lib/blind_index.rb in blind_index-0.3.3 vs lib/blind_index.rb in blind_index-0.3.4
- old
+ new
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
class << self
attr_accessor :default_options
self.default_options = {
iterations: 10000,
- algorithm: :pbkdf2_hmac,
+ algorithm: :pbkdf2_sha256,
insecure_key: false,
encode: true,
cost: {}
@@ -25,38 +25,56 @@
# apply expression
value = options[:expression].call(value) if options[:expression]
unless value.nil?
algorithm = options[:algorithm].to_sym
+ algorithm = :pbkdf2_sha256 if algorithm == :pbkdf2_hmac
+ algorithm = :argon2i if algorithm == :argon2
key = if key.respond_to?(:call)
raise BlindIndex::Error, "Missing key for blind index" unless key
key = key.to_s
- unless options[:insecure_key] && algorithm == :pbkdf2_hmac
+ unless options[:insecure_key] && algorithm == :pbkdf2_sha256
raise BlindIndex::Error, "Key must use binary encoding" if key.encoding != Encoding::BINARY
- # raise BlindIndex::Error, "Key must not be ASCII" if key.bytes.all? { |b| b < 128 }
raise BlindIndex::Error, "Key must be 32 bytes" if key.bytesize != 32
# gist to compare algorithm results
cost_options = options[:cost]
+ # check size
+ size = (options[:size] || 32).to_i
+ raise BlindIndex::Error, "Size must be between 1 and 32" unless (1..32).include?(size)
+ value = value.to_s
value =
case algorithm
when :scrypt
n = cost_options[:n] || 4096
r = cost_options[:r] || 8
cp = cost_options[:p] || 1
- SCrypt::Engine.scrypt(value.to_s, key, n, r, cp, 32)
- when :argon2
- t = cost_options[:t] || 3
- m = cost_options[:m] || 12
- [Argon2::Engine.hash_argon2i(value.to_s, key, t, m)].pack("H*")
- when :pbkdf2_hmac
+ SCrypt::Engine.scrypt(value, key, n, r, cp, size)
+ when :argon2i
+ t = (cost_options[:t] || 3).to_i
+ # use same bounds as rbnacl
+ raise BlindIndex::Error, "t must be between 3 and 10" if t < 3 || t > 10
+ # m is memory in kibibytes (1024 bytes)
+ m = (cost_options[:m] || 12).to_i
+ # use same bounds as rbnacl
+ raise BlindIndex::Error, "m must be between 3 and 22" if m < 3 || m > 22
+ # 32 byte digest size is limitation of argon2 gem
+ # this is no longer the case on master
+ # TODO add conditional check when next version of argon2 is released
+ raise BlindIndex::Error, "Size must be 32" unless size == 32
+ [Argon2::Engine.hash_argon2i(value, key, t, m)].pack("H*")
+ when :pbkdf2_sha256
iterations = cost_options[:iterations] || options[:iterations]
- OpenSSL::PKCS5.pbkdf2_hmac(value.to_s, key, iterations, 32, "sha256")
+ OpenSSL::PKCS5.pbkdf2_hmac(value, key, iterations, size, "sha256")
raise BlindIndex::Error, "Unknown algorithm"
encode = options[:encode]