lib/bluth/gob.rb in bluth-0.5.3 vs lib/bluth/gob.rb in bluth-0.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,180 +2 @@
-module Bluth
- class Gob < Storable
- MAX_ATTEMPTS = 3.freeze unless defined?(Gob::MAX_ATTEMPTS)
- include Familia
- prefix :gob
- ttl 1.hour
- field :id => Gibbler::Digest
- field :kind => String
- field :data => Hash
- field :messages => Array
- field :attempts => Integer
- field :create_time => Float
- field :stime => Float
- field :etime => Float
- field :current_queue => String
- field :thread_id => Integer
- field :cpu => Array
- field :wid => Gibbler::Digest
- def self.inherited(obj)
- obj.extend Bluth::Gob::ClassMethods
- obj.prefix [:job, obj.to_s.split('::').last.downcase].join(':')
- Bluth.handlers << obj
- end
- module ClassMethods
- def clear
- keys.each do |key|
- Gob.redis.del key
- end
- end
- def enqueue(data={},q=nil)
- q ||= self.queue
- job = Gob.create generate_id(data), self, data
- job.current_queue = q
- Familia.ld "ENQUEUING: #{self} #{} to #{q}"
- Bluth::Queue.redis.lpush q.key,
- job.create_time =
- job.attempts = 0
- job
- end
- def queue(name=nil)
- @queue = name if name
- @queue || Bluth::High
- end
- def generate_id(*args)
- a = [self,, Bluth.sysinfo.hostname,, *args]
- a.gibbler
- end
- def all
- do |job|
- job.kind == self
- end
- end
- def size
- all.size
- end
- def lock_key
- Familia.key(prefix, :lock)
- end
- def lock!
- raise Bluth::Buster, "#{self} is already locked!" if locked?
- "Locking #{self}"
- ret = Bluth::Gob.redis.set lock_key, 1
- Bluth.locks << lock_key
- ret == 'OK'
- end
- def unlock!
- "Unlocking #{self}"
- ret = Bluth::Gob.redis.del lock_key
- Bluth.locks.delete lock_key
- ret
- end
- def locked?
- Bluth::Gob.redis.exists lock_key
- end
- def prepare
- end
- [:success, :failure, :running].each do |w|
- define_method "#{w}_key" do # success_key
- Familia.key(self.prefix, w)
- end
- define_method "#{w}!" do |*args| # success!(1)
- by = args.first || 1
- Bluth::Gob.redis.incrby send("#{w}_key"), by
- end
- define_method "#{w}" do # success
- Bluth::Gob.redis.get(send("#{w}_key")).to_i
- end
- end
- end
- def id
- @id = if String === @id
- end
- def clear!
- @attempts = 0
- @messages = []
- save
- end
- def preprocess
- @attempts ||= 0
- @messages ||= []
- @create_time ||=
- end
- def attempt?
- attempts < MAX_ATTEMPTS
- end
- def attempt!
- @attempts = attempts + 1
- end
- def current_queue
- @current_queue
- end
- def kind
- @kind = eval "::#{@kind}" rescue @kind if @kind.is_a?(String)
- @kind
- end
- def kind=(v)
- @kind = v
- end
- def perform
- @attempts += 1
- Familia.ld "PERFORM: #{self.to_hash.inspect}"
- @stime =
- save # update the time
- self.kind.prepare if self.class.respond_to?(:prepare)
- self.kind.perform @data
- @etime =
- save # update the time
- end
- def delayed?
- start = @stime || 0
- start >
- end
- def retry!(msg=nil)
- move! Bluth::High, msg
- end
- def failure!(msg=nil)
- @etime =
- self.kind.failure!
- move! Bluth::Failed, msg
- end
- def success!(msg=nil)
- @etime =
- self.kind.success!
- move! Bluth::Successful, msg
- end
- def duration
- return 0 if @stime.nil?
- et = @etime ||
- et - @stime
- end
- def dequeue!
- Familia.ld "Deleting #{} from #{current_queue.key}"
- Bluth::Queue.redis.lrem current_queue.key, 0,
- end
- private
- def move!(to, msg=nil)
- @thread_id = $$
- if to.to_s == current_queue.to_s
- raise Bluth::Buster, "Cannot move job to the queue it's in: #{to}"
- end
- Familia.ld "Moving #{} from #{current_queue.key} to #{to.key}"
- @messages << msg unless msg.nil? || msg.empty?
- # We push first to make sure we never lose a Gob ID. Instead
- # there's the small chance of a job ID being in two queues.
- Bluth::Queue.redis.lpush to.key, @id
- dequeue!
- save # update messages
- @current_queue = to
- end
- end