor) =>
- @errorInterceptor = interceptor || (handler, modelOrCollection, options, jqXHR, requestParams) -> handler?(modelOrCollection, jqXHR)
+ setErrorInterceptor: (interceptor) ->
+ @errorInterceptor = interceptor || (handler, modelOrCollection, options, jqXHR, requestParams) -> handler?(jqXHR)
- # Request a model to be loaded, optionally ensuring that associations be included as well. A collection is returned immediately and is reset
- # when the load, and any dependent loads, are complete.
- # model = manager.loadModel "time_entry"
- # model = manager.loadModel "time_entry", fields: ["title", "notes"]
- # model = manager.loadModel "time_entry", include: ["project", "task"]
- loadModel: (name, id, options) =>
- options = _.clone(options || {})
- oldSuccess = options.success
- collectionName = name.pluralize()
- model = new (@getCollectionDetails(collectionName).modelKlass)()
- @loadCollection collectionName, _.extend options,
- only: id
- success: (collection) ->
- model.setLoaded true, trigger: false
- model.set collection.get(id).attributes
- model.setLoaded true
- oldSuccess(model) if oldSuccess
- model
+ # Request a model to be loaded, optionally ensuring that associations be included as well. A loader (which is a jQuery promise) is returned immediately and is resolved
+ # with the model from the StorageManager when the load, and any dependent loads, are complete.
+ # loader = manager.loadModel "time_entry", 2
+ # loader = manager.loadModel "time_entry", 2, fields: ["title", "notes"]
+ # loader = manager.loadModel "time_entry", 2, include: ["project", "task"]
+ # manager.loadModel("time_entry", 2, include: ["project", "task"]).done (model) -> console.log model
+ loadModel: (name, id, options = {}) ->
+ return if not id
+ loader = @loadObject(name, $.extend({}, options, only: id), isCollection: false)
+ loader
# Request a set of data to be loaded, optionally ensuring that associations be included as well. A collection is returned immediately and is reset
# when the load, and any dependent loads, are complete.
# collection = manager.loadCollection "time_entries"
# collection = manager.loadCollection "time_entries", only: [2, 6]
# collection = manager.loadCollection "time_entries", fields: ["title", "notes"]
# collection = manager.loadCollection "time_entries", include: ["project", "task"]
# collection = manager.loadCollection "time_entries", include: ["project:title,description", "task:due_date"]
# collection = manager.loadCollection "tasks", include: ["assets", { "assignees": "account" }, { "sub_tasks": ["assignees", "assets"] }]
# collection = manager.loadCollection "time_entries", filters: ["project_id:6", "editable:true"], order: "updated_at:desc", page: 1, perPage: 20
- loadCollection: (name, options) =>
- options = $.extend({}, options, name: name)
- @_checkPageSettings options
- include = @_wrapObjects(Brainstem.Utils.extractArray "include", options)
- if
- options.cache = false
+ loadCollection: (name, options = {}) ->
+ loader = @loadObject(name, options)
+ loader.externalObject
- collection = options.collection || @createNewCollection name, []
- collection.setLoaded false
- collection.reset([], silent: false) if options.reset
- collection.lastFetchOptions = _.pick($.extend(true, {}, options), 'name', 'filters', 'include', 'page', 'perPage', 'order', 'search')
- if @expectations?
- @handleExpectations name, collection, options
- else
- @_loadCollectionWithFirstLayer($.extend({}, options, include: include, success: ((firstLayerCollection) =>
- expectedAdditionalLoads = @_countRequiredServerRequests(include) - 1
- if expectedAdditionalLoads > 0
- timesCalled = 0
- @_handleNextLayer firstLayerCollection, include, =>
- timesCalled += 1
- if timesCalled == expectedAdditionalLoads
- @_success(options, collection, firstLayerCollection)
- else
- @_success(options, collection, firstLayerCollection)
- )))
- collection
- _handleNextLayer: (collection, include, callback) =>
- # Collection is a fully populated collection of tasks whose first layer of associations are loaded.
