in bnb_blazer-0.11.0 vs in bnb_blazer-0.12.0

- old
+ new

@@ -13,20 +13,36 @@ ```ruby gem "bnb_blazer" ``` And then execute: +``` +dip bundle install +``` - $ bundle install +Follow the [Blazer installation instructions]( to configure the gem and add any custom configuration, _except_ you don't need to add `gem "blazer"`, since that's a dependency of this gem. At minimum, you will need to run: +``` +dip rails generate blazer:install +dip rails db:migrate +``` + +And mount the dashboard in your config/routes.rb: + +``` +mount Blazer::Engine, at: "blazer" +``` +And specify your `BLAZER_DATABASE_URL` + ## Development This gem comes bundled with a test app to help you test out new display designs with pre-populated blazer queries. To get the environment up and running: 1. Clone this repo down to your machine 2. Make sure you have [Dip]( installed and configured 3. Run `dip setup` 4. In your new `bnb_blazer` directory, run `docker-compose up` +5. Uncomment the `mount Blazer::Engine, at: "/blazer"` line in your `config/routes.rb` file. 5. Navigate to http://localhost:3000/blazer in your browser, and away you go! For the work of actually overriding the gem, Rails will load any view that we have defined in the `app/views` (not `spec/dummy/app/views`) folder before looking for them in the blazer gem. So any view that we want to override or restyle you just have to create at the same location as it would be found in the blazer gem. E.g. the homepage view for blazer is found at `app/views/blazer/queries/home.html.erb`, so if we want to override what the homepage looks like in our gem then we create a new view at `app/views/blazer/queries/home.html.erb` and copy the existing HTML from the gem and make modifications as necessary. ## Contributing