spec/dummy/log/test.log in bloom_remit-0.10.0 vs spec/dummy/log/test.log in bloom_remit-0.11.0

- old
+ new

@@ -34453,5 +34453,289 @@  (0.6ms) ALTER TABLE "schema_migrations" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "billers" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "users" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "payments" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "bloom_remit_responses" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "bloom_remit_txns" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL  (0.4ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) ROLLBACK + ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (2.8ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations" +  (221.4ms) DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS "app_test" +  (564.2ms) CREATE DATABASE "app_test" ENCODING = 'unicode' + SQL (0.6ms) CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "plpgsql" +  (83.9ms) CREATE TABLE "billers" ("id" serial primary key, "slug" character varying) +  (71.3ms) CREATE TABLE "bloom_remit_responses" ("id" serial primary key, "txn_id" integer NOT NULL, "body" text NOT NULL, "created_at" timestamp NOT NULL, "updated_at" timestamp NOT NULL)  +  (42.2ms) CREATE INDEX "index_bloom_remit_responses_on_txn_id" ON "bloom_remit_responses" USING btree ("txn_id") +  (65.2ms) CREATE TABLE "bloom_remit_txns" ("id" serial primary key, "status" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "sender_id" character varying NOT NULL, "sender_type" character varying NOT NULL, "amount" decimal NOT NULL, "account_name" character varying, "account_id" character varying, "secret" uuid NOT NULL, "target_slug" character varying NOT NULL, "owner_id" character varying, "owner_type" character varying, "external_id" character varying, "status_description" text, "vendor_external_id" character varying)  +  (50.1ms) CREATE INDEX "index_bloom_remit_txns_on_external_id" ON "bloom_remit_txns" USING btree ("external_id") +  (38.5ms) CREATE INDEX "index_bloom_remit_txns_on_owner_id_and_owner_type" ON "bloom_remit_txns" USING btree ("owner_id", "owner_type") +  (42.7ms) CREATE INDEX "index_bloom_remit_txns_on_vendor_external_id" ON "bloom_remit_txns" USING btree ("vendor_external_id") +  (72.6ms) CREATE TABLE "payments" ("id" serial primary key, "type" character varying)  +  (57.2ms) CREATE TABLE "users" ("id" serial primary key, "email" character varying, "bloom_remit_id" character varying, "type" character varying) +  (32.4ms) CREATE TABLE "schema_migrations" ("version" character varying NOT NULL)  +  (35.2ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "unique_schema_migrations" ON "schema_migrations" ("version") +  (0.7ms) SELECT version FROM "schema_migrations" +  (14.0ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20160930034811') +  (13.2ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20160729085500') +  (13.3ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20160805001840') +  (14.0ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20160805042105') +  (17.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20160806011259') +  (15.6ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20160806012210') + ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.6ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations" + ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.4ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations" +Migrating to CreateBloomRemitTxns (20160729070509) +  (0.3ms) BEGIN +  (2.4ms) CREATE TABLE "bloom_remit_txns" ("id" serial primary key, "status" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "recipient_type" character varying NOT NULL, "recipient_id" character varying NOT NULL, "sender_id" integer NOT NULL, "sender_type" character varying NOT NULL, "amount" decimal NOT NULL, "account_name" character varying, "account_id" character varying, "secret" uuid NOT NULL)  +  (0.6ms) ROLLBACK + SQL (0.4ms) CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "plpgsql" +  (11.6ms) DROP TABLE "billers" CASCADE +  (62.5ms) CREATE TABLE "billers" ("id" serial primary key, "slug" character varying)  +  (14.5ms) DROP TABLE "bloom_remit_responses" CASCADE +  (77.9ms) CREATE TABLE "bloom_remit_responses" ("id" serial primary key, "txn_id" integer NOT NULL, "body" text NOT NULL, "created_at" timestamp NOT NULL, "updated_at" timestamp NOT NULL)  +  (41.6ms) CREATE INDEX "index_bloom_remit_responses_on_txn_id" ON "bloom_remit_responses" USING btree ("txn_id") +  (12.4ms) DROP TABLE "bloom_remit_txns" CASCADE +  (63.4ms) CREATE TABLE "bloom_remit_txns" ("id" serial primary key, "status" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "sender_id" character varying NOT NULL, "sender_type" character varying NOT NULL, "amount" decimal NOT NULL, "account_name" character varying, "account_id" character varying, "secret" uuid NOT NULL, "target_slug" character varying NOT NULL, "owner_id" character varying, "owner_type" character varying, "external_id" character varying, "status_description" text, "vendor_external_id" character varying) +  (34.7ms) CREATE INDEX "index_bloom_remit_txns_on_external_id" ON "bloom_remit_txns" USING btree ("external_id") +  (46.5ms) CREATE INDEX "index_bloom_remit_txns_on_owner_id_and_owner_type" ON "bloom_remit_txns" USING btree ("owner_id", "owner_type") +  (43.8ms) CREATE INDEX "index_bloom_remit_txns_on_vendor_external_id" ON "bloom_remit_txns" USING btree ("vendor_external_id") +  (13.9ms) DROP TABLE "payments" CASCADE +  (69.7ms) CREATE TABLE "payments" ("id" serial primary key, "type" character varying)  +  (14.2ms) DROP TABLE "users" CASCADE +  (81.5ms) CREATE TABLE "users" ("id" serial primary key, "email" character varying, "bloom_remit_id" character varying, "type" character varying)  +  (0.6ms) SELECT version FROM "schema_migrations" +  (13.4ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20160729070509') +  (13.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20160805004223') +  (13.3ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20160805004350') +  (13.0ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20160805040950') +  (13.6ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20160805095308') +  (14.6ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20160806054012') +  (14.8ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20160808081300') +  (15.4ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20160809043433') +  (13.3ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES ('20160817003323') + ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.9ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations" +  (0.8ms) ALTER TABLE "schema_migrations" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "billers" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "bloom_remit_responses" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "bloom_remit_txns" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "payments" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "users" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL +  (1.3ms)  SELECT schemaname || '.' || tablename + FROM pg_tables + WHERE + tablename !~ '_prt_' AND + tablename <> 'schema_migrations' AND + schemaname = ANY (current_schemas(false)) + +  (1.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'app_test' +  (410.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE "public"."billers", "public"."bloom_remit_responses", "public"."bloom_remit_txns", "public"."payments", "public"."users" RESTART IDENTITY CASCADE; +  (1.1ms) ALTER TABLE "schema_migrations" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "billers" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "bloom_remit_responses" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "bloom_remit_txns" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "payments" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "users" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL +  (0.4ms) BEGIN + SQL (0.8ms) INSERT INTO "users" DEFAULT VALUES RETURNING "id" +  (14.8ms) COMMIT +  (0.3ms) BEGIN + SQL (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "bloom_remit_txns" ("target_slug", "amount", "secret", "external_id", "sender_id", "sender_type") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) RETURNING "id" [["target_slug", "TARGET_SLUG"], ["amount", "2500.0"], ["secret", "8f1f1eff-7c5f-4fdd-adab-4f044c03c449"], ["external_id", "0d7d32df2605e1f22f245556"], ["sender_id", "1"], ["sender_type", "User"]] +  (13.5ms) COMMIT + BloomRemit::Txn Load (0.5ms) SELECT "bloom_remit_txns".