- # include is a hierarchical list of associations on those tasks:
- # [{ 'time_entries': ['project': [], 'task': [{ 'assignees': []}]] }, { 'project': [] }]
- _(include).each (hash) => # { 'time_entries': ['project': [], 'task': [{ 'assignees': []}]] }
- association = _.keys(hash)[0] # time_entries
- nextLevelInclude = hash[association] # ['project': [], 'task': [{ 'assignees': []}]]
- if nextLevelInclude.length
- association_ids = _(collection.models).chain().
- map((m) -> if (a = m.get(association)) instanceof Backbone.Collection then a.models else a).
- flatten().uniq().compact().pluck("id").sort().value()
- newCollectionName = collection.model.associationDetails(association).collectionName
- @_loadCollectionWithFirstLayer name: newCollectionName, only: association_ids, include: nextLevelInclude, success: (loadedAssociationCollection) =>
- @_handleNextLayer(loadedAssociationCollection, nextLevelInclude, callback)
- callback()
- _loadCollectionWithFirstLayer: (options) =>
- options = $.extend({}, options)
- name =
- only = if options.only then "only", options), (id) -> String(id)) else null
- search =
- include = _(options.include).map((i) -> _.keys(i)[0]) # pull off the top layer of includes
- filters = options.filters || {}
- order = options.order || "updated_at:desc"
- cacheKey = "#{order}|#{_.chain(filters).pairs().map(([k, v]) -> "#{k}:#{v}" ).value().join(",")}|#{}|#{options.perPage}"
- cachedCollection = @storage name
- collection = @createNewCollection name, []
- unless options.cache == false
- if only?
- alreadyLoadedIds = only, (id) => cachedCollection.get(id)?.associationsAreLoaded(include)
- if alreadyLoadedIds.length == only.length
- # We've already seen every id that is being asked for and have all the associated data.
- @_success options, collection, only, (id) => cachedCollection.get(id)
- return collection
- else
- # Check if we have, at some point, requested enough records with this this order and filter(s).
- if @getCollectionDetails(name).cache[cacheKey]
- subset = _(@getCollectionDetails(name).cache[cacheKey]).map (result) ->
- if (_.all(subset, (model) => model.associationsAreLoaded(include)))
- @_success options, collection, subset
- return collection
- # If we haven't returned yet, we need to go to the server to load some missing data.
- syncOptions =
- data: {}
- parse: true
- error: options.error
- success: (resp, status, xhr) =>
- # The server response should look something like this:
- # {
- # count: 200,
- # results: [{ key: "tasks", id: 10 }, { key: "tasks", id: 11 }],
- # time_entries: [{ id: 2, title: "te1", project_id: 6, task_id: [10, 11] }]
- # projects: [{id: 6, title: "some project", time_entry_ids: [2] }]
- # tasks: [{id: 10, title: "some task" }, {id: 11, title: "some other task" }]
- # }
- # Loop over all returned data types and update our local storage to represent any new data.
- results = resp['results']
- keys = _.reject(_.keys(resp), (key) -> key == 'count' || key == 'results')
- unless _.isEmpty(results)
- keys.splice(keys.indexOf(name), 1) if keys.indexOf(name) != -1
- keys.push(name)
- for underscoredModelName in keys
- @storage(underscoredModelName).update _(resp[underscoredModelName]).values()
- unless options.cache == false || only?
- @getCollectionDetails(name).cache[cacheKey] = results
- if only?
- @_success options, collection,, (id) -> cachedCollection.get(id))
- else
- @_success options, collection, _(results).map (result) ->
- = include.join(",") if include.length
- = _.difference(only, alreadyLoadedIds).join(",") if only?
- = options.order if options.order?
- _.extend(, _(filters).omit('include', 'only', 'order', 'per_page', 'page', 'search')) if _(filters).keys().length
- = options.perPage unless only?
- = unless only?
- = search if search
- collection, 'read', collection, syncOptions
- collection
- _success: (options, collection, data) =>
- if data
- data = data.models if data.models?
