test/scientist_test.rb in boson-0.2.3 vs test/scientist_test.rb in boson-0.2.4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,337 +1,341 @@
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper')
-module Boson
- class ScientistTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- before(:all) {
- unless ScientistTest.const_defined?(:Blah)
- Boson.send :remove_const, :BinRunner if Boson.const_defined?(:BinRunner)
- eval <<-EOF
- module Blah
- def blah(arg1, options={})
- [arg1, options]
- end
- def splat_blah(*args)
- args
- end
- def default_blah(arg1, arg2=default, options={})
- [arg1, arg2, options]
- end
- def default; 'some default'; end
- def default_option(options={})
- options
- end
+describe "Scientist" do
+ before_all {
+ Runner.in_shell = nil
+ eval <<-EOF
+ module Blah
+ def blah(arg1, options={})
+ [arg1, options]
+ def splat_blah(*args)
+ args
- @opt_cmd = Object.new.extend Blah
- }
- after(:all) { Runner.in_shell = false }
+ def default_blah(arg1, arg2=default, options={})
+ [arg1, arg2, options]
+ end
+ def default; 'some default'; end
+ def default_option(options={})
+ options
+ end
+ end
+ @opt_cmd = Object.new.extend Blah
+ }
- def command(hash, args)
- hash = {:name=>'blah', :lib=>'bling', :options=>{:force=>:boolean, :level=>2}}.merge(hash)
- @cmd = Command.new hash
- @cmd.instance_variable_set("@file_parsed_args", true) if hash[:file_parsed_args]
- Scientist.redefine_command(@opt_cmd, @cmd)
- @opt_cmd.send(hash[:name], *args)
+ def command(hash, args)
+ hash = {:name=>'blah', :lib=>'bling', :options=>{:force=>:boolean, :level=>2}}.merge(hash)
+ @cmd = Command.new hash
+ @cmd.instance_variable_set("@file_parsed_args", true) if hash[:file_parsed_args]
+ Scientist.redefine_command(@opt_cmd, @cmd)
+ @opt_cmd.send(hash[:name], *args)
+ end
+ def command_with_arg_size(*args)
+ command({:args=>2}, args)
+ end
+ def command_with_args(*args)
+ command({:args=>[['arg1'],['options', {}]]}, args)
+ end
+ def basic_command(hash, args)
+ command({:name=>'splat_blah', :args=>'*'}.merge(hash), args)
+ end
+ def command_with_splat_args(*args)
+ command({:name=>'splat_blah', :args=>'*'}, args)
+ end
+ def command_with_arg_defaults(*args)
+ arg_defaults = [%w{arg1}, %w{arg2 default}, %w{options {}}]
+ command({:name=>'default_blah', :file_parsed_args=>true, :args=>arg_defaults}, args)
+ end
+ def args_are_equal(args, array)
+ command_with_args(*args).should == array
+ command_with_arg_size(*args).should == array
+ command_with_splat_args(*args).should == array
+ end
+ def all_commands
+ [:command_with_args, :command_with_arg_size, :command_with_splat_args]
+ end
+ describe "all commands" do
+ it "translate arg and options as one string" do
+ args_are_equal ['a1 -f'], ['a1', {:force=>true, :level=>2}]
- def command_with_arg_size(*args)
- command({:args=>2}, args)
+ it "translate arg and stringified options" do
+ args_are_equal [:cool, '-l3'], [:cool, {:level=>3}]
- def command_with_args(*args)
- command({:args=>[['arg1'],['options', {}]]}, args)
+ it "translate arg and normal hash options" do
+ args_are_equal [:cool, {:ok=>true}], [:cool, {:ok=>true, :level=>2}]
- def basic_command(hash, args)
- command({:name=>'splat_blah', :args=>'*'}.merge(hash), args)
+ it "translate stringified arg without options sets default options" do
+ args_are_equal ['cool'], ['cool', {:level=>2}]
- def command_with_splat_args(*args)
- command({:name=>'splat_blah', :args=>'*'}, args)
+ it "translate arg without options sets default options" do
+ args_are_equal [:cool], [:cool, {:level=>2}]
- def command_with_arg_defaults(*args)
- arg_defaults = [%w{arg1}, %w{arg2 default}, %w{options {}}]
- command({:name=>'default_blah', :file_parsed_args=>true, :args=>arg_defaults}, args)
+ it "with invalid options print errors and delete them" do
+ all_commands.each do |cmd|
+ capture_stderr {
+ send(cmd, 'cool -f -z').should == ['cool', {:force=>true, :level=>2}]
+ }.should =~/invalid.*z/
+ end
- def args_are_equal(args, array)
- command_with_args(*args).should == array
- command_with_arg_size(*args).should == array
- command_with_splat_args(*args).should == array