* FROM "bloom_remit_txns" WHERE "bloom_remit_txns"."id" = $1 AND "bloom_remit_txns"."secret" = $2 LIMIT 1 [["id", 1], ["secret", "8f1f1eff-7c5f-4fdd-adab-4f044c03c449"]] +  (0.3ms) BEGIN + SQL (0.4ms) UPDATE "bloom_remit_txns" SET "status" = $1, "status_description" = $2 WHERE "bloom_remit_txns"."id" = $3 [["status", 1], ["status_description", "My status description"], ["id", 1]] +  (14.7ms) COMMIT +  (0.4ms) ALTER TABLE "schema_migrations" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "billers" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "bloom_remit_responses" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "bloom_remit_txns" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "payments" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "users" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL +  (389.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE "public"."billers", "public"."bloom_remit_responses", "public"."bloom_remit_txns", "public"."payments", "public"."users" RESTART IDENTITY CASCADE; +  (0.4ms) ALTER TABLE "schema_migrations" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "billers" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "bloom_remit_responses" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "bloom_remit_txns" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "payments" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "users" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL + ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.7ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations" +  (0.6ms) ALTER TABLE "schema_migrations" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "billers" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "bloom_remit_responses" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "bloom_remit_txns" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "payments" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "users" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL +  (1.4ms)  SELECT schemaname || '.' || tablename + FROM pg_tables + WHERE + tablename !~ '_prt_' AND + tablename <> 'schema_migrations' AND + schemaname = ANY (current_schemas(false)) + +  (1.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'app_test' +  (399.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE "public"."billers", "public"."bloom_remit_responses", "public"."bloom_remit_txns", "public"."payments", "public"."users" RESTART IDENTITY CASCADE; +  (0.3ms) ALTER TABLE "schema_migrations" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "billers" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "bloom_remit_responses" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "bloom_remit_txns" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "payments" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "users" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL +  (0.3ms) BEGIN +  (0.4ms) COMMIT +  (0.2ms) BEGIN +  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK +  (0.2ms) BEGIN +  (0.2ms) COMMIT +  (0.1ms) BEGIN +  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK +  (0.2ms) BEGIN + SQL (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "billers" ("slug") VALUES ($1) RETURNING "id" [["slug", "PLDT"]] +  (13.0ms) COMMIT +  (0.6ms) BEGIN + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "users" ("type") VALUES ($1) RETURNING "id" [["type", "SubUser"]] +  (12.5ms) COMMIT +  (0.3ms) BEGIN + SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "payments" ("type") VALUES ($1) RETURNING "id" [["type", "SubPayment"]] +  (10.8ms) COMMIT +  (0.2ms) BEGIN + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "bloom_remit_txns" ("secret", "sender_type", "sender_id", "amount", "account_name", "account_id", "target_slug", "owner_id", "owner_type", "external_id") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10) RETURNING "id" [["secret", "b19ca4ef-8691-440a-9733-b5333363bbc6"], ["sender_type", "User"], ["sender_id", "1"], ["amount", "800.0"], ["account_name", "028109090"], ["account_id", "Hooli X"], ["target_slug", "PLDT"], ["owner_id", "1"], ["owner_type", "Payment"], ["external_id", "06ea93dc75786c235b4c67de"]] +  (10.4ms) COMMIT + User Load (0.3ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Payment Load (0.3ms) SELECT "payments".* FROM "payments" WHERE "payments"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] +  (0.2ms) ALTER TABLE "schema_migrations" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "billers" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "bloom_remit_responses" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "bloom_remit_txns" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "payments" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "users" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL +  (388.