- collection.setLoaded true, trigger: false
- if collection.length
- collection.add data
- else
- collection.reset data
- collection.setLoaded true
- options.success(collection) if options.success?
- _checkPageSettings: (options) =>
- options.perPage = options.perPage || 20
- options.perPage = 1 if options.perPage < 1
- = || 1
- = 1 if < 1
- collectionError: (name) =>
+ collectionError: (name) ->
Brainstem.Utils.throwError("Unknown collection #{name} in StorageManager. Known collections: #{_(@collections).keys().join(", ")}")
- createNewCollection: (collectionName, models = [], options = {}) =>
+ createNewCollection: (collectionName, models = [], options = {}) ->
loaded = options.loaded
delete options.loaded
collection = new (@getCollectionDetails(collectionName).klass)(models, options)
collection.setLoaded(true, trigger: false) if loaded
- createNewModel: (modelName, options) =>
+ createNewModel: (modelName, options) ->
new (@getCollectionDetails(modelName.pluralize()).modelKlass)(options || {})
- _wrapObjects: (array) =>
- output = []
- _(array).each (elem) =>
- if elem.constructor == Object
- for key, value of elem
- o = {}
- o[key] = @_wrapObjects(if value instanceof Array then value else [value])
- output.push o
- else
- o = {}
- o[elem] = []
- output.push o
- output
- _countRequiredServerRequests: (array, wrapped = false) =>
- if array?.length
- array = @_wrapObjects(array) unless wrapped
- sum = 1
- _(array).each (elem) =>
- sum += @_countRequiredServerRequests(_(elem).values()[0], true)
- sum
- else
- 0
# Expectations and stubbing
- stub: (collectionName, options) =>
+ stub: (collectionName, options = {}) ->
if @expectations?
expectation = new Brainstem.Expectation(collectionName, options, @)
@expectations.push expectation
throw "You must call #enableExpectations on your instance of Brainstem.StorageManager before you can set expectations."
- stubImmediate: (collectionName, options) =>
+ stubModel: (modelName, modelId, options = {}) ->
+ @stub(modelName, $.extend({}, options, only: modelId))
+ stubImmediate: (collectionName, options) ->
@stub collectionName, $.extend({}, options, immediate: true)
- enableExpectations: =>
+ enableExpectations: ->
@expectations = []
- handleExpectations: (name, collection, options) =>
+ handleExpectations: (loader) ->
for expectation in @expectations
- if expectation.optionsMatch(name, options)
- expectation.recordRequest(collection, options)
+ if expectation.loaderOptionsMatch(loader)
+ expectation.recordRequest(loader)
- throw "No expectation matched #{name} with #{JSON.stringify options}"
+ throw "No expectation matched #{name} with #{JSON.stringify loader.originalOptions}"
+ # Helpers
+ loadObject: (name, loadOptions, options = {}) ->
+ options = $.extend({}, { isCollection: true }, options)
+ successCallback = loadOptions.success
+ loadOptions = _.omit(loadOptions, 'success')
+ loadOptions = $.extend({}, loadOptions, name: name)
+ if options.isCollection
+ loaderClass = Brainstem.CollectionLoader
+ else
+ loaderClass = Brainstem.ModelLoader
+ @_checkPageSettings loadOptions
+ loader = new loaderClass(storageManager: this)
+ loader.setup(loadOptions)
+ loader.done(successCallback) if successCallback? && _.isFunction(successCallback)
+ if @expectations?
+ @handleExpectations(loader)
+ else
+ loader.load()
+ loader
+ _checkPageSettings: (options) ->
+ if options.limit? && options.limit != '' && options.offset? && options.offset != ''
+ options.perPage = = undefined
+ else
+ options.limit = options.offset = undefined
+ @_setDefaultPageSettings(options)
+ _setDefaultPageSettings: (options) ->
+ if options.limit? && options.offset?
+ options.limit = 1 if options.limit < 1
+ options.offset = 0 if options.offset < 0
+ else
+ options.perPage = options.perPage || 20
+ options.perPage = 1 if options.perPage < 1
+ = || 1
+ = 1 if < 1
\ No newline at end of file