+ it "print help with help option" do
+ all_commands.each do |cmd|
+ Boson.expects(:invoke).with(:usage, anything, anything)
+ send(cmd, '-h')
+ end
+ end
- ALL_COMMANDS = [:command_with_args, :command_with_arg_size, :command_with_splat_args]
+ describe "command" do
+ describe "with arg defaults" do
+ it "sets defaults with stringified args" do
+ command_with_arg_defaults('1').should == ["1", "some default", {:level=>2}]
+ end
- context "all commands" do
- test "translate arg and options as one string" do
- args_are_equal ['a1 -f'], ['a1', {:force=>true, :level=>2}]
+ it "sets defaults with normal args" do
+ command_with_arg_defaults(1).should == [1, "some default", {:level=>2}]
- test "translate arg and stringified options" do
- args_are_equal [:cool, '-l3'], [:cool, {:level=>3}]
+ it "sets default if optional arg is a valid option" do
+ command_with_arg_defaults("cool -f").should == ["cool", "some default", {:level=>2, :force=>true}]
- test "translate arg and normal hash options" do
- args_are_equal [:cool, {:ok=>true}], [:cool, {:ok=>true, :level=>2}]
+ it "doesn't set defaults if not needed" do
+ command_with_arg_defaults(1, 'nada').should == [1, "nada", {:level=>2}]
- test "translate stringified arg without options sets default options" do
- args_are_equal ['cool'], ['cool', {:level=>2}]
+ it "prints error for invalid defaults" do
+ arg_defaults = [%w{arg1}, %w{arg2 invalidzzz}, %w{options {}}]
+ capture_stderr {
+ command({:name=>'default_blah', :file_parsed_args=>true, :args=>arg_defaults}, [1])
+ }.should =~ /Error.*position 2/
+ end
- test "translate arg without options sets default options" do
- args_are_equal [:cool], [:cool, {:level=>2}]
+ describe "prints error" do
+ it "with option error" do
+ capture_stderr { command_with_args('a1 -l') }.should =~ /Error.*level/
- test "with invalid options print errors and delete them" do
- ALL_COMMANDS.each do |cmd|
- capture_stderr {
- send(cmd, 'cool -f -z').should == ['cool', {:force=>true, :level=>2}]
- }.should =~/invalid.*z/
- end
+ it "with unexpected error in render" do
+ Scientist.expects(:can_render?).raises("unexpected")
+ capture_stderr { command_with_args('a1') }.should =~ /Error.*unexpected/
- test "print help with help option" do
- ALL_COMMANDS.each do |cmd|
- Boson.expects(:invoke).with(:usage, anything, anything)
- send(cmd, '-h')
- end
+ it "with no argument defined for options" do
+ assert_error(OptionCommand::CommandArgumentError, '2 for 1') { command({:args=>1}, 'ok') }
- context "command" do
- context "with arg defaults" do
- test "sets defaults with stringified args" do
- command_with_arg_defaults('1').should == ["1", "some default", {:level=>2}]
- end
+ it "translates stringfied args + options starting at second arg" do
+ command_with_arg_defaults(1, 'nada -l3').should == [1, "nada", {:level=>3}]
+ end
- test "sets defaults with normal args" do
- command_with_arg_defaults(1).should == [1, "some default", {:level=>2}]
- end
+ it "with leading option-like args are translated as arguments" do
+ command_with_args('-z -f').should == ["-z", {:force=>true, :level=>2}]
+ command_with_args('--blah -f').should == ['--blah', {:force=>true, :level=>2}]
+ end
- test "sets default if optional arg is a valid option" do
- command_with_arg_defaults("cool -f").should == ["cool", "some default", {:level=>2, :force=>true}]
- end
- test "doesn't set defaults if not needed" do
- command_with_arg_defaults(1, 'nada').should == [1, "nada", {:level=>2}]
- end
- test "prints error for invalid defaults" do
- arg_defaults = [%w{arg1}, %w{arg2 invalidzzz}, %w{options {}}]
- capture_stderr {
- command({:name=>'default_blah', :file_parsed_args=>true, :args=>arg_defaults}, [1])
- }.should =~ /Error.*position 2/
- end
+ it "with splat args does not raise error for too few or many args" do
+ [[], [''], [1,2,3], ['1 2 3']].each do |args|
+ should.not.raise { command_with_splat_args *args }
+ end
- context "prints error" do
- test "with option error" do
- capture_stderr { command_with_args('a1 -l') }.should =~ /Error.*level/
- end
+ it "with debug option prints debug" do
+ capture_stdout { command_with_args("-v ok") }.should =~ /Arguments.*ok/
+ end
- test "with unexpected error in render" do
- Scientist.expects(:render?).raises("unexpected")
- capture_stderr { command_with_args('a1') }.should =~ /Error.*unexpected/
- end
+ it "with pretend option prints arguments and returns early" do
+ Scientist.expects(:render_or_raw).never
+ capture_stdout { command_with_args("-p ok") }.should =~ /Arguments.*ok/
+ end
- test "with no argument defined for options" do
- assert_error(OptionCommand::CommandArgumentError, '2 for 1') { command({:args=>1}, 'ok') }
- end
- end
+ it "with not enough args raises CommandArgumentError" do
+ args = [OptionCommand::CommandArgumentError, '0 for 1']
+ assert_error(*args) { command_with_args }
+ assert_error(*args) { command_with_args '' }
+ assert_error(*args) { command_with_arg_size }
+ assert_error(*args) { command_with_arg_size '' }
+ end
- test "translates stringfied args + options starting at second arg" do
- command_with_arg_defaults(1, 'nada -l3').should == [1, "nada", {:level=>3}]
- end
+ it "with too many args raises CommandArgumentError" do
+ args3 = [ArgumentError, '3 for 2']
+ args4 = [OptionCommand::CommandArgumentError, '4 for 2']
+ assert_error(*args3) { command_with_args 1,2,3 }
+ assert_error(*args4) { command_with_args '1 2 3' }
+ assert_error(*args3) { command_with_arg_size 1,2,3 }
+ assert_error(*args4) { command_with_arg_size '1 2 3' }
+ end
+ end
- test "with leading option-like args are translated as arguments" do
- command_with_args('-z -f').should == ["-z", {:force=>true, :level=>2}]
- command_with_args('--blah -f').should == ['--blah', {:force=>true, :level=>2}]
- end
+ def command_with_render(*args)
+ basic_command({:render_options=>{:fields=>{:values=>['f1', 'f2']}} }, args)
+ end
- test "with splat args does not raise error for too few or many args" do
- [[], [''], [1,2,3], ['1 2 3']].each do |args|
- assert_nothing_raised { command_with_splat_args *args }
- end
- end
+ def render_expected(options=nil)
+ View.expects(:render).with(anything, options || anything, false)
+ end
- test "with debug option prints debug" do
- capture_stdout { command_with_args("-v ok") } =~ /Arguments.*ok/
- end
+ describe "render" do
+ it "called for command with render_options" do
+ render_expected
+ command_with_render('1')
+ end
- test "with pretend option prints arguments and returns early" do
- Scientist.expects(:render_or_raw).never
- capture_stdout { command_with_args("-p ok") } =~ /Arguments.*ok/
- end
+ it "called for command without render_options and --render" do
+ render_expected
+ command_with_args('--render 1')
+ end
- test "with not enough args raises CommandArgumentError" do
- args = [OptionCommand::CommandArgumentError, '0 for 1']
- assert_error(*args) { command_with_args }
- assert_error(*args) { command_with_args '' }
- assert_error(*args) { command_with_arg_size }
- assert_error(*args) { command_with_arg_size '' }
- end
+ it "not called for command with render_options and --render" do
+ Boson.expects(:invoke).never
+ command_with_render('--render 1')
+ end
- test "with too many args raises CommandArgumentError" do
- args3 = [ArgumentError, '3 for 2']
- args4 = [OptionCommand::CommandArgumentError, '4 for 2']
- assert_error(*args3) { command_with_args 1,2,3 }
- assert_error(*args4) { command_with_args '1 2 3' }
- assert_error(*args3) { command_with_arg_size 1,2,3 }
- assert_error(*args4) { command_with_arg_size '1 2 3' }
- end
+ it "not called for command without render_options" do
+ Boson.expects(:invoke).never
+ command_with_args('1')
+ end
- def command_with_render(*args)
+ describe "command renders" do
+ it "with basic render options" do
+ render_expected :fields => ['f1', 'f2']
+ command_with_render("--fields f1,f2 ab")
+ end
+ it "without non-render options" do
+ render_expected :fields=>['f1']
+ Scientist.expects(:can_render?).returns(true)
+ args = ["--render --fields f1 ab"]
basic_command({:render_options=>{:fields=>{:values=>['f1', 'f2']}} }, args)
- def render_expected(options=nil)
- View.expects(:render).with(anything, options || anything, false)
+ it "with user-defined render options" do