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE "public"."billers", "public"."bloom_remit_responses", "public"."bloom_remit_txns", "public"."payments", "public"."users" RESTART IDENTITY CASCADE; +  (0.4ms) ALTER TABLE "schema_migrations" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "billers" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "bloom_remit_responses" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "bloom_remit_txns" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "payments" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "users" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL +  (0.3ms) BEGIN + SQL (0.8ms) INSERT INTO "users" DEFAULT VALUES RETURNING "id" +  (12.0ms) COMMIT +  (0.3ms) BEGIN + SQL (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "bloom_remit_txns" ("target_slug", "amount", "secret", "external_id", "sender_id", "sender_type") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) RETURNING "id" [["target_slug", "TARGET_SLUG"], ["amount", "2500.0"], ["secret", "39f9c276-1d60-4f1b-a989-6bfaa4ee0503"], ["external_id", "bf1f8b31be192783587805bc"], ["sender_id", "1"], ["sender_type", "User"]] +  (11.3ms) COMMIT + BloomRemit::Txn Load (0.3ms) SELECT "bloom_remit_txns".* FROM "bloom_remit_txns" WHERE "bloom_remit_txns"."id" = $1 AND "bloom_remit_txns"."secret" = $2 LIMIT 1 [["id", 1], ["secret", "39f9c276-1d60-4f1b-a989-6bfaa4ee0503"]] +  (0.2ms) BEGIN + SQL (0.3ms) UPDATE "bloom_remit_txns" SET "status" = $1, "status_description" = $2 WHERE "bloom_remit_txns"."id" = $3 [["status", 1], ["status_description", "My status description"], ["id", 1]] +  (10.4ms) COMMIT +  (0.2ms) ALTER TABLE "schema_migrations" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "billers" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "bloom_remit_responses" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "bloom_remit_txns" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "payments" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "users" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL +  (317.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE "public"."billers", "public"."bloom_remit_responses", "public"."bloom_remit_txns", "public"."payments", "public"."users" RESTART IDENTITY CASCADE; +  (0.3ms) ALTER TABLE "schema_migrations" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "billers" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "bloom_remit_responses" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "bloom_remit_txns" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "payments" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;ALTER TABLE "users" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL +  (0.3ms) BEGIN +  (0.4ms) COMMIT +  (0.3ms) BEGIN +  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK +  (0.2ms) BEGIN +  (0.2ms) COMMIT +  (0.2ms) BEGIN +  (0.3ms) ROLLBACK +  (0.2ms) BEGIN +  (0.4ms) COMMIT +  (0.2ms) BEGIN +  (0.5ms) ROLLBACK +  (0.4ms) BEGIN +  (0.2ms) COMMIT +  (0.2ms) BEGIN +  (0.3ms) ROLLBACK +  (0.2ms) BEGIN +  (0.2ms) COMMIT +  (0.2ms) BEGIN +  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK +  (0.1ms) BEGIN +  (0.1ms) COMMIT +  (0.1ms) BEGIN +  (0.1ms) ROLLBACK +  (0.2ms) BEGIN +  (0.3ms) COMMIT +  (0.3ms) BEGIN +  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK +  (0.1ms) BEGIN +  (0.2ms) COMMIT +  (0.4ms) BEGIN +  (0.2ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "users" DEFAULT VALUES RETURNING "id" +  (0.2ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.2ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "bloom_remit_txns" ("target_slug", "amount", "secret", "external_id", "sender_id", "sender_type") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) RETURNING "id" [["target_slug", "TARGET_SLUG"], ["amount", "2500.0"], ["secret", "40dc6a49-fa8b-4aa3-97c3-c39c560b9d14"], ["external_id", "952f6ddb7f7cb9598bb06e3b"], ["sender_id", "1"], ["sender_type", "User"]] +  (0.2ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +Started POST "/bloom_remit/api/v1/txns/1" for at 2016-10-04 07:41:01 +0000 +Processing by BloomRemit::Api::V1::TxnsController#post_update as JSON + Parameters: {"secret"=>"fake", "status"=>"doesn't matter", "id"=>"1", "txn"=>{"status"=>"doesn't matter", "secret"=>"fake"}} + BloomRemit::Txn Load (0.4ms) SELECT "bloom_remit_txns".