spec/crossref_spec.rb in bolognese-0.8.5 vs spec/crossref_spec.rb in bolognese-0.8.7
- old
+ new
@@ -179,21 +179,21 @@
id = "https://doi.org/10.1155/2012/291294"
subject = Bolognese::Crossref.new(id: id)
datacite = Maremma.from_xml(subject.datacite).fetch("resource", {})
expect(datacite.dig("resourceType", "resourceTypeGeneral")).to eq("Text")
expect(datacite.dig("creators", "creator").count).to eq(7)
- expect(datacite.dig("creators", "creator")[2]).to eq("creatorName" => "Beatriz Hernandez",
+ expect(datacite.dig("creators", "creator")[2]).to eq("creatorName" => "Hernandez, Beatriz",
+"familyName" => "Hernandez",
+"givenName" => "Beatriz",
"nameIdentifier" => {"schemeURI"=>"http://orcid.org/", "nameIdentifierScheme"=>"ORCID", "__content__"=>"http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2043-4925"})
it "with editor" do
id = "https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0000030"
subject = Bolognese::Crossref.new(id: id)
datacite = Maremma.from_xml(subject.datacite).fetch("resource", {})
- expect(datacite.dig("contributors", "contributor")).to eq("contributorType"=>"Editor", "contributorName"=>"Guilhem Janbon", "givenName"=>"Guilhem", "familyName"=>"Janbon")
+ expect(datacite.dig("contributors", "contributor")).to eq("contributorType"=>"Editor", "contributorName"=>"Janbon, Guilhem", "givenName"=>"Guilhem", "familyName"=>"Janbon")
context "get metadata as bibtex" do
it "with data citation" do
@@ -219,8 +219,86 @@
expect(bibtex[:title]).to eq("Delineating a Retesting Zone Using Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis on Serial QuantiFERON Tuberculosis Test Results in US Healthcare Workers")
expect(bibtex[:author]).to eq("Thanassi, Wendy and Noda, Art and Hernandez, Beatriz and Newell, Jeffery and Terpeluk, Paul and Marder, David and Yesavage, Jerome A.")
expect(bibtex[:journal]).to eq("Pulmonary Medicine")
expect(bibtex[:pages]).to eq("1-7")
expect(bibtex[:year]).to eq("2012")
+ end
+ end
+ context "get metadata as citeproc" do
+ it "journal article" do
+ id = "10.7554/eLife.01567"
+ subject = Bolognese::Crossref.new(id: id)
+ expect(subject.valid?).to be true
+ json = JSON.parse(subject.citeproc)
+ expect(json["type"]).to eq("article-journal")
+ expect(json["id"]).to eq("https://doi.org/10.7554/elife.01567")
+ expect(json["DOI"]).to eq("10.7554/eLife.01567")
+ expect(json["title"]).to eq("Automated quantitative histology reveals vascular morphodynamics during Arabidopsis hypocotyl secondary growth")
+ expect(json["author"]).to eq([{"family"=>"Sankar", "given"=>"Martial"},
+ {"family"=>"Nieminen", "given"=>"Kaisa"},
+ {"family"=>"Ragni", "given"=>"Laura"},
+ {"family"=>"Xenarios", "given"=>"Ioannis"},
+ {"family"=>"Hardtke", "given"=>"Christian S"}])
+ expect(json["container-title"]).to eq("eLife")
+ expect(json["volume"]).to eq("3")
+ expect(json["issued"]).to eq("date-parts" => [[2014, 2, 11]])
+ end
+ it "with pages" do
+ id = "https://doi.org/10.1155/2012/291294"
+ subject = Bolognese::Crossref.new(id: id)
+ expect(subject.valid?).to be true
+ json = JSON.parse(subject.citeproc)
+ expect(json["type"]).to eq("article-journal")
+ expect(json["id"]).to eq("https://doi.org/10.1155/2012/291294")
+ expect(json["DOI"]).to eq("10.1155/2012/291294")
+ expect(json["title"]).to eq("Delineating a Retesting Zone Using Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis on Serial QuantiFERON Tuberculosis Test Results in US Healthcare Workers")
+ expect(json["author"]).to eq([{"family"=>"Thanassi", "given"=>"Wendy"},
+ {"family"=>"Noda", "given"=>"Art"},
+ {"family"=>"Hernandez", "given"=>"Beatriz"},
+ {"family"=>"Newell", "given"=>"Jeffery"},
+ {"family"=>"Terpeluk", "given"=>"Paul"},
+ {"family"=>"Marder", "given"=>"David"},
+ {"family"=>"Yesavage", "given"=>"Jerome A."}])
+ expect(json["container-title"]).to eq("Pulmonary Medicine")
+ expect(json["volume"]).to eq("2012")
+ expect(json["page"]).to eq("1-7")
+ expect(json["issued"]).to eq("date-parts"=>[[2012]])
+ end
+ end
+ context "get metadata as ris" do
+ it "journal article" do
+ id = "10.7554/eLife.01567"
+ subject = Bolognese::Crossref.new(id: id)
+ expect(subject.valid?).to be true
+ ris = subject.ris.split("\r\n")
+ expect(ris[0]).to eq("TY - JOUR")
+ expect(ris[1]).to eq("T1 - Automated quantitative histology reveals vascular morphodynamics during Arabidopsis hypocotyl secondary growth")
+ expect(ris[2]).to eq("T2 - eLife")
+ expect(ris[3]).to eq("AU - Sankar, Martial")
+ expect(ris[8]).to eq("DO - 10.7554/eLife.01567")
+ expect(ris[9]).to eq("UR - http://elifesciences.org/lookup/doi/10.7554/eLife.01567")
+ expect(ris[10]).to eq("PY - 2014")
+ expect(ris[11]).to eq("VL - 3")
+ expect(ris[12]).to eq("ER - ")
+ end
+ it "with pages" do
+ id = "https://doi.org/10.1155/2012/291294"
+ subject = Bolognese::Crossref.new(id: id)
+ expect(subject.valid?).to be true
+ ris = subject.ris.split("\r\n")
+ expect(ris[0]).to eq("TY - JOUR")
+ expect(ris[1]).to eq("T1 - Delineating a Retesting Zone Using Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis on Serial QuantiFERON Tuberculosis Test Results in US Healthcare Workers")
+ expect(ris[2]).to eq("T2 - Pulmonary Medicine")
+ expect(ris[3]).to eq("AU - Thanassi, Wendy")
+ expect(ris[10]).to eq("DO - 10.1155/2012/291294")
+ expect(ris[11]).to eq("UR - http://www.hindawi.com/journals/pm/2012/291294/")
+ expect(ris[12]).to eq("PY - 2012")
+ expect(ris[13]).to eq("VL - 2012")
+ expect(ris[14]).to eq("SP - 1-7")
+ expect(ris[15]).to eq("ER - ")