in boty-0.2.0 vs in boty-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -741,18 +741,24 @@
To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`.
### The local ./bin/bot
The project have a `./bin/bot` executable that should be the product of
-compiling the `template/project/` erb file.
-This is an easy way to just run the bot using the same logic that a project
-generated by `bot new` will use to run the bot.
+compiling the `template/project/` erb file. This is an easy way to just
+run the bot using the same logic that a project generated by `bot new` will use.
It's highly recomendable that you test your changes using this approach before
submit a `PR` or generate a new release. =)
+#### Compiling the ./bin/bot
+There is a `bot:compile` rake task that compiles the template right into the
+`bin` direcotry and make it executable (with `chmod +x`).
### Code guidelines
- **todo: add some**
+Just make sure to run `bundle exec rubocop` before submit any `PR`, good coding!
## Contributing<a name="contributing" />
Bug reports and pull requests are very welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe,