Rakefile in bonsai-1.1.3 vs Rakefile in bonsai-1.1.4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,8 +1,20 @@
# coding: utf-8
+ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/vendor/gems/environment'
+rescue LoadError
+ raise <<-HELP
+ Bonsai uses the gem bundler to handle its development dependencies under
+ multiple environments. So if you're testing under 1.8, 1.9, jruby or otherwise
+ you should ensure that you have the `bundler` gem installed.
+ Then run `gem bundle`. Following going through these steps you should
+ not see this error message. If you do, please contact me or raise an issue.
+ (http://github.com/benschwarz/bonsai/issues)
-require 'rubygems'
require 'rake'
require 'jeweler'
Jeweler::Tasks.new do |gem|
@@ -11,32 +23,34 @@
gem.description = %Q{A static site generator that uses the best toolset available}
gem.email = "ben.schwarz@gmail.com"
gem.homepage = "http://github.com/benschwarz/bonsai"
gem.authors = ["Ben Schwarz"]
gem.executables = ['bonsai']
- gem.add_development_dependency "rspec", ">= 1.2.9"
+ gem.files.exclude 'vendor/gems'
+ gem.add_development_dependency "rspec", ">= 1.3.0"
gem.add_development_dependency "yard", ">= 0"
- gem.add_development_dependency "rdiscount"
gem.add_dependency "tilt", ">= 0.5"
gem.add_dependency "mustache", ">= 0.5.0"
gem.add_dependency "builder", ">= 2.1.2"
gem.add_dependency "watch", ">= 0.1.0"
gem.add_dependency "sinatra", ">= 0.9.4"
gem.add_dependency "maruku", ">= 0.6.0"
gem.add_dependency "less", ">= 1.2.17"
gem.add_dependency "rack", ">= 1.1.0"
gem.add_dependency "launchy", ">= 0.3.3"
gem.post_install_message = %q{
bonsai, tiny and beautiful
type `bonsai --help` to get started
# gem is a Gem::Specification... see http://www.rubygems.org/read/chapter/20 for additional settings
rescue LoadError
puts "Jeweler (or a dependency) not available. Install it with: gem install jeweler"