test/agent_test.rb in bond-0.1.0 vs test/agent_test.rb in bond-0.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -42,23 +42,28 @@
Bond.complete(:on=>/bling/) {|e| raise "whoops" }
capture_stderr { complete('bling') }.should =~ /bling.*whoops/m
- # TODO
- # test "default_mission set to a valid mission if irb doesn't exist" do
- # old_default_action = Bond.agent.default_mission.action
- # Bond.agent.instance_eval("@default_mission = @default_mission_action = nil")
- # Object.expects(:const_defined?).with(:IRB).returns(false)
- # Bond.agent.default_mission.is_a?(Bond::Mission).should == true
- # Bond.agent.default_mission.action.respond_to?(:call).should == true
- # Bond.agent.default_mission.instance_variable_set(:@action, old_default_action)
- # end
+ context "spy" do
+ before(:all) {
+ Bond.reset; Bond.complete(:on=>/end$/) { [] }; Bond.complete(:method=>'the') { %w{spy who loved me} }
+ Bond.complete(:object=>"Symbol")
+ }
- # test "binding set to toplevel binding if irb doesn't exist" do
- # old_binding = Bond.agent.eval_binding
- # Object.expects(:const_defined?).with(:IRB).returns(false)
- # Bond.agent.instance_eval("@eval_binding = nil")
- # Bond.agent.eval_binding.should == ::TOPLEVEL_BINDING
- # Bond.agent.instance_variable_set(:@eval_binding, old_binding)
- # end
+ test "detects basic mission" do
+ capture_stdout { Bond.spy('the end')}.should =~ /end/
+ end
+ test "detects object mission" do
+ capture_stdout { Bond.spy(':dude.i')}.should =~ /object.*Symbol.*dude\.id/m
+ end
+ test "detects method mission" do
+ capture_stdout { Bond.spy('the ')}.should =~ /method.*the.*loved/m
+ end
+ test "detects no mission" do
+ capture_stdout { Bond.spy('blah')}.should =~ /Doesn't match/
+ end
+ end