+ render_expected :fields=>['f1'], :foo=>true
+ args = ["--foo --fields f1 ab"]
+ basic_command({:render_options=>{:foo=>:boolean, :fields=>{:values=>['f1', 'f2']}} }, args)
- context "render" do
- test "called for command with render_options" do
- render_expected
- command_with_render('1')
- end
+ it "with non-hash user-defined render options" do
+ render_expected :fields=>['f1'], :foo=>true
+ args = ["--foo --fields f1 ab"]
+ basic_command({:render_options=>{:foo=>:boolean, :fields=>%w{f1 f2 f3}} }, args)
+ end
+ end
- test "called for command without render_options and --render" do
- render_expected
- command_with_args('--render 1')
- end
+ describe "command with default option" do
+ before_all { @cmd_attributes = {:name=>'default_option', :default_option=>'level', :args=>1} }
- test "not called for command with render_options and --render" do
- Boson.expects(:invoke).never
- command_with_render('--render 1')
- end
+ it "parses normally from irb" do
+ command(@cmd_attributes, '-f --level=3').should == {:level=>3, :force=>true}
+ end
- test "not called for command without render_options" do
- Boson.expects(:invoke).never
- command_with_args('1')
- end
+ it "parses normally from cmdline" do
+ Runner.expects(:in_shell?).times(2).returns true
+ command(@cmd_attributes, ['--force', '--level=3']).should == {:level=>3, :force=>true}
- context "command renders" do
- test "with basic render options" do
- render_expected :fields => ['f1', 'f2']
- command_with_render("--fields f1,f2 ab")
- end
+ it "parses no arguments normally" do
+ command(@cmd_attributes, '').should == {:level=>2}
+ end
- test "without non-render options" do
- render_expected :fields=>['f1']
- Scientist.expects(:render?).returns(true)
- args = ["--render --fields f1 ab"]
- basic_command({:render_options=>{:fields=>{:values=>['f1', 'f2']}} }, args)
- end
+ it "parses ruby arguments normally" do
+ command(@cmd_attributes, [{:force=>true, :level=>10}]).should == {:level=>10, :force=>true}
+ end
- test "with user-defined render options" do
- render_expected :fields=>['f1'], :foo=>true
- args = ["--foo --fields f1 ab"]
- basic_command({:render_options=>{:foo=>:boolean, :fields=>{:values=>['f1', 'f2']}} }, args)
- end
+ it "prepends correctly from irb" do
+ command(@cmd_attributes, '3 -f').should == {:level=>3, :force=>true}
+ end
- test "with non-hash user-defined render options" do
- render_expected :fields=>['f1'], :foo=>true
- args = ["--foo --fields f1 ab"]
- basic_command({:render_options=>{:foo=>:boolean, :fields=>%w{f1 f2 f3}} }, args)
- end
+ it "prepends correctly from cmdline" do
+ Runner.expects(:in_shell?).times(2).returns true
+ command(@cmd_attributes, ['3','-f']).should == {:level=>3, :force=>true}
+ end
- context "command with default option" do
- before(:all) { @cmd_attributes = {:name=>'default_option', :default_option=>'level', :args=>1} }
+ it "optionless command renders" do
+ render_expected :fields=>['f1']
+ command({:args=>2, :options=>nil, :render_options=>{:fields=>:array}}, ["--fields f1 ab ok"])
+ end
- test "parses normally from irb" do
- command(@cmd_attributes, '-f --level=3').should == {:level=>3, :force=>true}
- end
+ it "redefine_command prints error for command with nonexistant method" do
+ capture_stderr {
+ Scientist.redefine_command Object.new, Command.new(:name=>'blah', :lib=>'blah')
+ }.should =~ /Error: No method.*'blah'/
+ end
- test "parses normally from cmdline" do
- Runner.expects(:in_shell?).times(2).returns true
- command(@cmd_attributes, ['--force', '--level=3']).should == {:level=>3, :force=>true}
- end
+ describe "global options:" do
+ def local_and_global(*args)
+ Scientist.stubs(:can_render?).returns(false) # turn off rendering caused by :render_options
+ @non_opts = basic_command(@command_options, args)
+ @non_opts.slice!(-1,1) << Scientist.global_options
+ end
- test "parses no arguments normally" do
- command(@cmd_attributes, '').should == {:level=>2}
- end
+ before_all {
+ @command_options = {:options=>{:do=>:boolean, :foo=>:boolean},
+ :render_options=>{:dude=>:boolean}}
+ @expected_non_opts = [[], ['doh'], ['doh'], [:doh]]
+ }
- test "parses ruby arguments normally" do
- command(@cmd_attributes, [{:force=>true, :level=>10}]).should == {:level=>10, :force=>true}
+ it "local option overrides global one" do
+ ['-d', 'doh -d','-d doh', [:doh, '-d']].each_with_index do |args, i|
+ local_and_global(*args).should == [{:do=>true}, {}]
+ @non_opts.should == @expected_non_opts[i]
+ end
- test "prepends correctly from irb" do
- command(@cmd_attributes, '3 -f').should == {:level=>3, :force=>true}
+ it "global option before local one is valid" do
+ args_arr = ['--dude -f', '--dude doh -f', '--dude -f doh', [:doh, '--dude -f']]
+ args_arr.each_with_index do |args, i|
+ local_and_global(*args).should == [{:foo=>true}, {:dude=>true}]
+ @non_opts.should == @expected_non_opts[i]
- test "prepends correctly from cmdline" do
- Runner.expects(:in_shell?).times(2).returns true
- command(@cmd_attributes, ['3','-f']).should == {:level=>3, :force=>true}
- end
- test "optionless command renders" do
- render_expected :fields=>['f1']
- command({:args=>2, :options=>nil, :render_options=>{:fields=>:array}}, ["--fields f1 ab ok"])
+ it "delete_options deletes global options" do
+ local_and_global('--delete_options=r,p -rp -f').should ==
+ [{:foo=>true}, {:delete_options=>["r", "p"]}]
- context "global options:" do
- def local_and_global(*args)
- Scientist.stubs(:render?).returns(false) # turn off rendering caused by :render_options
- @non_opts = basic_command(@command_options, args)
- @non_opts.slice!(-1,1) << Scientist.global_options
- end
- before(:all) {
- @command_options = {:options=>{:do=>:boolean, :foo=>:boolean},
- :render_options=>{:dude=>:boolean}}
- @expected_non_opts = [[], ['doh'], ['doh'], [:doh]]
- }
- test "local option overrides global one" do
- ['-d', 'doh -d','-d doh', [:doh, '-d']].each_with_index do |args, i|
- local_and_global(*args).should == [{:do=>true}, {}]
+ it "global option after local one is invalid" do
+ args_arr = ['-f --dude', '-f doh --dude', '-f --dude doh', [:doh, '-f --dude'] ]
+ args_arr.each_with_index do |args, i|
+ capture_stderr {
+ local_and_global(*args).should == [{:foo=>true}, {}]
@non_opts.should == @expected_non_opts[i]
- end
+ }.should =~ /invalid.*dude/
+ end
- test "global option before local one is valid" do
- args_arr = ['--dude -f', '--dude doh -f', '--dude -f doh', [:doh, '--dude -f']]
- args_arr.each_with_index do |args, i|
- local_and_global(*args).should == [{:foo=>true}, {:dude=>true}]
- @non_opts.should == @expected_non_opts[i]
- end
- end
+ it "global option after local one and -" do
+ local_and_global("doh -r -f - --dude").should == [{:foo=>true}, {:dude=>true, :render=>true}]
+ end
- test "delete_options deletes global options" do
- local_and_global('--delete_options=r,p -rp -f').should ==
- [{:foo=>true}, {:delete_options=>["r", "p"]}]
- end
+ it "conflicting global option after -" do
+ local_and_global('doh - -f=1,2').should == [{}, {:fields=>["1", "2"]}]
+ end
- test "global option after local one is invalid" do
- args_arr = ['-f --dude', '-f doh --dude', '-f --dude doh', [:doh, '-f --dude'] ]
- args_arr.each_with_index do |args, i|
- capture_stderr {
- local_and_global(*args).should == [{:foo=>true}, {}]
- @non_opts.should == @expected_non_opts[i]
- }.should =~ /invalid.*dude/
- end
- end
- test "global option after local one and -" do
- local_and_global("doh -r -f - --dude").should == [{:foo=>true}, {:dude=>true, :render=>true}]
- end
- test "conflicting global option after -" do
- local_and_global('doh - -f=1,2').should == [{}, {:fields=>["1", "2"]}]
- end
- test "no options parsed after --" do
- local_and_global('doh -f -- -r').should == [{:foo=>true}, {}]
- local_and_global('doh -- -r -f').should == [{}, {}]
- local_and_global('-- -r -f').should == [{}, {}]
- local_and_global('doh -r -- -f').should == [{}, {:render=>true}]
- end
+ it "no options parsed after --" do
+ local_and_global('doh -f -- -r').should == [{:foo=>true}, {}]
+ local_and_global('doh -- -r -f').should == [{}, {}]
+ local_and_global('-- -r -f').should == [{}, {}]
+ local_and_global('doh -r -- -f').should == [{}, {:render=>true}]
+ after_all { Runner.in_shell = false }
\ No newline at end of file