* FROM "bloom_remit_txns" WHERE "bloom_remit_txns"."id" = $1 AND "bloom_remit_txns"."secret" = $2 LIMIT 1 [["id", 1], ["secret", nil]] + Rendered text template (0.0ms) +Completed 404 Not Found in 83ms (Views: 80.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.4ms) +Started POST "/bloom_remit/api/v1/txns/1" for at 2016-10-04 07:41:01 +0000 +Processing by BloomRemit::Api::V1::TxnsController#post_update as JSON + Parameters: {"secret"=>"40dc6a49-fa8b-4aa3-97c3-c39c560b9d14", "status"=>"paid", "id"=>"1", "txn"=>{"status"=>"paid", "secret"=>"40dc6a49-fa8b-4aa3-97c3-c39c560b9d14"}} + BloomRemit::Txn Load (0.3ms) SELECT "bloom_remit_txns".* FROM "bloom_remit_txns" WHERE "bloom_remit_txns"."id" = $1 AND "bloom_remit_txns"."secret" = $2 LIMIT 1 [["id", 1], ["secret", "40dc6a49-fa8b-4aa3-97c3-c39c560b9d14"]] +  (0.2ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) UPDATE "bloom_remit_txns" SET "status" = $1 WHERE "bloom_remit_txns"."id" = $2 [["status", 1], ["id", 1]] +  (0.2ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +Completed 200 OK in 7ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms) + BloomRemit::Txn Load (0.2ms) SELECT "bloom_remit_txns".* FROM "bloom_remit_txns" WHERE "bloom_remit_txns"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] +  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK +  (0.3ms) BEGIN +  (0.5ms) COMMIT +  (0.5ms) BEGIN +  (0.2ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "users" DEFAULT VALUES RETURNING "id" +  (0.2ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "bloom_remit_txns" ("target_slug", "amount", "secret", "external_id", "sender_id", "sender_type") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) RETURNING "id" [["target_slug", "TARGET_SLUG"], ["amount", "2500.0"], ["secret", "c221324a-5405-4634-a6cd-e99fe575f29e"], ["external_id", "0b0f1ff4962029d5aea18855"], ["sender_id", "2"], ["sender_type", "User"]] +  (0.2ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +Started PATCH "/bloom_remit/api/v1/txns/2" for at 2016-10-04 07:41:01 +0000 +Processing by BloomRemit::Api::V1::TxnsController#update as JSON + Parameters: {"secret"=>"fake", "status"=>"doesn't matter", "id"=>"2", "txn"=>{"status"=>"doesn't matter", "secret"=>"fake"}} + BloomRemit::Txn Load (0.3ms) SELECT "bloom_remit_txns".* FROM "bloom_remit_txns" WHERE "bloom_remit_txns"."id" = $1 AND "bloom_remit_txns"."secret" = $2 LIMIT 1 [["id", 2], ["secret", nil]] + Rendered text template (0.0ms) +Completed 404 Not Found in 3ms (Views: 0.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.3ms) +Started PATCH "/bloom_remit/api/v1/txns/2" for at 2016-10-04 07:41:01 +0000 +Processing by BloomRemit::Api::V1::TxnsController#update as JSON + Parameters: {"secret"=>"c221324a-5405-4634-a6cd-e99fe575f29e", "status"=>"paid", "id"=>"2", "txn"=>{"status"=>"paid", "secret"=>"c221324a-5405-4634-a6cd-e99fe575f29e"}} + BloomRemit::Txn Load (0.4ms) SELECT "bloom_remit_txns".* FROM "bloom_remit_txns" WHERE "bloom_remit_txns"."id" = $1 AND "bloom_remit_txns"."secret" = $2 LIMIT 1 [["id", 2], ["secret", "c221324a-5405-4634-a6cd-e99fe575f29e"]] +  (0.2ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) UPDATE "bloom_remit_txns" SET "status" = $1 WHERE "bloom_remit_txns"."id" = $2 [["status", 1], ["id", 2]] +  (0.2ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +Completed 204 No Content in 53ms (ActiveRecord: 1.1ms) + BloomRemit::Txn Load (0.3ms) SELECT "bloom_remit_txns".* FROM "bloom_remit_txns" WHERE "bloom_remit_txns"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["id", 2]] +  (0.3ms) ROLLBACK +  (0.5ms) BEGIN +  (0.3ms) COMMIT +  (0.2ms) BEGIN +  (0.2ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "users" ("type") VALUES ($1) RETURNING "id" [["type", "SubUser"]] +  (0.2ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "billers" ("slug") VALUES ($1) RETURNING "id" [["slug", "PLDT"]] +  (0.2ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.3ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "payments" ("type") VALUES ($1) RETURNING "id" [["type", "SubPayment"]] +  (0.2ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.2ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "bloom_remit_txns" ("secret", "sender_type", "sender_id", "amount", "account_name", "account_id", "target_slug", "owner_id", "owner_type", "external_id") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10) RETURNING "id" [["secret", "562b504a-71f4-4e39-a0d5-32f5893f9ab5"], ["sender_type", "User"], ["sender_id", "3"], ["amount", "800.0"], ["account_name", "028109090"], ["account_id", "Hooli X"], ["target_slug", "PLDT"], ["owner_id", "1"], ["owner_type", "Payment"], ["external_id", "551589186d4a3829429df925"]] +  (0.3ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK +  (0.2ms) BEGIN +  (0.3ms) COMMIT +  (0.4ms) BEGIN +  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK +  (0.2ms) BEGIN +  (0.2ms) COMMIT +  (0.1ms) BEGIN +  (0.2ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "payments" DEFAULT VALUES RETURNING "id" +  (0.3ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.2ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "users" DEFAULT VALUES RETURNING "id" +  (0.2ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.3ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "bloom_remit_txns" ("target_slug", "amount", "secret", "external_id", "owner_id", "owner_type", "sender_id", "sender_type") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8) RETURNING "id" [["target_slug", "TARGET_SLUG"], ["amount", "2500.0"], ["secret", "e4e336ea-ea69-4482-9adb-06ee94a24703"], ["external_id", "bf4f9ccedec60a0402d2703b"], ["owner_id", "2"], ["owner_type", "Payment"], ["sender_id", "4"], ["sender_type", "User"]] +  (0.2ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.2ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "bloom_remit_responses" ("body", "txn_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4) RETURNING "id" [["body", "{\"i\":\"am body\"}"], ["txn_id", 4], ["created_at", "2016-10-04 07:41:01.721762"], ["updated_at", "2016-10-04 07:41:01.721762"]] +  (0.2ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "bloom_remit_responses" WHERE "bloom_remit_responses"."txn_id" = $1 [["txn_id", 4]] + BloomRemit::Response Load (0.3ms) SELECT "bloom_remit_responses".* FROM "bloom_remit_responses" WHERE "bloom_remit_responses"."txn_id" = $1 ORDER BY "bloom_remit_responses"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 [["txn_id", 4]] +  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK +  (0.1ms) BEGIN +  (0.3ms) COMMIT +  (0.2ms) BEGIN +  (0.2ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "payments" DEFAULT VALUES RETURNING "id" +  (0.2ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.2ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "users" DEFAULT VALUES RETURNING "id" +  (0.2ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "bloom_remit_txns" ("target_slug", "amount", "secret", "external_id", "owner_id", "owner_type", "sender_id", "sender_type") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8) RETURNING "id" [["target_slug", "TARGET_SLUG"], ["amount", "2500.0"], ["secret", "29bd4fa0-72b5-4855-975e-6fa1acd6a383"], ["external_id", "a59c66d2778fe8acf34bf7c9"], ["owner_id", "3"], ["owner_type", "Payment"], ["sender_id", "5"], ["sender_type", "User"]] +  (0.2ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.2ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) UPDATE "bloom_remit_txns" SET "status" = $1 WHERE "bloom_remit_txns"."id" = $2 [["status", 7], ["id", 5]] +  (0.2ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.2ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "bloom_remit_responses" ("body", "txn_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4) RETURNING "id" [["body", "{\"status\":\"500\",\"error\":\"Internal Server Error\"}"], ["txn_id", 5], ["created_at", "2016-10-04 07:41:01.754951"], ["updated_at", "2016-10-04 07:41:01.754951"]] +  (0.3ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + BloomRemit::Txn Load (0.3ms) SELECT "bloom_remit_txns".* FROM "bloom_remit_txns" WHERE "bloom_remit_txns"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["id", 5]] +  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK +  (0.1ms) BEGIN +  (0.2ms) COMMIT +  (0.2ms) BEGIN +  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK +  (0.1ms) BEGIN +  (0.2ms) COMMIT +  (0.2ms) BEGIN +  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK +  (0.1ms) BEGIN +  (0.3ms) COMMIT +  (0.2ms) BEGIN +  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK +  (0.2ms) BEGIN +  (0.2ms) COMMIT +  (0.1ms) BEGIN +  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK +  (0.1ms) BEGIN +  (0.1ms) COMMIT +  (0.1ms) BEGIN +  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK