examples/benchmarks/Rodinia/hotspot.c in bones-compiler-1.3.1 vs examples/benchmarks/Rodinia/hotspot.c in bones-compiler-1.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -13,68 +13,31 @@
// Web address........http://parse.ele.tue.nl/bones/
// == File information
// Filename...........applications/hotspot.c
// Authors............Cedric Nugteren
-// Last modified on...10-Aug-2012
+// Last modified on...06-Jun-2014
-//### Includes
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <math.h>
+// Includes
+#include "common.h"
-//### Input parameters
-#define GRID_ROWS 64 // Number of rows in the grid (positive integer)
-#define GRID_COLS 64 // Number of columns in the grid (positive integer)
-#define SIM_TIME 2 // Number of iterations
-#define TEMPERATURE_FILE "data/hotspot_temperature_64.txt" // Name of the file containing the initial temperature values of each cell
-#define POWER_FILE "data/hotspot_power_64.txt" // Name of the file containing the dissipated power values of each cell
-//### Defines
-#define STRING_SIZE 256 // Length of the strings in the temperature and power files
-#define MAX_PD (3.0e6) // Maximum power density possible (say 300W for a 10mm x 10mm chip)
-#define PRECISION 0.001 // Required precision in degrees
-#define SPEC_HEAT_SI 1.75e6 //
-#define K_SI 100 //
-#define FACTOR_CHIP 0.5 // Capacitance fitting factor
-#define T_CHIP 0.0005 // Chip temperature
-#define CHIP_HEIGHT 0.016 // Chip height
-#define CHIP_WIDTH 0.016 // Chip width
-#define AMB_TEMP 80.0 // Ambient temperature, assuming no package at all
-//### Forward declarations
-void read_input(double* array, const char* filename);
//### Start of the main function
int main(void) {
// Declare the loop iterators
- int r,c,iter;
+ int r,c;
+ int iter = 0;
// Declare other/helper variables
- int index;
double delta;
- int row = GRID_ROWS;
- int col = GRID_COLS;
- double grid_height = CHIP_HEIGHT/row;
- double grid_width = CHIP_WIDTH/col;
+ double grid_height = CHIP_HEIGHT/GRID_ROWS;
+ double grid_width = CHIP_WIDTH/GRID_COLS;
// Set domain variables
double cap = FACTOR_CHIP*SPEC_HEAT_SI*T_CHIP*grid_width*grid_height;
double Rx = grid_width / (2.0*K_SI*T_CHIP*grid_height);
double Ry = grid_height / (2.0*K_SI*T_CHIP*grid_width);
@@ -82,147 +45,164 @@
double max_slope = MAX_PD / (FACTOR_CHIP*T_CHIP*SPEC_HEAT_SI);
double step = PRECISION / max_slope;
// Initialising memory
printf("\n[hotspot] Initialising memory"); fflush(stdout);
- double* temperature = (double*) calloc(row*col, sizeof(double));
- double* power = (double*) calloc(row*col, sizeof(double));
- double* result = (double*) calloc(row*col, sizeof(double));
+ double temperature[GRID_ROWS][GRID_COLS];
+ double power[GRID_ROWS][GRID_COLS];
+ double result[GRID_ROWS][GRID_COLS];
- // Read initial temperature and power arrays
+ // Read initial temperature array
printf("\n[hotspot] Populating memory"); fflush(stdout);
- read_input(temperature, TEMPERATURE_FILE);
- read_input(power, POWER_FILE);
+ char string[STRING_SIZE];
+ double value;
+ FILE* file_pointer1 = fopen(TEMPERATURE_FILE, "r");
+ if (!file_pointer1) { printf("\n[hotspot] Error: file '%s' could not be opened for reading\n\n", TEMPERATURE_FILE); fflush(stdout); exit(1); }
+ for (r=0; r<GRID_ROWS; r++) {
+ for (c=0; c<GRID_COLS; c++) {
+ fgets(string, STRING_SIZE, file_pointer1);
+ if (feof(file_pointer1)) { printf("\n[hotspot] Error: not enough lines in file '%s'\n\n", TEMPERATURE_FILE); fflush(stdout); exit(1); }
+ if ((sscanf(string, "%lf", &value) != 1) ) { printf("\n[hotspot] Error: invalid file format for '%s'\n\n", TEMPERATURE_FILE); fflush(stdout); exit(1); }
+ temperature[r][c] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(file_pointer1);
+ // Read initial power array
+ FILE* file_pointer2 = fopen(POWER_FILE, "r");
+ if (!file_pointer2) { printf("\n[hotspot] Error: file '%s' could not be opened for reading\n\n", POWER_FILE); fflush(stdout); exit(1); }
+ for (r=0; r<GRID_ROWS; r++) {
+ for (c=0; c<GRID_COLS; c++) {
+ fgets(string, STRING_SIZE, file_pointer2);
+ if (feof(file_pointer2)) { printf("\n[hotspot] Error: not enough lines in file '%s'\n\n", POWER_FILE); fflush(stdout); exit(1); }
+ if ((sscanf(string, "%lf", &value) != 1) ) { printf("\n[hotspot] Error: invalid file format for '%s'\n\n", POWER_FILE); fflush(stdout); exit(1); }
+ power[r][c] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(file_pointer2);
// Perform the computation a given number of times
printf("\n[hotspot] Performing the computation %d times",SIM_TIME); fflush(stdout);
#pragma scop
for (iter=0; iter<SIM_TIME; iter++) {
// Transient solver driver routine: convert the heat transfer differential equations to difference equations
// and solve the difference equations by iterating
- for (r=0; r<row; r++) {
- for (c=0; c<col; c++) {
+ for (r=0; r<GRID_ROWS; r++) {
+ for (c=0; c<GRID_COLS; c++) {
+ // Load the temperatures from memory
+ double temp_r_c = temperature[r][c];
+ double temp_rp1_c = 0;
+ if (r < GRID_ROWS-1) { temp_rp1_c = temperature[r+1][c]; }
+ double temp_rm1_c = 0;
+ if (r > 0) { temp_rm1_c = temperature[r-1][c]; }
+ double temp_r_cp1 = 0;
+ if (c < GRID_COLS-1) { temp_r_cp1 = temperature[r][c+1]; }
+ double temp_r_cm1 = 0;
+ if (c > 0) { temp_r_cm1 = temperature[r][c-1]; }
+ // Load the power
+ double power_r_c = power[r][c];
// Corner 1
if ( (r == 0) && (c == 0) ) {
- delta = (step / cap) * (power[0] +
- (temperature[1] - temperature[0]) / Rx +
- (temperature[col] - temperature[0]) / Ry +
- (AMB_TEMP - temperature[0]) / Rz);
+ delta = (step / cap) * (power_r_c +
+ (temp_r_cp1 - temp_r_c) / Rx +
+ (temp_rp1_c - temp_r_c) / Ry +
+ (AMB_TEMP - temp_r_c) / Rz);
// Corner 2
- else if ((r == 0) && (c == col-1)) {
- delta = (step / cap) * (power[c] +
- (temperature[c-1] - temperature[c]) / Rx +
- (temperature[c+col] - temperature[c]) / Ry +
- (AMB_TEMP - temperature[c]) / Rz);
+ else if ((r == 0) && (c == GRID_COLS-1)) {
+ delta = (step / cap) * (power_r_c +
+ (temp_r_cm1 - temp_r_c) / Rx +
+ (temp_rp1_c - temp_r_c) / Ry +
+ (AMB_TEMP - temp_r_c) / Rz);
// Corner 3
- else if ((r == row-1) && (c == col-1)) {
- delta = (step / cap) * (power[r*col+c] +
- (temperature[r*col+c-1] - temperature[r*col+c]) / Rx +
- (temperature[(r-1)*col+c] - temperature[r*col+c]) / Ry +
- (AMB_TEMP - temperature[r*col+c]) / Rz);
+ else if ((r == GRID_ROWS-1) && (c == GRID_COLS-1)) {
+ delta = (step / cap) * (power_r_c +
+ (temp_r_cm1 - temp_r_c) / Rx +
+ (temp_rm1_c - temp_r_c) / Ry +
+ (AMB_TEMP - temp_r_c) / Rz);
// Corner 4
- else if ((r == row-1) && (c == 0)) {
- delta = (step / cap) * (power[r*col] +
- (temperature[r*col+1] - temperature[r*col]) / Rx +
- (temperature[(r-1)*col] - temperature[r*col]) / Ry +
- (AMB_TEMP - temperature[r*col]) / Rz);
+ else if ((r == GRID_ROWS-1) && (c == 0)) {
+ delta = (step / cap) * (power_r_c +
+ (temp_r_cp1 - temp_r_c) / Rx +
+ (temp_rm1_c - temp_r_c) / Ry +
+ (AMB_TEMP - temp_r_c) / Rz);
// Edge 1
else if (r == 0) {
- delta = (step / cap) * (power[c] +
- (temperature[c+1] + temperature[c-1] - 2.0*temperature[c]) / Rx +
- (temperature[col+c] - temperature[c]) / Ry +
- (AMB_TEMP - temperature[c]) / Rz);
+ delta = (step / cap) * (power_r_c +
+ (temp_r_cp1 + temp_r_cm1 - 2.0*temp_r_c) / Rx +
+ (temp_rp1_c - temp_r_c) / Ry +
+ (AMB_TEMP - temp_r_c) / Rz);
// Edge 2
- else if (c == col-1) {
- delta = (step / cap) * (power[r*col+c] +
- (temperature[(r+1)*col+c] + temperature[(r-1)*col+c] - 2.0*temperature[r*col+c]) / Ry +
- (temperature[r*col+c-1] - temperature[r*col+c]) / Rx +
- (AMB_TEMP - temperature[r*col+c]) / Rz);
+ else if (c == GRID_COLS-1) {
+ delta = (step / cap) * (power_r_c +
+ (temp_rp1_c + temp_rm1_c - 2.0*temp_r_c) / Ry +
+ (temp_r_cm1 - temp_r_c) / Rx +
+ (AMB_TEMP - temp_r_c) / Rz);
// Edge 3
- else if (r == row-1) {
- delta = (step / cap) * (power[r*col+c] +
- (temperature[r*col+c+1] + temperature[r*col+c-1] - 2.0*temperature[r*col+c]) / Rx +
- (temperature[(r-1)*col+c] - temperature[r*col+c]) / Ry +
- (AMB_TEMP - temperature[r*col+c]) / Rz);
+ else if (r == GRID_ROWS-1) {
+ delta = (step / cap) * (power_r_c +
+ (temp_r_cp1 + temp_r_cm1 - 2.0*temp_r_c) / Rx +
+ (temp_rm1_c - temp_r_c) / Ry +
+ (AMB_TEMP - temp_r_c) / Rz);
// Edge 4
else if (c == 0) {
- delta = (step / cap) * (power[r*col] +
- (temperature[(r+1)*col] + temperature[(r-1)*col] - 2.0*temperature[r*col]) / Ry +
- (temperature[r*col+1] - temperature[r*col]) / Rx +
- (AMB_TEMP - temperature[r*col]) / Rz);
+ delta = (step / cap) * (power_r_c +
+ (temp_rp1_c + temp_rm1_c - 2.0*temp_r_c) / Ry +
+ (temp_r_cp1 - temp_r_c) / Rx +
+ (AMB_TEMP - temp_r_c) / Rz);
// Inside the chip
else {
- delta = (step / cap) * (power[r*col+c] +
- (temperature[(r+1)*col+c] + temperature[(r-1)*col+c] - 2.0*temperature[r*col+c]) / Ry +
- (temperature[r*col+c+1] + temperature[r*col+c-1] - 2.0*temperature[r*col+c]) / Rx +
- (AMB_TEMP - temperature[r*col+c]) / Rz);
+ delta = (step / cap) * (power_r_c +
+ (temp_rp1_c + temp_rm1_c - 2.0*temp_r_c) / Ry +
+ (temp_r_cp1 + temp_r_cm1 - 2.0*temp_r_c) / Rx +
+ (AMB_TEMP - temp_r_c) / Rz);
// Update the temperatures
- result[r*col+c] = temperature[r*col+c] + delta;
+ result[r][c] = temperature[r][c] + delta;
// Copy the result as the new temperatures
- for (r=0; r<row; r++) {
- for (c=0; c<col; c++) {
- temperature[r*col+c] = result[r*col+c];
+ for (r=0; r<GRID_ROWS; r++) {
+ for (c=0; c<GRID_COLS; c++) {
+ temperature[r][c] = result[r][c];
#pragma endscop
// Print the values matrix
- printf("\n[hotspot] Printing the final temperatures:\n\n"); fflush(stdout);
- for (r=0; r<row; r++) {
- for (c=0; c<col; c++) {
- index = r*col+c;
- printf("%6d: %.3lf ", index, temperature[index]);
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
+ //printf("\n[hotspot] Printing the final temperatures:\n\n"); fflush(stdout);
+ //for (r=0; r<GRID_ROWS; r++) {
+ // for (c=0; c<GRID_COLS; c++) {
+ // printf("%6d: %.3lf ", r*GRID_COLS+c, temperature[r][c]);
+ // }
+ // printf("\n");
+ //}
// Clean-up and exit
printf("\n[hotspot] Completed\n\n"); fflush(stdout);
- free(temperature); free(power); free(result);
return 0;
//### Function to read an input file (power or temperature values)
-void read_input(double* array, const char* filename) {
- int r, c;
- char string[STRING_SIZE];
- double value;
+void read_input(double array[GRID_ROWS][GRID_COLS], const char* filename) {
- // Open the file
- FILE* file_pointer = fopen(filename, "r");
- if (!file_pointer) { printf("\n[hotspot] Error: file '%s' could not be opened for reading\n\n", filename); fflush(stdout); exit(1); }
- // Process the file
- for (r=0; r<GRID_ROWS; r++) {
- for (c=0; c<GRID_COLS; c++) {
- fgets(string, STRING_SIZE, file_pointer);
- if (feof(file_pointer)) { printf("\n[hotspot] Error: not enough lines in file '%s'\n\n", filename); fflush(stdout); exit(1); }
- if ((sscanf(string, "%lf", &value) != 1) ) { printf("\n[hotspot] Error: invalid file format for '%s'\n\n", filename); fflush(stdout); exit(1); }
- array[r*GRID_COLS+c] = value;
- }
- }
- // Clean-up and return
- fclose(file_pointer);
\ No newline at end of file