in bnet-0.0.5 vs in bnet-0.0.10
- old
+ new
@@ -121,13 +121,18 @@
# :realm - String name of the server the character is on (String)
# Optional
# :locale - String locale (defaults to 'en_US')
# :api_key - String api key
- # Returns a Character with the following attributes
+ # Returns a Character with the following attributes...
# :name, :realm, :battlegroup, :class, :race, :gender, :level,
# :achievement_points, :total_honorable_kills, :calc_class
+ #
+ # ... And responds to the following methods to return their corresponding scope in Hash form
+ #
+ # :achievements, :appearance, :feed, :guild, :hunter_pets, :items, :mounts, :pet_slots,
+ # :progression, :pvp, :quests, :reputation, :stats, :talents, :titles, :audit
# Example : IF a character named 'AlexeiStukov' is on 'DragonMaw' 'US' server
Bnet::WOW::Character.find(region: 'us', name: 'AlexeiStukov', realm: 'Dragonmaw')