vendor/assets/javascripts/extensions/bootstrap-table-export.js in bootstrap-table-rails-1.8.2 vs vendor/assets/javascripts/extensions/bootstrap-table-export.js in bootstrap-table-rails-
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,103 @@
-* bootstrap-table - v1.8.1 - 2015-05-29
-* Copyright (c) 2015 zhixin wen
-* Licensed MIT License
-!function(a){"use strict";var b={json:"JSON",xml:"XML",png:"PNG",csv:"CSV",txt:"TXT",sql:"SQL",doc:"MS-Word",excel:"Ms-Excel",powerpoint:"Ms-Powerpoint",pdf:"PDF"};a.extend(a.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults,{showExport:!1,exportTypes:["json","xml","csv","txt","sql","excel"],exportOptions:{}});var c=a.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor,d=c.prototype.initToolbar;c.prototype.initToolbar=function(){if(this.showToolbar=this.options.showExport,d.apply(this,Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)),this.options.showExport){var c=this,e=this.$toolbar.find(">.btn-group"),f=e.find("div.export");if(!f.length){f=a(['<div class="export btn-group">','<button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" type="button">','<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-export icon-share"></i> ','<span class="caret"></span>',"</button>",'<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">',"</ul>","</div>"].join("")).appendTo(e);var g=f.find(".dropdown-menu"),h=this.options.exportTypes;if("string"==typeof this.options.exportTypes){var i=this.options.exportTypes.slice(1,-1).replace(/ /g,"").split(",");h=[],a.each(i,function(a,b){h.push(b.slice(1,-1))})}a.each(h,function(a,c){b.hasOwnProperty(c)&&g.append(['<li data-type="'+c+'">','<a href="javascript:void(0)">',b[c],"</a>","</li>"].join(""))}),g.find("li").click(function(){c.$el.tableExport(a.extend({},c.options.exportOptions,{type:a(this).data("type"),escape:!1}))})}}}}(jQuery);
\ No newline at end of file
+ * @author zhixin wen <>
+ * extensions:
+ */
+(function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var TYPE_NAME = {
+ json: 'JSON',
+ xml: 'XML',
+ png: 'PNG',
+ csv: 'CSV',
+ txt: 'TXT',
+ sql: 'SQL',
+ doc: 'MS-Word',
+ excel: 'Ms-Excel',
+ powerpoint: 'Ms-Powerpoint',
+ pdf: 'PDF'
+ };
+ $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, {
+ showExport: false,
+ exportDataType: 'basic', // basic, all, selected
+ // 'json', 'xml', 'png', 'csv', 'txt', 'sql', 'doc', 'excel', 'powerpoint', 'pdf'
+ exportTypes: ['json', 'xml', 'csv', 'txt', 'sql', 'excel'],
+ exportOptions: {}
+ });
+ var BootstrapTable = $.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor,
+ _initToolbar = BootstrapTable.prototype.initToolbar;
+ BootstrapTable.prototype.initToolbar = function () {
+ this.showToolbar = this.options.showExport;
+ _initToolbar.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments));
+ if (this.options.showExport) {
+ var that = this,
+ $btnGroup = this.$toolbar.find('>.btn-group'),
+ $export = $btnGroup.find('div.export');
+ if (!$export.length) {
+ $export = $([
+ '<div class="export btn-group">',
+ '<button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" ' +
+ 'data-toggle="dropdown" type="button">',
+ '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-export icon-share"></i> ',
+ '<span class="caret"></span>',
+ '</button>',
+ '<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">',
+ '</ul>',
+ '</div>'].join('')).appendTo($btnGroup);
+ var $menu = $export.find('.dropdown-menu'),
+ exportTypes = this.options.exportTypes;
+ if (typeof this.options.exportTypes === 'string') {
+ var types = this.options.exportTypes.slice(1, -1).replace(/ /g, '').split(',');
+ exportTypes = [];
+ $.each(types, function (i, value) {
+ exportTypes.push(value.slice(1, -1));
+ });
+ }
+ $.each(exportTypes, function (i, type) {
+ if (TYPE_NAME.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
+ $menu.append(['<li data-type="' + type + '">',
+ '<a href="javascript:void(0)">',
+ TYPE_NAME[type],
+ '</a>',
+ '</li>'].join(''));
+ }
+ });
+ $menu.find('li').click(function () {
+ var type = $(this).data('type'),
+ doExport = function () {
+ that.$el.tableExport($.extend({}, that.options.exportOptions, {
+ type: type,
+ escape: false
+ }));
+ };
+ if (that.options.exportDataType === 'all' && that.options.pagination) {
+ that.togglePagination();
+ doExport();
+ that.togglePagination();
+ } else if (that.options.exportDataType === 'selected') {
+ var data = that.getData(),
+ selectedData = that.getAllSelections();
+ that.load(selectedData);
+ doExport();
+ that.load(data);
+ } else {
+ doExport();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ };